Untainted affection

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I can't believe it another update! Yeah, I know, I am the best💋 have fun reading.

I recommend the song perfect by Ed sheeran for this chapter.

She looked peaceful in her sleep, he gently extended his hands stroking her face. He did this to her, the only woman he loves and will ever love. He couldn't give her the love she deserves, the care and attention. He feels miserable without her but she made her choice. She chose to love basheer not him. You can't force your heart to love someone, this is all his fault. he shouldn't have treated her badly, he shouldn't have ignored her. What was her crime? why did he treat her that way? And now he caused this to the love of his life,she had been thinking too much and it stressed her and obviously starving herself too, causing the severe headache and hot fever but everything is under control now, that was what the doctor said. She should get lots of sleep and enough rest and with the help of the medicine subscribed she will surely get better in no time.

He picked up his phone to call their parents but he thought against it . Knowing fully well if they get to know, they might suspect the kind of life they have been living. He remembered the day after their wedding when he visited his mother, she sat him down and said "Ammar, marriage is a very big responsibility. I want you to be the bigger person, Salmah is a small girl, you need to consider a lot of things because this is a new life for the both of you always be patient with her. I know her very well she is a very thoughtful and peaceful person. I am very sure if you understand each other and learn more about each other you will be able to overcome any difficulty that comes your way"

"And please, take care of her. she is an Amanah to you and I trust you will be a father, a brother and protector to her. Girls are very fragile in a nature but very caring. What ever you give her she gives back in folds. Please take good care of her,She is a part of us, she grew up alongside us your sister please and please don't cheat her."

He heaved a sigh and shook his head, calling his parents wouldn't be a wise decision because it might end up causing a big problem for him. His family consider Salmah a daughter to them and won't take her sickness lightly.

He looked at her sleeping figure and his heart swelled with joy and pride, this beautiful damsel belongs to him masha Allah. A phone started ringing in his pocket which didn't belong to him, surprised at this, he pulled the phone out and saw her phone, he totally forgot about it until now . It was her Fareeda had been calling her. He picked the phone without saying anything the caller started talking.

"Salmah, Are you okey? I have been texting you since last night I didn't get any reply"

"Sorry this is not Salmah, she's not close by at the moment. This is her husband"

"Ohw! Sorry please can you tell her I called?" she said before cutting the call.

Hmmph! That was weird he thought, looking at her phone. He swiped and it opened instantly, the picture on the screensaver shocked him. He didn't expect seeing a picture of them. It was a picture of them taken on their wedding day, his head bent down while she stood beside him smiling. The picture looked perfect! But why does she have it as her screen saver? She hate him right?. He opened her gallery and into her personal camera wow! Was all he could say. There are selfies of her , mirror selfie, in various outfits nighties, bum shorts, and even in towels. He ogled and ogled even sent pictures he liked to his phone, lots of their wedding pictures he didn't even know were taken. When he switched on her cellular data a series of messages stream onto the screen, something caught his attention.
"I know how much you love him, he is your husband so please keep..." His heart skipped a beat , with a thudding heart immediately he opened the whole chat. What he learned broke his heart, how come he never knew she loved him back? Why did he not see the signs oh! God! All this while it was him she loved but he thought otherwise and from the looks of it,she also thinks he doesn't love her. He dropped the phone, shocked from his new discovery. Tears of joy rolled down his eyes, Salmah is his! She had always been and will be forever be, he will make sure of it.

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