Fate sealed

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Salam sweeties, I am so sorry for the silence, I hope I am forgiven. Here is another update for you guys, much love.


Suddenly the air around her feels chilly and she shivered, she could feel the hairs on her body prickling, her heart thudded loudly in her chest. He just stood there calmly looking at her like a new star he just discovered high above the sky.

Slowly he approached her while she stood still like a statue, holding her breath almost forgetting to breath.

"The stars always shine brightly from this angle if i can remember correctly  " he said standing two feets in front of her.

His words felt foreign to her ears maybe because she wasn't expecting him, a surge of excitement passed through her but she tried to maintain it, she can celebrate this moment later in her room but right now it's time to enjoy his company.

"Really?" She asked trying to sound not so excited.

"Yes, when I get really stressed out with the work I bring back home with me at night, I always come out here and gaze up at the sky, watch the stars and the soft music of the night. It calms me down all the time" he said looking at her with unexplainable emotion in his eyes and immediately mask it, she could swore she had imagined it. They fell into an uncomfortable silence, each debating on what to say next.
" I heard from Amal you are done with your final exams" he said

"Yes, that's true" she answered with a tiny voice she didn't even know she possessed.

He was about to tell her how beautiful she looked when she broke into a scream and frantically started jumping up and down almost knocking him over.
"There is something walking on body take it off! take it off!" she said still jumping almost having a seizure.

He had to hold her by her shoulders and shake her back to reality, that there was nothing there but leaves from the garden before she realized what she did. After a few blinks and deep breaths, she came out of it.

And then it happened!

He stepped back from her, a smile trying to break out on his face and then he burst out into a full blown laughter.

Stunned she looked at him Ammar laughing seriously? She had never imagined that and he looks so adorable and handsome even though he was laughing at her expense, she couldn't help but smile and then giggling then a full blown laughter she couldn't resist anymore his laugh is contagious.

In between the laughter all the tension and nervousness cleared and they felt free without worries. The insect technic always work with his siblings whenever he or Basheer upset Amal they always use something to frighten her because she hate spiders and cockroaches, she immediately forgets about her anger and starts bouncing up and down trying to get it off, after her little episode they all laugh it off.

Remembering their old trick he decided to try it on Salmah throwing leaves at her when she wasn't looking until she felt like some insect was on her body.

All the tension, the uneasiness, nervousness long forgotten and they fell into their own little world. Small talks, flirting, smiles more and more laughter. Salmah couldn't remember the last time she had so much fun and losing her self like she did tonight. She got lost on his adventures as a student the endless struggle to do assignments and also his adventures with his siblings. She never thought a day like this will come when Ammar will talk and laugh with her like today making her smile like no other guy had done before.

"When we were younger I was the most mischievous between me and Basheer but I always got away with it while Basheer gets punished because nobody believes I can cause any mischief while Basheeron the other hand, is seen as the boy that invites trouble where ever he goes" he said smiling fondly to the memory, his eyes showing how much love he had for his brother.

He looked at her and their eyes met they both smiled, today I will finally tell her what's on my mind he thought. Talking to her, looking at her smile at the silly things, he thought. how her face lights up when she smile made him realize how much he love her, the way he is feeling now he had never felt before, he feels complete, contented and happy beyond measure.

He had never imagined a day like this would come, for him to look at a girl and think his world is complete but Salmah made it all possible.

"There you are!" She said making them almost jump in their skin they seemed so lost in each other that they didn't hear her coming.

"Amal, you almost scared us" Ammar said scolding her.

"Sorry Yaaya I was so excited to talk to Salmah that's why" she said with excitement evident  hearing in her voice.

"How could you do this to me? You didn't tell me you were in love with my brother" she asked accusingly. They looked at her confused how did she know? They all thought.

"Wh..what do you mean" she stammered her heartbeat banging as loud as a drum.

"Abba just announced your engagement to Yaaya Basheer" she said squealing and hugging her excitedly.

"Engagement?" Ammar asked, feeling like the world has started spinning to him, what's the meaning of  engaged to Basheer? maybe he didn't hear her correctly.

"Yes brother, this my friend forgot to mention she was dating Yaaya Basheer, our parents have already  fixed the date in two months time. I can't wait to start planning the wedding" Amal said not sensing their discomfort or their confusion.

Salmah stood there transfixed, she felt numb when did this happen? How could Basheer do this to her? How did their parent find out? Questions were racing in her head while Amal practically dragged her back to the party leaving Ammar standing behind confused and hurt.

Before he knew what was really happening they were gone.


The cat is out of the bag!

#team Basheer
#team Ammar

Keep the love flowing , shower me with votes and comments!!


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