7.7 Ellyn Snow

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Ellyn Snow was born on a harsh and windy day

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Ellyn Snow was born on a harsh and windy day. The beautiful baby girl cried and wanted for her mother.

Maester Wolkan carried her towards Arabella, who lied in her bed, staring at the ceiling. Caine and Sansa were both in the room, looking at her with worried eyes. "Bella," Caine told her as the baby couldn't stop crying loudly.

Maester Wolkan looked at Sansa when Arabella didn't react in any way so the Stark girl took the baby into her own hands before smiling. "Arabella, it's a girl," Sansa said softly, rocking her niece in her hands. "What is wrong with her?" she whispered glancing at the Maester, who frowned slightly.

"I suppose she has the depression syndrome," he answered with a silent voice and they all looked at Arabella, lying in bed and tired as never.

Jon wasn't there and she was broken. It's been months, and he didn't write. He didn't come back as he promised. He was probably fucking the dragon queen, who was much prettier, much more attractive then Arabella. "Bella, you need to feed your child," Sansa said worriedly.

"Can you give her something?" Caine asked Wolkan, who nodded then left the room. Sansa rocked Ellyn and glanced at the last Tyrell.

He approached Arabella as a single tear fell down her eye. At one moment Caine thought she was dead but then Arabella looked at Sansa as she shushed Ellyn. "Ellyn," she whispered lowly and Sansa nodded her head. "Ellyn Snow."

"Do you want to hold her?" Sansa smiled and Arabella nodded her head. Caine helped her sit up and Sansa slowly and carefully placed Arabella and Jon's heir into the mother's arms.

She stared down at Ellyn's brown eyes, darker than Arabella's and just like Jon's. Caine and Sansa both watched her with narrowed eyes. "Ellyn," Arabella whispered again before letting more painful tears down.

The baby girl whimpered and extended her small hand up as if she wanted to touch her mother. Arabella smiled sadly and kissed her head. "Jon promised me he'd be here," she said looking at Sansa and Caine, who both looked at her. "Instead he's in Dragonstone, forgotten about me already."

"Of course he didn't forget about you, Bella, he loves you more than anyone," Sansa argued sternly as Arabella rocked her first born daughter, feeling sentimental, but quite relieved to know that she managed to carry her, to give birth to an alive baby. "He's just busy... Couldn't write letters."

Arabella didn't answer just held her girl, a small smile appearing on her lips. "She has his eyes," she said calmly and Sansa felt concerned at how unstable Arabella looked. "Dark brown."

Maester Wolkan came back with some herbs and Arabella shook her head. "I don't want to be drugged, leave me alone," she answered calmly.

"You're too weak to walk. Let me at least invite handmaidens," Caine said tiredly and Arabella just nodded her head. "Let's go," he mused to Sansa softly and the redhead girl nodded before leaving the room.

Arabella heard the doors close then took her breast out and started feeding her child.

Jon broke his promise, and she felt betrayed.


Jon missed Arabella every second of his life. He sent her many letters, but never got a single reply. He was worried that something might happened to his love and their child and wanted to go back, but Daenerys kept him as her guest, unable to leave.

He wasn't very fond of the Queen, and when Dany found out Arabella was Jon's lover, she wasn't very excited. Daenerys didn't have a soft spot for Baratheon's.

Ser Davos walked in with a letter in his hand. "Your Grace," he smiled widely and Jon raised his eyebrow. "I must congratulate you."

"What is it?" Jon sighed tiredly and Davos handed the letter.

The King in the North took it and started reading. He saw Sansa's handwriting and looked up at Davos with a small yet regretful smile. "I'm a father to a girl," he mused then grinned causing Ser Davos to shake his hand.

"A princess," Ser Davos corrected and Jon's heart started beating fast. He was a father to a child. "I must inform you though, Lady Sansa wrote that Arabella isn't on a very good state right now... She says you didn't write letters."

"But I did," Jon answered with a frown. "Every single day I sent ravens out to Winterfell..."

Ser Davos shrugged with a small frown and Jon furrowed his eyebrows. "Unless they never reached Arabella."

"What does she mean by bad state? Is she well? Is she sick?" Jon asked, then remembered that he was the one holding the letter and started reading.

Dear Jon,

I must congratulate you. Arabella gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, named Ellyn. She has your eyes. Jon, Bella isn't good. She's hurt because she thinks you forgot her. She's shut me and Caine out completely. You must come back soon. Because I'm scared for her. Why aren't you writing us back? Please do, because only you will know how to mend her heart.


Jon knew he broke his promise, but he couldn't leave. Daenerys wouldn't let him. "Someone else is getting my letters," Jon realized and the first thing he thought of was Lord Baelish. He clenched his jaw.

Ser Davos glanced at him in confusion. "May I ask you--"

"I think someone else is taking my letters that I wrote to Bella," he whispered angrily, imagining her beautiful face in his mind. "Someone really wants to place her against me."

He just wished Arabella wouldn't fall for it.


"How are you doing?" Caine asked her softly as Arabella played with Ellyn's fingers. She felt better after the birth just physically, but emotionally she felt like a wreck.

"Like I was left alone in this world... Without anyone, just her," Arabella motioned to her child then looked at Caine with a smile. "Thank you, Caine. You are truly one of two best friends I had met."

"I think I want to be better than Alec," he joked and she chuckled softly before gazing down at her gorgeous human being that she and Jon made.

"I love her so much, and I don't care that she's a bastard. That term is too popular. It shouldn't exist," she answered then thought of Jon again and her heart start to hurt.

Though Arabella had another chance at becoming a better person. She had someone to look after, someone so small yet the small girl took the biggest part in her life.

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