Chapter 7

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Delaneys POV

"Hey Anna! Where's Bri?" I ask my uneasy friend. "I dont know." Anna says loking behind her frantically. "Whats wrong?" "Well Brianna loves cupcakes and I have one in my lunch box. And it also has a Cheetah print type folding on it. I didnt have anything else." Anna says loking behind her. I dont understand why, With Brianna we would probably hear her Screaming at Anna saying 'I HEARD YOU HAD A CUPCAKE?'

I headed over to my locker that is right next to Annas. I'm so lucky. And since I have math next I pull out my Calculator.

Weasleys, Milkshake, bunny, door, Pancakes.

After hearing that Anna had a cupcake in her lunchbox, it made me remember the really good pancakes I had this morning while walking through My math teachers Door. I walk in to see My math teacher have a chocolate milkshake on her desk, Form ironically, Bri's favorite fast food place. McDonalds.

After Math me and Anna meet up and go to our Language Arts teacher, who has two bunnies in his classroom. A Brown one named Chocolate and A Black one named Chip. And three Weasels One named Je Another named Ssi and the last one named Ca. All three of them were pure white But Je had amber eyes, Ssi had Green eyes, and Ca had Brown eyes. All her animals were adorable. And together the weasels were named Jessica.

Marshmellow Blue sky grass pickels

During Language Arts we eat snack since its Third period. I go into my lunchbox and find...pickels...I HATE it when my mom puts pickles for my snack. I look over at Anna and I see her pull out. A BAG OF MARSHMELLOWS! So she has a cupcake for her desert in lunch and Marshmellows for snack...Not cool.

I look out side of the language arts classroom, since the teacher doesnt come in until 5 mins AFTER class is supossed to start. I stare out the window and See the lush green grass, the bright blue sky, And i think to myself 'why cant recess be now?'

screwdriver poop blood pineapple invisability

I look at the classroom door waiting for what our teacher is going to bring in next. Our teacher is Very weird. He always comes in with a random item or peice of clothing on or in his hand. One time he came it with a bottle that had nothing in it and said 'its an invisability potion, you just cant see the liquid.' He loves making jokes.

He comes in holding a screwdriver WHAT JOKE IS IT THIS TIME?!? I scream in my head. "Today im gonna screw in some knowlodge." He says and the whole class goes silent. He sits down and starts teaching. Then a kid comes in class late. "Why are you late?" He asks. Clearly the kid gets flustered and obviously doesnt want to tell him where he really was. "I WAS TAKING A POOP SIR! IM SORRY!' He screams at the top of his lungs and the class burts out laughing.

"Just take a seat sir." The teacher says, knowing the kid was lying. the kid quietly sits down, pink from embaressment and pulls out a bag of pineapples. I look at his arm and see a cut, then start seeing blood drip down. I raise my hand. "Yes Delaney?" "Uh sir, Conner is bleeding." "OK, conner come here and wash up." He says and they go out the door.

Pool cat fluffy silver lemons

I look around the class and see a kid eating lemons, If Bri were hear shed start screaming in her mind. I look outside blocking the teacher voice, and see a white, alomst silver cat that seemed to be very fluffy. But what pet isnt? It seemed the cat was coming from the direction of the pool since its fur was dripping with water.

pizza barbecuesauce ckicne french fries hamburgers.

Me and Anna start heading to our 4 period which is Science, I over hear a few boys talking to each other about what they have for lunch.

"I have pizza for lunch. What about you?" "Oh, i have chicken but I want some sauce, yet we ran out a week ago." "Just get some barbecue sauce. From the cafeteria line." 'Good idea, what do you have anyway?" "I have two hamburgers and some french fries."

socks phone homework anime mildly

Me and Anna start heading to lunch in science. But where not that happy cause we just got assinged science homework. Me and anna thought we werent gonna get HGomework today. But we were mistaken. We are in line waiting to enter the cafeteria when I see a kid take off his shoe, and socks, and start SMEELING THEM!?!?! There are weird ass kids in this school.

We enter the lunch room and Me and anna sit in a booth. I sit near the wall and pull out my phone. I place my phone in between me and Anna and we start watching ou favorite anime, Assassination Classroom. I see Anna reach up and grab a mildly hot, hot wing from her lunch box and start chowing down on it. Reaching the bone just as our episode finishes and We start going back to science.

I know this is a weird chapter and makes 0 sense
imma updae another chapter that will MAKE SENSE after ths one is published!



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