The grandparents

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"When love gives you a chance grab it, you never know when it might come again".


"Aunty Mariya oh my god! I miss you" Salmah said hugging her aunt, who happens to be the first person she saw after coming into the household. Salmah and her parents are visiting her paternal grandparents.

"Oh I miss you too my little fatty"

"Haba!  aunty I  am not chubby anymore"she said smiling still clinging to her aunt. When Salmah was little,she was a very chubby little girl, always eating chocolates and ice cream. Her mother always scold her about that afraid she might grow obsessed , so she forbid her from taking them but her aunt Maria always have a way of sneaking sweets and chocolates to her, this is why she is her favorite aunt.

"Hello brother, welcome"Mariah said smiling at her elder brother(Salmah's dad).

"I can perceive the scent of my amarya from the bedroom, where is she?"Salmah's grandfather said coming into the sitting room with his wife behind him.

"Grandpa!"Iman shouted excitedly hugging him.

"Ja'ira! Don't injure my husband for me, just because he calls you amarya"her grandmother said jokingly at the young girl causing everyone to laugh.

"Don't mind her my Imani, she's just jealous"their grandfather added patting her while sitting down. They exchanged pleasantries with the parents.

"Where is the other budurwan qauye?" He asked referring to Salmah who was seated beside her aunt hiding her face to avoid him.

"Tsoho, stop calling me that"she whined "I still won't marry you "she added.

"what will my handsome husband do with you"her grandma added teasing her further.

"This old man, he walks with the aid of a stick, I don't want him, Imani can have him" She said dramatically causing everyone to laugh.

"So how is school? Heard you are almost done?" Her grandfather inquired.

"Yes, will be done soon"

'That is nice, it's time for you to get married then"her grandfather added.

"Am still young, I am just 22 grandpa" Salmah said.

"See you, I married your grandma when She was 14years old"

'That is very true"her grand mother said nodding.

"Mother that was ages ago, things have changed now right?" Her aunt said trying to back her.

"Look who is talking, you got married at 19years ,didn't you?" Salmah's dad said to his sister.

"Still, this generation has changed" she said standing her ground.

"I will marry you grandpa, but I don't know how to make tuwo"Imani said in her small voice. Everyone erupted in laughter.

"my sweet girl, you don't need to cook for me, your grandma will do that"he said to her smiling.

"And be your maid? Ofcos not, since she wants to marry you she must cook" Her grandmother added teasing her, which caused another round of laughter.

"When will you come to visit me Salmah? It's been a while since you did,"Her aunt asked.

"Am sorry aunt, I will try to come soon. You know with Amal's wedding and school I was very busy"

"Oh, I forgot to ask. Where is she?"

"They traveled to Paris for their honeymoon"Salmah said excitedly

"Awww! That's sweet, can't wait to get you married too , my baby"she added smiling.

"Stop it aunt , you are making me shy"she said covering her face whilst hiding her smile. " I don't even have a boyfriend"she added.

"That's alright the right one will come at the right time my girl' she said smiling" come lets go and pray then you can tell me all about what happened at Amal's wedding.'

They were all seated on the dining table, eating with all the family when Salmah's phone started ringing from the sitting room. She excused her self and went to answer it.

'Hello' she said into the phone.

'Wifey, how are you?

"Yaaya Basheer, am fine. How have you been? "She asked smiling.

"Good, I have traveled back to Abuja, I wanted to see you and say goodbye before leaving but something came up and I had to leave abruptly"

"Don't worry, it's no problem. How was your trip?"

"Fine, just wanted to let you know and by the way I miss your smile"

"Awwww! That's sweet thank you"

"We Will talk later wifey. Bye "


Hmm that was weird, she thought. She just smiled and replied a whatsapp message she saw making her smile even wider, they have been exchanging messages for a while now and each time she sees his message something flutters in her. She shook the thought from her head and went back to the dining to finish her food.

Guess who??

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