Part 17- Infiltration

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Bris POV
I'm doing my homework while listening to music then all of a sudden


The whole bus jerks to a stop and everyone screams AHH. Me and Gem look at each other then look out the window.

"BUS EIGHT-O-ONE PLEASE EVACUATE THE BUS! I REPEAT BUS EIGHT-O-ONE EVACUATE THE BUS!" A police officer commands. The bus driver tells he 6th graders to go off first and then the kids in the middle. Me and Gem are at the back. I grab mine and Gems suits and hide it in my jacket. Then leave the bus.

Just then the bus starts shaking while the bus driver is on it. "Bri, go change. I'll destract." "Why me?" "You're faster." "Fine." I whisper back and rush away, change, then rush back.

"What's the issue officer?" I ask, in a demanding and helpful tone.

"BLUE GUEPARD! THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE HERE! A BUS DRIVER IS ON THAT BUS!" "I understand. Just stay calm and he or she will be out soon." I say and start walking towards the bus.

I calmly walk to the front of it and notice something under the front of the bus, I look under and there's a. Black thing with a. Red blinking light. I'm guessing it's bomb and I pick it up. "Everyone back away." I say in a commanding tone and everyone takes 3 steps back.

I then look towards the direction of he ocean and chuck the bomb as far away as possible. It blows up in the sky. I then jump on the shaking bus and break the window to see out of. (Forgot what it's called again XD)

I jump through and see the bus driver in the back holding a small child, who looks like a 6th grader.

"Miss, it's ok. I'm here to help, please come to me."I say in a calm voice.

"Take the child first." She says, "please come closer, the child can't walk all to well." I realize crutches in a seat to their right. I nod at the driver and walk towards her more, I then realize there's a gun in her jacket. I take two steps back.

"Miss, please unarm yourself." I say. "DAMN YOU!" She screams and pulls out her gun and holds it to the girls head. "Get out!" She screams. I can't do anything since its a bus and there's only one way to run, and that's straight towards her.

I then walk backwards and she follows, the 6th graders face shows pain while she limps.

I back off the bus and the bus driver stays on. "Watch this child go bye bye." She says and throws the child on the bus. And shooting herself. The bus then shakes so much that it tips over onto the highway below.

"NO!" I tell and jump after the bus. "IM JOT HAVING A CITIZEN DIE" I yell, I then see water coming under the bus.

Thanks Gem... I honk and jump on the bus. I run to the back and grab the crutches then run over to he girl, who's in the front seat and ask her for her hand. She nods, fear and tears clear in her eyes. I let her out of the seat and ask her to hold her crutches. I then pick her up bridal style and walk out the bus, the water goes down making the bus lowered.

The bus is on the ground and I put the girl down and she puts her crutches under her arms. I then go to the other end of the bus and lift it up.

I grab the girl by the sister and jump up, putting the girl on the highway above. While I land on my feet, then jump up again and grab the edge of the highway. I flip up and am bombarded by "Cool!" "How do you do this?" "Thank you!" And everything ha. I walk past all the Middle schoolers and walk straight towards the 6th grader. "Hello, are you ok?" I ask her. "Yea, thank you so much for saving me." "I didn't do it alone." I say, "Raven isn't present right now but without her water magic, that bus would have fallen to the ground with a crash and you could have been injured pretty badly. " I say and he girls eyes widen.

"It's fine though! You and your School mates are safe now. And that's what really matters." I say and rub her head, scruffing up her hair. I then run off, change, then run back.

I go to the girl. "Are you ok?" "Yea. Blue Guepard saved me...I can't be more happy!" She says, a wide grin in her face while she walk of her he crutches.

I look at gem and nod, while everyone pus away their phones and goes into the police cars. "We can walk home. It's not to far from here." Me and Gem say, and walk off.



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