Hitching a ride

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~The wedding ~

Today is the day for Amal's kamu. Salmah being the best friend, had been busy throughout the week. Yesterday they had their bridal shower, it was very successful a lot of their friends were in attendance. The bridal shower is an event with only females. They had a crazy fun day, games, dances, and pictures. It was well organized there were a lot to eat and drink.

Today, is the day for the kamu event. Right now all the bridesmaids are preparing for the event, trying to look their best in their asoebi(the bridesmaid's cloth). The bride and her friends were given an apartment from the boys section in the bride's house. Amal's father built an apartment for the boys so that everyone can have privacy. The girls were given Basheer's part so they can enjoy their stay and won't get any form of disturbance from the wedding guests. Basheer moved over to Ammar's apartment to squat for the short period of the wedding. The apartments are adjacent to each other.

"Have any body seen my makeup bag" one of the girls said frantically .
"Where is my scarf, I kept it here" shouted another.
"Calm down girls just look for it carefully"one of Amal's cousin said laughing.

Salmah came in still not into her wedding attire." are you guys ready?, you need to hurry, we don't want African time."

"Look who is talking, you are not even in your asoebi and you are yelling at us."

"I just need to get my makeup done, getting into the dress is easy. " just then her phone started ringing and she picked it up.

"You are here already? Okey. I will start sending them to you right now , uh...okey"

"Okey, girls the groomsmen are here to start picking you up. you guys should start going out please" she pleaded.

The girls started rushing out in excitement wanting to go and choose a very nice car and maybe get lucky with the owner of the car and snatch a guy for themselves while Salmah headed into the room where the bride is getting ready.

"Wow!, you look so beautiful. I am sure Ahmad won't be able to take his eyes of you,"She said looking at Amal in awe.

"Awwwww! Thank you very nice miss, "Amal said laughing. " come and have your face painted I don't want to leave without out " She said, pushing her to the make up artist.

The makeup was taking longer than expected and the bride is adamant on waiting for her best friend before leaving for the event, most people have already left. Their phones kept ringing, eager aunties calling them demanding for the amarya to show up while Amal didn't want to leave without her friend.

Salmah convinced her to go ahead, she will definitely get someone to take her in time, Amal left but promised to wait for her outside the hall till she get there then they will enter together.

When Salmah's makeup was finished , she quickly put on her cloth which clung to her like a second skin bringing out every curve on her body. She looked very beautiful and the makeup was amazingly done. She left the small apartment and headed for the parking lot to see if she could get someone to take her to the place of event.

Ammar finished getting ready to go for his sister's event even though he didn't want to, but his mother forced him to join them and he couldn't disregard her wish. He looked very handsome in caftan with a matching cap, he looked as if he was the ango himself. Coming out from his apartment he saw the retreating back of Salmah But he didn't know she was the one. He felt the need to see her face, seeing as everyone had left, he knew she was probably left behind and is looking for someone to get her to the wedding.

"Hello, there's no one out here. I think everyone is gone, I will just get on a taxi or something" she said, into the phone.

"No it's okey, just go into the hall I promise I will be there soon."

"Okey, see you soon" she said trying to calm the bride. Just then a car honked at her, she didn't even notice Ammar, she who walked into his car and reveresed the car. She recognized the car as that of Ammar but she had no choice since she didn't have a ride to the event and he seems to be offering her one.

She walked over and opened the front seat, she entered the car, muttering thank you.

Ammar just grunted 'its okey' even though he wanted to look at her more because when she walked over to the car he got a good view of how beautiful she looked it took all his will power to take his eyes off her to maintain his dignity. Salmah kept glancing at him subtly "masha Allah, this guy is handsome"she said in her head but won't be caught dead saying it. They drove in silence to the wedding.

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