Mixed feelings

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Ammar woke up with a severe headache, which is due to the fact that he got few hours of sleep last night. He couldn't get himself to fall asleep easily last night with all the thoughts running through his head. His behavior unexplainable , why he did what he did. After seeing most of the guys at the wedding lusting over Salmah, undressing her with their eyes, hell! Even trying to make passes at her, his anger flew to the roof. That was why he called her outside to talk sense into her but the girl is stubborn, she left him no choice that was why he locked her in the car. When he got back to the car she was already asleep,he had no choice but to take her home and tuck her in bed without her knowledge. He went to his apartment but couldn't help go over what happened. What is wrong with him? Did he get jealous over Salmah? Why did he feel the need to shield her from other guys? Why? Why? Does he have feelings towards her? No! That can't be it, he refuse to believe he has feelings for that girl. He slept off without finding an answer to the questions troubling him. His brother came in before he slept and asked him why he came home quite early despite being the last person to go there, he just came up with a stupid excuse and turned his back pretending to fall asleep.

Waking up this morning he still deosnt have an answer to his actions from the previous night , he picked himself up from the bed and strode into the bathroom to bath and get ready for his sister's big day.

"I think he might have feelings for you " Amal said to Salmah after hearing about what transpired between her and Ammar .

"What? you don't know what you are saying!"She said not believing her ears.

"This is Ammar we are talking about not someone else, please he can never like me, he is so full of himself to even think of that. I think he just did this to me just to spite me or something,"She said.

"I smell a rat," Amal said " you will say I told you so very soon."

"Be a dear and help me with this zipper, I need to go and see my husband, you know" She said, smiling .

"I can't believe you are married to Ahmad finally'"Salmah said while helping her with the zipper.

"Lets go and see the groom's party they are beside the other apartment, they want to see their bride since they just got back from the wedding Fatiha reception. They want to see the bride and take some pictures" Salmah said.

They made their way towards the groomsmen with some of the bridesmaids accompanying them.

"Wow, amarya you already have the post wedding glow just like our ango here." a friend of the groom joked evoking laughter from everybody.

"Of course she would glow, she is married to her sweetheart."One of the bridesmaids retorted.

They kept cracking jokes and making fun, Some of the guys got talking to the girls they fancy and try to get their numbers while others chatted friendly. The groom and the bride stepped few feets away to express their happiness to each other in private.

"Salmah, I looked for you everywhere last night but couldn't find you. Where did you go to? " Basheer asked coming from behind her.

"uhm, I had a very serious headache so I headed back here. I am sorry I didn't tell you."
"Oh! sorry , Matas I didn't know. Hope you are feeling better now."

"Yes, I am good now,Thank you."She said smiling brightly at him.

Ammar came out of his car and headed for his room when he saw Salmah and Basheer deep in conversation. Salmah was busy smiling at Basheer while fiddling with her bracelet like a secondary school girl in front of her crush. He felt like something heavy has been dropped on his chest, he can't explain the feeling and he felt his anger rising. He turned back to his car and drove off.

Salmah saw Ammar looking at them and she couldn't help but remember what Amal said about him liking her, looking at his facial expression , it looks like a pained expression but before she knew it his car engine roared and he left the house. She didn't know the reason why she felt unhappy with him seeing her together with his brother. She excused herself from Basheer who didn't notice the change in her mood. She left them and went back to the ladies room to gather her thoughts. Isn't she suppose to be angry with Ammar, she hate him right? She have every right to hate him don't she? Yes, but does she really hate him? Why is she confused? Does she have any feelings for him? No! No! I don't ? She kept going over this questions in her head.


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