Part 20- HELL NO!

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Gemma's Pov

I and Brianna start going towards our rooms and we collapse in our couch. "Should we do it... I'm mixed between two..." Brianna asks.

"I am too..." I agree.

It's still silence for what seems like an eternity, then I and Bri decide to go out.

"Mashina were going out. Be back later!" We tell her and we walk out.

I and Bri just start talking about who we should give it too, I've decided I'm gonna do my Friend, Kendall, but Bri is torn between Delaney and Anna.

I would personally go with Delaney just because I know her a tiny bit more than Anna.

Were minding our business when we're pulled into an alleyway and slammed against a wall, "WHAT THE HELL?!?!?" Brianna questions.

I closed my eyes as soon as hands grabbed me so I opened them to see 4 boys, one holding my shoulders and another holding Bris. The other two are blocking the exit of the alleyway.

It's dark out, around 10 pm so no one is out.

"What do you guys want?" I ask, in a demanding tone and a stone face on.

"Heh, let's see if you guys need help with something."

The man in front of me says and the one holding Bri pins her to the ground and puts her arms behind her back like a police officer.

"Hey! DUDE LET ME GO!" Brianna yells.

"Let me and my sister go," I say, more firmly And threateningly.

"Nope, because we're gonna have fun with you and not the pipsqueak.

I should use my powers but I can't.... I think.

I then realize what he meant by that and I viciously try and get out of his grasp. This won't happen, not to me, and especially not when Bri is here too. I think and then kick the guy in the balls.

He lets go of me and falls to the ground, hurting where do just kicked, the guy behind Bri runs to him and the Guy behind him runs and holds me to the wall.

"LET GO OF MY SISTER!!" I and Bri yell and we then use our powers. All I do is grab his wrist and twist it while Bri uses her strength.

All men are on the ground and Me and Bri go wizards and stand next to each other.

"Try a stunt like that again on us, or anyone else and it will be worse," I tell them and I and Bri give them each a final kick and get out, heading back towards the lab, after picking up a milkshake for each of us.

We walk through the lab doors and throw away our food and head to bed.




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