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So, I have good news for me and it made me happy after the horrible week I've been having. I'm still taking the week off, but I just got really excited. I'll say more at the end.

So there some surprises in this. Enjoy.


Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year. Presents. Family. Food. Love. 

None of which Lauren understood. Normani and Camila were really excited, but Lauren didn't know what Christmas meant. All she knew was that was cold. And she can cuddle with Nala (and Ally and Dinah and Normani and Camila, but Nala was her favorite, Nala kept her safe).

But Nala didn't know what Christmas was either. And if she did, she won't tell Lauren. (It also caused a fight between the two, and Dinah had to sit Nala and Lauren down to talk about what was bothering them (it was a very silent conversation and Dinah wasn't sure what happened.))

Camila and Normani were excited, and Camila was singing about Rudolf and Normani was talking about Santa and if he knew where they lived, because Santa didn't know Normani had moved in with the Martins.

Lauren reached up on the table and grabbed a cookie. She sat under the table and ate it, while her mothers and sisters decorated a tree. Leo ran around the tree, yapping like the puppy he was.


"S-a-n-t-a?" Lauren signed, looking up at her mommy. She was wearing her Nala backpack (it was a drawstring backpack to hold Nala), Nala's head sticking out.

Dinah nodded her head. "Yeah, we're going to take a picture with him."


"'acause we tell him what we wan' fow Chwis'mas," Camila said, jumping from her spot next to Ally.


Dinah smiled softly. "C-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s."

Lauren frowned and look at her hands. She pouted.

"You'll get it right."

"Pwesents," Camila said, grinning.

"But I got what I wanted," Normani whispered, frowning at her younger (not youngest) sister.

Dinah and Ally looked at each other with a look. "Awe."


Lauren jumped and hugged Dinah's legs. The older woman placed her hand on the girl's back.

"It's okay. They aren't going to hurt you."

Lauren shook her head. She pressed her face against Dinah's leg.

"Up?" Dinah asked, looking at the girl.

Lauren nodded her head and raised her arms. The young girl hid her face against Dinah's neck.

Camila and Normani were talking, while Ally kept her eye on them. Dinah held Lauren in her arms. The young girl had calmed a bit and was just running her hand through Dinah's hair, her head on Dinah's shoulder.

They were finally next. Camila and Normani were so excited. Lauren didn't know what was happening. She was busy playing with Dinah's hair.


Lauren flinched and closed her eyes. The family of five walked forward. Camila ran and sat on Santa's lap. Normani was slower, and only went when Ally gave her the okay.

Lauren gripped Dinah tighter.

"Don't you want to sit on Santa's lap?" the fake Santa asked, looking at Lauren.

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