Chapter 10- My Bad

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Gemma's POV
Me and Bri arrived at school, huge grins on our faces. We know that we would only be able to ride the bus home only Tuesday and Thursday but we didn't mind. Me and Bri walk and talk, listening to music on our way home. It's calming.

We do regret our life choices now though.... Cause instead of going home we go to the lab and train for 5 hours after we finish homework.

We walk into school and go our separate ways.

*after school*

Me and Bri meet up and start walking home. Bri all of a sudden turns around and Runs, like runs. She didn't say anything. All she did was leave a note on her bookbag saying "bring my stuff please" WHEN DID SHE HAVE TIME TO WRIGHT THAT??! she...BRI WE ARNT ALOUD TO?!?! WHAT IS SHE DOING?!?!? I think, knowing I can't stop her. So I grab her stuff and head to the lab.

Brianna's POV
I know I heard sumething. Faster Bri, faster, FASTER! As I'm thinking faster my legs go super fast. I guess no one can see me since I'm going so fast.

Gabriel's POV
I'm just sitting on the bus, bored as hell. I put my music on and started listening to it. Drowning out the person sitting next to me.

All of a sudden I notice a girl with notecard walking towards the busses..that already started departing.

I pull out my camera and record it, pull down my window and scream.


She look up and realizes she inches from a bus she screams. Just then a black blur runs towards her, grabs her,sets her down, and runs off.

Unhuman like. "I GOT THAT!" I say, and everyone on the bus crowds me. I post it on YouTube. And every 5 seconds theirs another 50 views.

Brianna's POV
Please no one saw that please please please! I think to myself. If they did, that's going on YouTube. Then I realize theirs YouTube. I run over behind a tree. And go on my phone, catching my breath a little.

All of a sudden I see a video from one of my old classmates, Gabriel, saying 'WIERD UNHUMAN LIKE SPEED SAVIOR?!?' Shit.... I think to myself.

I watch the video, and theirs me. But no one can tell it's me. All they see is black and pink. Basically the colors of my jacket.

How am I going to explain this? I think. Putting away my phone and running to the lab. Their gonna kill me.

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