Memes and Meeting Again +JackSepticEye+

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A/n: YOOOOOOO double update! Seriously though guys, I'm so stoked that I've got over 500 reads. You guys are great. Requests are still open, and don't forget to vote and comment!

I walk through the doors of Starbucks and the little bell rings, signaling to the barista that there's a customer. I walk up to the counter and order a hot chocolate, give my name, and go to take a seat. "Y/n!" I hear someone with a thick Irish accent call my name. I turn around and see my cousin PJ's friend Sean. I wave and he walks over to where I'm sitting. "How are you?" He asks me, taking a seat across from me. 

"I'm doing okay, I didn't know you were in Brighton." I say. 

"Yeh, I actually moved here. It's been a while." He replies, taking a sip of his drink. 

"That's awesome and yeah it has. How's YouTube and all that?" I ask, trying to make small talk. Ever since I met Sean a few years ago I had a small crush on him. I mean who wouldn't, those blue eyes, great smile, and damn is he funny. 

"It's the same as it's always been, fun and very trying at times." He tells me. I here my name called from the counter and get up to retrieve my drink. When I come back Sean is scrolling through his phone. 

"So, what are you up to today?" I ask him sitting down again and taking a sip of my hot cocoa. 

"Nothing really, I'm probably gonna head home and take a nap or something." I barely catch what he's saying, because I'm too busy looking into his eyes. 

"Oh, for sure." I say, snapping out of my daze. We sit there in silence for a while, drink out respective drinks and scrolling through our phones. I find a funny meme and slide my phone over for him to see. He chuckles at it and shows me a funny piece of fan art. We do this for probably an hour. 

"Hey Y/n?" Sean says looking up from his phone to catch my gaze. 

"Yeah?" I ask, making eye contact. 

"Ya know, I'd ask if you wanna get coffee sometime but, that would probably sound dumb, so do you wanna grab dinner on like friday?" He asks me. I feel a blush rise to my cheeks.

"I'd love to." I reply. My phone buzzes with a text from work, saying they need me a.s.a.p. "I gotta go, work texted me, but here's my number." I scrawl it down on a napkin and slide it to him. As I'm walking away I turn and wave. 

A/n: Yes, it's short I know, but I'm gonna do this in parts if you guys like it. I'll continue it if we can get 5 votes?! Sound good! Hope you guys like it. 

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