Part 23- Reveal

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Briannas POV

Im taking deep breaths on the bus, until Gem comes on.

"Hey Bri!" She cheerfully says, even though I know shes very bored, because of, well, school.

"Hey...." I say in a low monotone voice.

"Whats wrong?" She asks, worried and confused.

"I'll tell you at 'home'." I tell her, putting in my earbuds and looking away from her worried face.

We get dropped off and I just hang my head, eyes closed, listening to music, thinking about how I'm going to tell them that I, Brianna Crest, let it slip that I, was Bleu Guepard.

I ran into the lab door shortly after, "GEM! Why didn't you warn me?!?" I ask, frustrated and rubbing my head in the now, red spot on my forehead.

"I did, just, whispered it..." "GEM!" She bursts out laughing.

I roll my eyes and open the door.

I see Mashina with her clip board, turning her head and greeting us with a smile while walking forward.

"Hello girls! How was school?" She asks, in a pleasant mood...for now.

"Hey uh, Mashina, I need to tell you and Gem something." I say, regretting telling them at all.

"Ok?" Her face contours into a mixture of worry and hesitation.

We walk over to a corner and I take a deep, shaky breath.

"I-I-" "It's fine Bri, we wont be mad, no matter what you say." Gem says, comfortably.

"I-I- I let it slip that I was Bleu Guepard." Their eyes go wide and mouths open to an 'O' shape.

"Why! And HOW!" Mashina demands. I wince at her yelling at me.

"Two men with guns came and hey ran into our classroom, guns in hand, and quickly scooped up my friend Katherine. I went to help but my friend Annabelle stopped me saying, 'We better just wait for the cops. Or Bleu Guepard.' And I couldn't help.

"The men, they got impatient and put the gun to Katherines head, the other scooped up Hannah and did the same to her. I, I couldn't just let hem potentially kill my friend. I had to do something. I ended up throwig desks at them, running around, and knocking them out. Burning them to be sure. I got my suit on before the cops came,

"I asked the whole class to keep the secret but I doubt they will, its not like many like me." I closed my eyes and took another non-shaky, deep breath.

"Im gonna go to sleep now, night." And just left upstairs to be greeted by my Cheetah, Diana.


Sorry for not updating yesterday, I forgot XD


BRI out!

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