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Another update because I love you guys! Ignore the errors I hate editing but I will surely get back to them.much love


What just happened? Did she really get engage to my brother? How could that be? No it can't be maybe there is a misunderstanding,there must be! He thought and made his way inside to seek for the truth. His heart pounded in his chest he was engulfed in fear, ya Allah please let it be a mistake, he prayed .

" my daughter, from the first day Amal brought you home as a friend, I felt something strong for you. I have always regarded you as one of my children and I am so happy my Basheer chose you I know you would be the perfect girl for him" their mother said hugging Salmah with so much happiness.

Salmah had to play the part of the happy and shy bride but deep down, her heart is in turmoil it takes all of her will power not to breakdown and cry right in the middle of the floor.

"Masha Allah, you are very pretty" a plump woman said touching her cheek, while another said " our Basheer is handsome too you guys will produce the cutest babies" she said giggling.

They all looked happy congratulating one another with hugs and handshakes because of the announcement providing a new cause for celebration. He walked into the room full of people, shutting down  anyone who tries to talk to him because in his state of mind he doesn't have energy for any conversation. he finally spots his among their group of friends,moving towards them.

"I know, I know , I didn't tell you about my relationship with Salmah and you are not happy. I am very very sorry but I will tell how it all happened, please don't be mad at me" Basheer started even before Ammar could open his mouth to utter a word

He smiled a painful smile that didn't reach his eyes "congratulations brother, I am very happy for you" he managed praying his words sounded genuine. His brother's friends tried to talk to him but he managed to avoid them and slipped out of the room without anyone's notice.


"Ya Allah! You alone know what's better for me, Allah give me the strength to overcome the love I have for Ammar." Salmah prayed and then broke down in tears. She have been locked in her room since last night when they came back from the walima. She doesn't  even remember how she managed to survive the night without collapsing, she had to hold herself, in other not to cause any alarm. She avoided Basheer all through the night but wondered where Ammar was, she wanted to see him and explain what really happened, to tell him she didn't know how it all happened even though he didn't confess that he loved her but she felt like they had a Connection. She felt it when they were at the garden for a moment she thought he would confess his undying love for her and then Amal showed up and everything went south.

"Salam" her mother said entering her room.

"Wa Alaikum Assalam Ammi" she said trying to clear the tears on her face but her eyes still showed she had been crying.

"Subhanallah, what is wrong baby?" Her mother asked worried. "Are you sick?" She asked checking her temperature.

"I am fine Ammi just having a bad headache " she said faking a smile.

"Hmmm...I think I know what is wrong with you"

Damm! Was the sound her heart made"you do Ammi?" She asked immediately.

"Yes, I do. I think you are missing us already that's why"

"Yes, you got me Ammi" she said relieved.

"We are very sorry you had to find out about the engagement that way,  but your dad insisted that no one should tell you about it until you finished your exams so as not to distract you" her mother said.

"Please try to understand,Basheer brought his parents to ask for your hand, we were all elated and his parents said you guys have been communicating before, so we accepted them" her mother continued.

Salmah is an obedient child she couldn't bring herself to tell her mum the real truth about how she felt because she didn't want to disappoint them. Her mother stayed and advice her on a lot of things before she left the room and then asked her to make sure she had taken some medication for the headache.


When Ammar left the walima that night, he went straight to his room unsure how his legs took him there. Right in the middle of his room he sat reminiscing about the first time he saw Salmah. how can he live while his brother gets married to the love of his life? Will he ever able to endure it? His chest felt so heavy like a big mountain was placed there. The pain was too much for him, he pushed himself up and went into the shower turning it on he sat there under the water fully clothed, he felt broken his arrogance had cost him and then it dawned on him Salmah is about to be his brother's wife. He didn't even know when the tears started flowing lost in the water running over his body, he cried like a baby, like he had never done before with no one to stop him, no one to console him and tell him everything will be okey.

He cried and cried under the water for the love he will never have.

Poor Ammar I feel like crying too** am sorry #teamammar it looks like Basheer had won or did he?


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