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I disappeared, but I'm back. I'm going to disappear again, until maybe Halloween. The next chapter will probably be out on November 1st, which will be my 23rd birthday, and I'm excited for that.

But this is the next chapter.


Dinah groaned as she felt someone body slams hers. She opened her eyes to see Camila on her. She grinned, seeing her middle child staring down at her. "What are you doing Monkey?"

"You old Mommy."

"Yes I am, but Mama is older," Dinah responded, watching as her daughter curled up at her side.

Camila giggled. "I love you Mommy."

"I love you too Camila."

Camila placed her head on her mother's chest and fell asleep. Dinah fell asleep not long after.


Lauren offered Dinah a small cupcake, but the little girl looked like she wanted to eat it.

"It would make me really happy if you had it," Dinah told the small girl, who grinned. She turned to the little girl, who clapped her hands. She grabbed the cupcake back and tried to shove the whole thing into her mouth, wrapper and all. Ally pulled it away and took the wrapper off. She split it in half and placed them in front of the little girl. Ally grabbed a sippy cup filled with milk, ready to give to Lauren if she needed it.

"Lauren, no one is going to take it from you," Ally whispered, staring at the girl, who looked up at Ally with her wide eyes.

Lauren puffed out her cheeks.

"Mommy, fow you," Camila said, handing Dinah a shoe box.

The birthday woman grabbed it and opened the box. She let out a laugh, when she saw what was inside. She reached inside and took out a single sock. "Does this go with my other sock?"

Camila nodded her head. "Yes."

Dinah shook her head, but placed the box in the table. She reached over and placed Camila on her lap. "Thank you, I love it."

Camila grinned, as she kissed her mother's cheek.

Lauren reached for the sippy cup and started to drink from it.

Normani walked to Dinah and placed a piece of paper on her lap. The older woman grabbed it and looked at it, a grin on her face.

"This is amazing," she told the little girl who perked up, "I love the use of color. I can feel the happiness and love."

Normani raised her arms and when placed on her Mommy's lap, curled up. "That's us."

Dinah wrapped an arm around her. "It is. It's our perfect family."

Normani turned to the picture. "Perfect. We're perfect."

"Yes we are. I love you."

"I love you Mommy."

"'ove Mommy," Lauren whispered, looking for more muffins.

Dinah and Ally looked at each other with grins on their faces. Ally pulled Lauren into a hug. "Lo, you learned a new word!"

Lauren nodded her head, pouting at the fact that the vanilla muffins were gone.

"We'll get you a new one."

Lauren nodded her head, as she leaned back.


"Lauren and Camila are down for their naps. Normani is watching The Princess and the Frog. We have at least an hour," Ally said, staring at Dinah, who had her hands on her wife's waist.

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