Youtuber Preferences

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A/n: I have been having mega writers block so I decided to do a little bit of everyone (YouTube wise). So enjoy guys. Xoxo

How You Meet

Jacksepticeye- You meet Sean at a bar, he buys you a drink and opens with a cheesy pick up line.

Markiplier- You meet him at the dog park. Your dog is playing with Chica and when you get ready to go home he walks up and asks for your number.

CrankGamePlays- You guys meet through online gaming. He called you a Dweeb and you were his instantly.

Dan Howell- Zoella forced you to go to a party to meet this guy who would be perfect for you. You saw him standing in the corner awkwardly and you tried make conversation. You mentally face palmed after asking how felt about fruit. It was awkward, but he laughed and his dimples showed.

Phil Lester- You met at the shop. You ran into him trying to find the perfect pair of corgi socks. He helped you find your socks and gave you his number, "in case you needed a stock shopping buddy."

MatPat- Your best friend Nate introduced you and forced you on a date. It was amazing, he was funny and handsome.

Nathan Sharp- You guys met at a concert. He saved you from some creeper who was getting too handsy. You guys stuck together the rest the show and you ended going home with him.

Social Repose- Y'all met at the art supply store on the paint aisle. He dropped a tube of paint and it exploded on your shoes. He asked you out for coffee to make up for it.

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