7.3 Daenerys Stormborn

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"This message was sent to me by Samwell Tarly," Jon told his bannerman as they were all gathered in the big hall

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"This message was sent to me by Samwell Tarly," Jon told his bannerman as they were all gathered in the big hall. Arabella was sitting next to Brienne, looking around the glances of people who knew from whom she was pregnant.

She didn't care about that at all, just continued listening to the man she loved. "He was my brother at the Night's Watch. A man I trust as much as anyone in this world. He's discovered proof that Dragonstone sits on a mountain of dragon glass."

People started whispering as Jon glanced at Arabella, who smiled at him slightly, telling him that she loved him so much. Jon handed the letter to Lord Glover, who started reading.

Jon then raised another letter in his hands and Arabella's heart started beating faster. "I received this," Jon started as Sansa glanced at Arabella with a look. "A few days ago. From Dragonstone. It was sent to me by Tyrion Lannister."

People started talking one over another as they all glanced at Arabella, who was Tyrion's niece. She raised her head up, telling the Lords of North that she wasn't embarrassed being Tyrion's niece. "He is now Hand of the Queen to Daenerys Targaryen. She intends to take the Iron Throne from Cersei Lannister. She has a powerful army at her back and if this message is to be believed... 3 dragons."

Everyone started making noise again and Arabella thought about all of this and how in the middle she felt. Her uncle was the advisor to the girl, who must have hated Arabella. Her father killed Daenerys's brother.

And Daenerys wanted to overthrown her mother. "Lord Tyrion has invited me to Dragonstone." Jon's look went back to Arabella, who wasn't looking back at him. A firm hand was placed on her stomach as she breathed out another kick. "To meet with Daenerys."

Of course deep down inside Arabella hated the idea of Jon meeting a Queen, possibly very beautiful. Jon then turned to Sansa. "And I'm going to accept."

Arabella's eyes shot up as she stared at Jon with wide eyes. People weren't happy as Jon glanced at Arabella, who shook her head. "We need this dragon glass!" Jon shouted over, my lords. We know that dragon glass can destroy white walkers and their army. We need to mine it and turn it into weapons. But more importantly we need allies. The Night King's army grows larger by the day. We can't defeat them on our own. We don't have the numbers!"

Arabella felt a comforting hand be placed on hers and looked up to see Brienne holding her for support. She didn't smile just nodded. "Daenerys has her own army and she has dragons, who breathe fire. I need to try and persuade her to fight with us. Ser Davos and I will ride for White Harbor tomorrow then sail for Dragonstone."

Arabella looked at Sansa, who glanced back as they both didn't think it was a good idea. Also, Arabella didn't want for Jon to leave her alone with a child. "Have you forgotten what happened to our grandfather?!" Sansa questioned angrily and people agreed to her words. "The Mad King invited him to Kings Landing and roasted him alive."

"I know that," Jon whispered but no one heard because people cheered for Sansa.

"She is here to reclaim Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms. The North is one of those Seven Kingdoms. This isn't an invitation. It's a trap," Sansa said and Arabella agreed to some of it.

Jon looked at his woman, who didn't look back and he frowned slightly. He wanted to draw some comfort from her beautiful brown eyes. "It could be. But I don't believe Tyrion would do that. You and Arabella know this," he said to Sansa. "He's a good man."

"Your Grace, with respect I must agree with Lady Sansa," Yohn Royce stood up as Jon looked at him. "I remember the Mad King all too well. A Targaryen cannot be trusted. Nor can a Lannister, apologies, my lady," he nodded to Arabella, who just nodded back with an unreadable face.

She wasn't a Lannister.

Robett Glover then stood up. "We called Arabella Baratheon's late husband a King, and then he rode South," he said harshly as Arabella sat through it all, showing no emotion. "And lost his kingdom..."

"Winter is here, Your Grace," Lyanna Mormont also stood up, ready to say whatever she wanted. Arabella smiled at the little girl. "We need the King in The North in the North!"

Some people cheered, some didn't say anything. "You all crown me your king," Jon started again, not giving up. "But I never wanted it. I never asked for it. But I accepted it because the North is my home. It's part of me and I will never stop fighting for it no matter the odds. But the odds are against us. None of you had seen the Dead, none of you. We can never hope to defeat them alone. We need allies, powerful allies," he turned to look to the other side, where his sister and the love of his life were sitting. "I know it's a risk. But I have to take it."

He looked at Arabella, who was looking down. "Bella..." he whispered but she didn't look back. Jon furrowed his eyebrows.

"Then send an emissary, don't go yourself!" Sansa stood up angrily. "You have a child coming!"

Arabella just sat there, squeezing Brienne's hand with her own. "Daenerys is a Queen, only a King can convince her to help us. It has to be me."

"You're abandoning your people, your child that's soon coming! You're abandoning your home," Sansa argued angrily.

Jon stared at his sister. "I'm abandoning all three," he said and looked at Arabella. The look she was giving was killing him. He knew he either lost her or didn't. But he knew that he would never bring her together to a place, where she wasn't safe. "But I'm leaving it in good hands."

"Who?!" Sansa shouted and Jon smiled slightly.

"Yours," he answered immediately and Sansa was surprised. "You are my sister, you're the only Stark in Winterfell. Until I return, the North is yours."

Sansa's eyes wandered to Littlefinger, who still had a grin on his face. Arabella stood up and Jon walked over to her, but she just shook her head and walked away, leaving Jon upset.

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