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Fifth Harmony released a new MV. They are just dropping this without warning now. They should just keep dropping them.

As the title said, this is a big chapter. A character debuts that has not appeared in any of my stories as that character (they are an actor and their show was talked about in Lost Inside, and no, not GoT). As well as nine other characters. 

Enjoy this fluff fest.


Today was the day. It was going to be official within seconds. Judge Mariska Hargitay had met with the family a few times, and knew they were the perfect fit for the two girls they were fostering. Judge Hargitay looked down at the tables where the families were.

Dinah Jane Hernandez-Hansen had little Normani Kordei on her lap. Normani was an adorable little girl. Judge Hargitay had met her a few times in making sure Dinah and Ally were perfect. The girl was scared, but very polite. And when asked about her foster mothers, the girl had nothing but good things to say. Normani had even asked if she could stay with them forever. Judge Hargitay told her that she was going to make sure it was going to be safe for her. Normani had said a small thank you and curled up in Dinah's arms.

Ally Brooke Hernandez-Hansen held little Lauren Michelle on her lap. The girl was too adorable for her own good. Judge Hargitay had been told about Lauren's speech problem. She had Lauren's speech therapist/sign language teacher to translate. Lauren talked to her parents only, and a bit to Ms. Kelly. Judge Hargitay didn't have the girl's trust at the moment. Lauren cried twice during all three meetings, and two of those were because Ally or Dinah weren't holding her. The third was because she was very tired. At the moment, Lauren was playing with Ally's hair, ignoring everyone else.

And Little Karla Camila Hernandez-Hansen was sitting between them, a stuffed lion on her lap. Judge Hargitay loved Little Camila. That girl was always asking questions. She wanted to know what things meant. She wanted to Judge Hargitay to know all about her sisters and what she was doing to make sure Lauren and Normani were comfortable. She had asked to sign the forms too, saying that her signature was important. (They had her sign on a post-it and placed it on the form).

Judge Hargitay was about to pound that gavel, when Camila raised her hand.

"No!" She said loudly, but not too loudly. She ran to the judge.

Dinah and Ally looked confused. They watched their daughter. Normani looked devastated. Lauren was confused.

"Yes?" Judge Hargitay asked, a small smile on her face while she looked down at Camila.

"No do. Okay?" The older lady watched as Camila climbed the stand and grabbed the gavel.

"You don't want them to be sisters?" Had Camila changed her mind?

"I wan'. But Lolo no like big noises. Dat make big noise. So shhh. Um, clap, 'kay? Jus' clap." Camila gave the judge a 'just wait' sign as she ran back to her family. "'kay, go."

Judge Hargitay had an amused look on her face.

"Okay. Lauren Michelle, Normani Kordei are now Hernandez-Hansens. You're now a family," the judge said, giving two soft claps.

Camila walked back to the judge and returned the gavel. Judge Hargitay took a second to talk to Camila.

"You're a good sister," Judge Hargitay said, looking at Camila who gave her a serious nod.

"Yes. Dey family."

Judge Hargitay smiled. "Promise to protect Lauren and Normani?"

Camila nodded her head and held out her pinky. "Pwomise. I pwotect Lolo and Nani."

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