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These few weeks after the death of Basheer has been the hardest for his family and Salmah in particular, she couldn't say she was so much in love with him but he was a huge filler in her life. He was always there for her, the big brother she never had and the person who really cared for her and went out of his way to see a smile on her face. The thought of never seeing him, makes a hole deep down in her heart when ever she thought of him.

She still remembers the day he died, at the hospital everything felt surreal like a movie playing in the background how umma , his mother broke down right in the hospital hallway, how Amal fainted almost losing her baby from the impact, how she felt like a foreigner in her own body not knowing what she was really doing but still not oblivious to her surroundings. The moment he was taken out from his parents house to his final destination was when it finally hit her and the tears broke out. she had been unable to cry at the hospital when the news of his death was announced. Her mother was by her side patting her and uttering innalillahi wa inna illaihi rajiuun for her to recite and also urging her to cry her pain out because unshed tears during grieve is very dangerous. She acted like she was on remote but seeing the truth right in front of her, his body being lifted out brought everything crashing and the tears were like a welcome relief to her burning heart.

From the day he died Salmah withdrew into a shell and closed everybody out even eating food is done out of necessity not something enjoyable. At first her mother had to pull up a war before Salmah eats her food up until now , it is always a struggle to get her to eat something.

On the day that was suppose to be their big day, their wedding day she couldn't get out of her room at all and also locked the room to prevent anyone from coming in she cried and cried like Basheer just died.

The more reason Salmah is stuck on Basheer's death is because most of the best memories she had with Amal Basheer is always a part of it.she still remembers their first day at boarding school, Basheer was the one who dropped them off teasing them all the way about how they are being cry babies and then after,  resulted to telling them funny stories making them laughing in no time. When they reached the school and it was time for him to leave, he made them promise to have each other's back and focus on their studies and also promising them a visit anytime he is opportune.

On the other hand Amal almost suffered a miscarriage after Basheer's death which caused her to be put on bed rest, her husband has been supportive all through , even though he couldn't make the pain go away he tried  as much as possible to make her smile more and less sad.

Ammar, you have been working too hard lately,you need to take a break or else you will collapse," his boss said with genuine concern.

He sighed massaging his temples," I am totally fine sir, I can handle it" he said knowing that it  was a total lie because he have been nursing a very stubborn headache for weeks and can see a breakdown from stress and lack of sleep in the near future.

"Okay if you say so," his boss said heading for the door after picking up the report he came for, he stopped at the door and said"you should really take my offer on that break, I will leave it open for you think about that" and then he left.

Dealing with grief had been hard on Ammar, hence the reason he buried himself in work and more work, the only spare time he has is when his head hits the pillow and he falls asleep easily because of his state of exhaustion but now that everyone around him is suggesting he takes a break, he is considering it because he needs it.

More the reason why he buried himself in work is because he doesn't want to stay around his family so he wouldn't miss Basheer too much but he knows that's not a reason to avoid them because they suffered the lost too and family need the support of each other to survive.


Two weeks later.

Looking at the house she stood by the gate contemplating whether her decision to visit Basheer's parent is a good one. Deciding against going in she turned and was about to leave when a car parked in front of her and guess who stepped out.


Yup! We are just getting started.



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