8.9 The Truth

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Jon shook his head

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Jon shook his head. "Do you think I'd get mad at you because of this?" he asked while she stopped and looked at him with a guilty face. "No, Arabella. I love you. I will always love you."

Arabella smiled sadly as he approached her once again. "My father... Lord Stark promised my mother that he'd take care of me. She didn't want your father to know who I was so that's why I grew up a bastard my whole life. My real name is Aegon Targaryen."

"Does she know?" Arabella asked but Jon shook his head quickly. "If you are Rhaegar's son that means your claim to the throne is bigger than hers."

"I don't want it, Bella," Jon told her seriously as she stared at him with a knowing look. "I want to stay alive and be your husband. Do not tell anyone of what I know."

"Will you tell her?"

"Should I?"

Arabella hesitated to answer as Jon stroked her cheek lovingly. "We may die," she said and it broke their hearts. "She will question your ignorance towards her."

"What did you tell her?" Jon sighed as Arabella smiled slightly causing him to smile too. "I don't know whether I should. I don't know how she will react."

"If she's as good as you think she is... She will understand. Or try to," Arabella commented so Jon nodded and kissed her on the lips softly. "But be careful, my love."

Arabella placed her hand on his cheek and laughed in amazement. "Whenever I think I will never get amazed anymore, I get proven wrong," she whispered as he inched closer towards her. "I love you, whether you're a Snow or a Stark... Or a Targaryen."

Jon kissed her on the lips.


Arabella had entered Gendry's workplace to see Arya sneaking out. Both women paused as Arabella managed to smile causing Arya to finally smile at Bella too.

The Stark girl left as Arabella turned back before seeing Gendry leaving as he stopped in shock upon seeing his sister. "Do not ask," Gendry told her so Arabella chuckled and approached him.

"It's nearing," Arabella told him as Gendry nodded his head. She sensed fear and felt the same way if not more. "Do not die, brother."

"I'll try," Gendry whispered so Arabella walked over to him and hugged him causing Gendry to return her gesture. The siblings stood like that for a while before Arabella pulled away to look at him.

"You have no idea how long have I been waiting for a brother like you," she whispered sadly as he stared down at her with a smile on his face. "Gendry Baratheon... Be brave as our Father would want."

Gendry teared up slightly because the love Arabella gave him was something he had never received before. "I'll make you proud."

Arabella nodded and the two hugged once again and then a loud horn rang in the distance.

This was it. The dead were here. Arabella closed her eyes tightly and left without taking another look back.

Everything seemed to slow down that moment. She tried to be as quick as possible as she heard her heart pounding in her ears. Arabella had never been more scared in her life.

When she reached the roof walkways she saw Jon and Daenerys looking off into the distance. "Jon!" Arabella called after as he immediately turned her way and began to march towards her.

The two stood in front of each other as Arabella felt scared to look the other way. Jon put his arms around her and when she finally peaked she saw the army of the dead standing in formation in the distance.

They were ready for the battle.

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