The arrangement

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Salam, another update Yey!

This chapter is dedicated to my one and only best friend balelehajjo thank you for your support ilysm💜


"Assalamu alaikum "

"Wa alaikum assalam, Basheer my son you didn't tell me you are coming " his mother said smiling.

"Ummah I wanted to surprise you and you sure do look surprised" he answered while trying to sit across her on the couch.

"How was your journey?" She inquired clearly happy to see him.

"Alhamdulillah there's something I have to come discuss with you and Baba that's why I came " he said.

His tone perked her interest, she nodded in understanding and ushered him to go and freshen up, and have something to eat before his father gets back so they could talk.


"What is it that you wanted to talk about? Your mother mentioned to me" his father asked reducing the volume of the tv they were watching. They were all seated at the sitting room, Basheer and his parents. He sat obediently on the plush rug (which shows respects to elders) while both his parents sat on the two seater few feet away from him.

"Yes Baba, I wanted to talk to you about the girl I intend to marry" he said rather shyly scratching the back of his head with his right hand, a subconscious act many young men adapt when in a nervous situation.

"Marriage? Masha Allah" his father exclaimed happily.

"Masha Allah, I am so happy to hear this. Who is she? Do we know her?" His mother asked excitedly.   

"Yes mother, you all know her quite well"

"Okey, who is she?"

"Salmah Amal's best friend "

"Masha Allah" his father said with happiness clearly heard in his voice.

"Salmah, Alhamdulillah I have always liked the girl" his mother said overly joyed.

"Yes mother,she is the girl I intend to marry that is why I came today so Baba can go over and ask for her hand in marriage for me. I really love her"

"Babana is all grown up talking about marriage, I am so happy today" his mother exclaimed.

"In shaa Allah I will go and see her dad tomorrow if possible. This is good news, our families will be bound together with marriage now not by friendship and business only"

"You are now heading towards being a matured young man while your brother is left behind, he should do and get his wife too before he gets too old" their mother joked. "I know Amal will be over the moon when she hears this good news" she added smiling.

"Umma good night,I am very tired" Basheer said standing up.

"Okey my son, have a goodnight rest"

"Night Baba " he said to their father who nodded in response. He left for his room over joyed with how happy his parents were with his choice of wife.

"Wash! Assalam alaikum" Salmah said entering their living-room looking very exhausted. She just came back from writing a paper her exams has started and wasn't finding it funny.

"Wa alaikum assalam my child, you look beat" her mother said observing her.

"Ammi, you won't understand. Today's paper was so hard, ya Allah see us through" she said heading to her room to freshen up. Her mother followed her with caring and loving eyes and smiled to her self.

She can't believe her daughter is all grown up and about to get married, time flies rather quickly. Yesterday Basheer's parents came to ask for her hand in marriage , they were really happy because Basheer is a very nice boy and is from a respected family. He is a very good catch for their daughter, Salmah's father was so happy when his friend told him about their request he instantly gave his blessings knowing he already told Salmah about his plans to get her married. So, he didn't hesitate to accept unknowingly assuming Salmah asked Basheer to send his parents. They decided to fix the wedding 2months after she graduated.

All this happened without the knowledge of Salmah because her mother asked to keep it a secret so she could focus on her exams without distractions. Basheer's parents agreed not to tell him too until she's done with school and with that the marriage deal was sealed!

*************************************the wedding has been fixed! With Basheer! Not Ammar! What do you guys think?

Basheer lovers?

Ammar lovers?

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