Chapter 11- Fine...I'll let you

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Gemma's POV
I'm outside the lab, waiting for Bri. Just then I get a notification from YouTube, from one of bris classmates. I follow them cause why not.

I checked the title of the video and it said

Briiiiiiii!!!!! I think she's been caught.

Just then, bri runs up to me and grabs my phone, throwing it on the floor and smashing it.

"WHAT THE HELL BRI!" I scream at my sister. "No. Ok? If it wasn't for me, that girl could either be dead or in the hospital. Don't let them know." She says to me, I sigh thinking my sister gets got to often, and nod at her.

We walk in. And Mashona gives us a Satan laser eyes. I look at bri and she just stares at Mashina gulping.

Mashina Stomps over to us. "EXPLAIN THIS!" She yells and grabs a remote. Turning on the news channel. We watch the YT vid and the commentators are surprised saying 'do we have a superhero?'

"IT WAS ALL BRI!" I yell, rating her out. "GEM" she yells at me.

"You better have a darn good reason for this," Mashina says to bri. "Listen ok. I know you said to not use our powers, and I didn't the whole day. But it's like I sensed something bad was gonna happen. So I used my super speed to get over to school. I'm sorry but I needed to. I went there and saw a girl NEARLY get run over by the bus. If it wasn't for me she could be in the hospital by now." Bri says, explaining herself.

Mashina takes a breath. "Alright. I understand your i interests were right. But you know what now? People all over are gonna be on YouTube, pausing it every second. And it's not fair for only you to have game Bri." Mashina says.

My eyes, light up and Bri is just standing there SUPER confused.

"Let's make you guys heroes..." Was the last thing I heard before I fainted of happiness.

"GEM WAKE UP!" I hear bri say before I get slapped. "OUCHH IM UP IM UP!" "You'll never guess the dream I had, Mashina said me and you would be heroes... I wish that were real." "Gem, that was real. You fainted after she said that." "REALLY?!?" "Really," Bri says, giving a sympathetic smile.

"If you guys want to be heroes, you're gonna have to train. And train hard." Mashina says. Me and Bri'a faces turn into a serious expression and nod.

"Brianna, your gonna focus on strength now. Gemma focuses on Invisibility." Mashina says. And we nod. Knowing what she says next to me and Bri run to our rooms and quickly finish our homework. Me helping her with math a little bit. We call over Kunjai and Dianna and we run to our training rooms.

5 hours of torture later...

DONE! Finally. I walk over to Bri's door and wait. I get curious and sneak in. With Kunjai closing the door silently with her tail.

I sit down in a corner behind a few boxes and watch my sister race Dianna around a huge track for around 30 minutes. Then run over to multiple cars and Pick two pickup trucks up, One on one hand and the other with the other hand.

She holds them up for 5 minutes then picks up the others. Doing this about 10 times.

I get tired and look over at Kunjai. She's asleep. I'll wake up when Bri opens the door. It's fine. I think to myself and lay my head on Kunjai, and fall asleep.

Brianna's POV
I finish training and decide I'm gonna stay back and keep running around. At least that's what I told them.. in reality, I just wanted to snoop around.

I walk around with Dianna, running a little cause she likes to run, she's a cheetah after all.

I walk over to a few boxes and hear a snore. "????" I move a few boxes over and see...

Kunjai asleep with Gem on top of her.

"Crazy girl. You wanted to know what I was doing and got bored." I whisper and pick her up. Dianna goes and nuzzles Kunjai, waking up.

Kunjai wakes up and I open the door.

We walk out and to the elevator.

"Final Destination." The elevator says, for the fifth time today. I totally didn't run up here a few times to get food.

I walk over to our apartment and Kunjai turns the door handle with her tail. Gem must have taught her that. And Dianna pushes it open. I taught her that one. I smile to myself.

I put gem on her bed and go to the TV. With Dianna by laying down next to me on the couch. Kunjai decided to sleep with gem.

Today was a boring and fun day all at once.




Ps. Used phone for this.

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