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You get a few characters in this. Hope you like this chapter.

If you are reading this before GMA: Are you ready for their performance(s)?

If you are reading this after GMA: Their performance? What ya think? (It obviously hasn't happened yet when this was posted.)

I am tired and so sleepy, so I won't watch it until like, 5 to 6 hours after it airs. It doesn't show up on tv until 7 am and I plan on waking up at noon or one pm.

Good night to those who are in the night time and good morning/ evening for those who are in the day time. It's night for me and this is good night.

Enjoy this chapter.


"School?" Normani asked, looking up at Dinah and Ally. (Normani took a placement test. She was going to need more tutoring with what she missed in Kindergarten, but was able to go to the first grade.)

Dinah nodded her head. "Yeah. You want to get smarter?"

Normani nodded her head. She grabbed her Hello Kitty backpack and with Ally's help put it on. She looked up at Ally. "You'll keep Cami and my Boo safe, right?"

Ally nodded her head. "Of course. Lauren and Camila will be here waiting for you."

Normani nodded and turned to Lauren, who was hugging Nala.

"I'll be back, okay?"

Lauren nodded her head. She walked into Normani's arms and allowed her older sister to hug her.

Lauren moved back and kissed Nala's head, before pressing the stuffed lion into Normani's hands.

"You want me to take her?" Normani asked, looking down at the lion.

Lauren nodded her little head. She looked at her hands. "L-o-v-e y-o-u."

"I love you too Boo-Boo Bear," Normani whispered, hugging Lauren tightly. (The girls had watched Yogi Bear and Normani wanted to change Lauren's nickname to a bear since Lauren would sign Manibear.)

Lauren sighed into the hug, closing her eyes.

Dinah and Ally exchanged looks. Both internally awed.

"We go too?" Camila asked, looking at Dinah.

The taller mother shook her head. "You're too young for school. But you can come to drop her off?"

"Yes p'ease. I wanna say bye," Camila said, giving Dinah the biggest smile.

"Well, we gotta go if we want Normani to make it in time," Ally said, grabbing Lauren and Camila's jackets.

After helping the two girls with the jackets, Lauren ran (as fast as her little legs allowed her) to grab Leo.

Ally laughed. "Roo, we'll be back. He'll be okay."

Lauren pouted and shook her head. Ally walked to the girl and crouched down in front of her.

"We'll be back. He'll be here waiting for you."

Lauren looked devastated, but nodded. She gave Leo a hug before letting him run off. She slowly walked up to Ally and looked at her with her sad green eyes. She then raised her arms, wanting to be picked up. Ally did just that. With one last wave to Leo who was in his doggy bed, they left for school.


Normani looked at the classroom. There were already a lot of kids in there. She turned to Dinah and Ally. "I wanna go home," Normani whispered, her eyes filling with tears.

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