Part 25- New girl?

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Briannas POV

"Hello class, I would like to introduce. Lanna, also known as Ms.Fall. Welcome!" Mr.Jones says as she walks in.

She looks pretty small, around 4"6 or 5"1

She has short green hair, interesting, and pale blue eyes. Freckles on her nose and a few on her cheeks, slightly.

Shes wearing a blue long sleeved shirt with a brown bracelet and a silver necklace with a gold key hanging from the middle.

She has some dark blue leggings with pockets near her butt and wearing some brown boots.

All in all, pretty casual wear.

"Hi everyone...Im Lanna..." she has a quiet pitched voice and seems very shy.

"Hello!" I say, waving at her, huge smile.

I always welcome the new kids, so they know that there are nice people in their home room and a potential friend.

"Ms.Fall, please take a seat behind Frost for now. Since newcomer is not here today." Mr.Jones says, pointing in my direction as I shoot a smile at the girl.

She walks over to me and sits down, I turn around and whisper a "Hello!" And turn back around.

The entire period she stays pretty quiet, talking here and there when asking and answering questions.

I go to second period and shes actually in my second period as well.

"Oh, you have Mrs.Laura for second period?" I ask her and she gives a slight nod.

"Cool! Mrs.Laura is pretty calm and isn't super strict on rules. Her lessons are very light so even if you don't understand whats going on you'll have extra time after class or in class to understand!" I inform and take my seat in the class.

The girl sits next to my friend, Kayla, and starts watching Mrs.Laura like its her sacred duty to not miss a single word.

I stare at the girl, trying to understand her personality. Squinting to see her edge.

I take another look at her necklace. The gold key looks fairly small but, looks like its an actual key.

It seems to have writing inscriptions on the silver chain itself.

Whats this girls angle...?

I wonder and ponder the entire class period until encore.

Better? Yes no maybe so?? Ok. Well, isn't that amazing! So Mrs.Laura is not my real teacher. Just wanted you guys to not stalk me.

(That will never happen...hopefully XD)
Hope you all enjoyed. I actually remembered but if you didn't know I chipped my tooth while eating an M&M at the movie theater watching Jumanji.


Bri out!

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