Part 21- More SuperHeroes

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Brianna's POV

While Gem and I head to sleep She asks me who I chose. "I'm still not sure. I think I'm gonna go with Delaney. Just because I've known her longer. And physically she is stronger." I explain.

"Good choice," Gem agrees.

We both then sit, down on the couch and just put some TV on. I then get up to get a chocolate bar and throw one over to Gem. We then eat it in seconds flat and we go straight to sleep.

I woke up to yelling at my door. "BRIANNA WAKE UP! WERE ALMOST HALF AN HOUR LATE!!" "THEN WHY DIDNT YOU BREAK OPEN THE DOOR!" I scream back and rush out, not even changing my clothes, grabbing my backpack, and running out faster than Gem without my speed.

We get to school, grab our unexcused notes, and run to class.

"Hey, guys. Sorry." I say, sitting down next to Anna and Delaney. "Where have you been?" Anna questions. "Totally didn't sleep in, that's for sure. And I totally didn't lock my door so Gem couldn't get in." "BRII!!" They both yelled in amazement. Then started laughing. "That's such a Brianna thing to do," Delaney says, whipping away a tear from her eye.

"Well, class. Now that everyone is here. Let's begin." The teacher begins.

*school ends*

"Hey, Delaney! Would you like to come home with me today?" I ask. "FINALLY! I've never been. I'll text my parents I'm there and haven't been kidnapped." She said while we walk home. "Where's Gem?" "She's already there. She has one of her friends there." I respond.

She hums her agreement.

"Woah, when you said you got an upgrade from your old house. You weren't kidding." "Nope." I chuckle a response.

I lead her in.

"Uh...what kind of place is this?" "Don't worry about that now. All will be explained in a moments time. Would you like to come to mine and Gems suite?" I ask.

"YOU HAVE A SUITE??" She says running towards the elevator.

I giggle and walk over, hitting the button to go up.

*When we arrive at the suite*

"Fair warning. My pets are a little....different.... just don't freak out too much... ok?" I told. "They can't be that different.." she thinks out loud.

"They're not normal pets..." I say and unlock the door, opening it.

"Hm? Oh. Hey Bri! Hey Del! What took Y'all so long?" A comfortable Gem asks. "I couldn't find Delaney. Where's Kendall?" I ask.

"Bathroom. And don't worry, she knows what's going on. I explained it to her while you were gone." Gem says, petting her pet.

"Ooooh! What kind of pet is that?" Delaney asks.

"Don't freak out," I tell her. "You haven't told her about our pets yet?" "Nope. Not yet. All she knows is that they aren't normal pets." I explain.

"Well..? I WANNA SEE THEM!" Delaney says joyfully.

"Alright alright. Come here, Dianna!" I call.

You can hear scampering paws of Dianna getting up and running quickly on the wood floor.

"Ooooh, a girl dog?" Delaney questions.

And before I can answer, Dianna runs around the corner and Delaney lets out an 'eep!' While Dianna circles around me excitedly.

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