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Please read the description of the book to understand!

3rd person POV
"Ugh, What happened...." Brianna said while holding her head in pain. She looked to her left and saw Gemma on the ground, and realized they were in the middle of the road. Brianna got up and dragged her sister on the grass.

"Ow, My head...." Gemma said while waking up. "You're awake! Thank god. I thought you were injured." Brianna said in relief. "Where's mom and dad??" Gemma asked Her younger sister, Brianna. "I don't know, I woke up 3 minutes ago. I dragged you off of the road onto the grass, got up and checked the house. They weren't there. I thought you might know." Brianna replied and Gemma shook her head.

"I have no clue where they are. The last thing I remember is you nearly getting run over by a car while we were playing that game. It all goes black after that." Gemma said.

"Huh, I remember that too, Except I remember picking up some sort of syringe type thing, as I did cops surrounded me and told me to put it down. After I did that it all goes black." Brianna said, confused a much as Gemma.

"Are those....Bodies???!??!?!" Gemma says in disbelief. "Ya, Those are bodies. Of cops, it looks like." Brianna says, A little more calmly. Brianna goes over, looks around for clues to what might have happened. She sees the Item and picks it up. Then sees another item that looks similar to the one Brianna just picked up. She picks that one up too and reads what they say.

Test #1, Fire, Speed, Strength.

She reads the other one.

Test #2 Water, Invisibility, Smarts.

"What the hell?!?" Brianna says in shock. "What!" "These syringe type looking things say Test #1 Fire, Speed, Strength and Test #2 Water, Invisibility, Smarts," Brianna repeats what she just read.

"Weird," Gemma says Grabbing the one that says Test #2 and starts studying it. "It says, Made at Crystal and Magic INC," Gemma says. "Well, That's where we're going," Brianna says. "WE DON'T KNOW WHERE THAT IS! AND WE ALSO DON'T HAVE A CAR TO DRIVE, NOR CAN WE DRIVE!" Gemma yells.

"Then go to your GPS on your phone and search 'Crystal and Magic INC.' and We'll start walking. Or we could use, Oh I don't know. OUR BIKES!" Brianna says, saying the last part a little sarcastically. "Oh, right..hehe," Gemma says. Going on her phone looking up on the GPS while Brianna gets the bikes, Some money, her phone, and some water and pop tarts.

"You ready?" Brianna says handing Gemma a pack of pop tarts, a water bottle, and her wallet. Gemma nods, taking the stuff and getting on her bike. "Let's go!" Gemma says. and starts biking towards where the GPS is saying to go.

Hope you'll like the prologue! Anyway. I was gonna update this book as soon as I made it. But I have to make a cover for it. And I want to make this book official after the fifth chapter of The mission, is published.



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