8.4 The Calm

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New defenses were being put around the castle of Winterfell well as the threat kept nearing

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

New defenses were being put around the castle of Winterfell well as the threat kept nearing. Arabella spent her time taking care of her daughter as well as helping Sansa with planning the list of people who'd come to the crypts during the battle. That list contained a lot of women who were unable to fight, children and older people.

She grew close to her brother visiting him whenever she had a free minute, her uncle Tyrion, Jon, Sansa.

Arabella avoided Daenerys after seeing her get close to Jon. She wanted to voice her concerns to the man but felt like it wasn't a time.

When Jon had a free minute he spent it all with her and Ellyn. It was evening as Arabella laid in a steaming hot bath as she watched Jon help Ellyn stand on her feet. A small smile played on Arabella's lips when Ellyn finally took her first steps and fell into her father's arms. "Good job, my love," Jon picked Ellyn up with a grin as he glanced at Arabella who clapped her hands in delight. "Did you see that, Bella? She took her first steps."

Jon stood up while still carrying Ellyn as he approached the bath Arabella was laying in. "You're a good father, Jon."

"I missed so many months with her. I want to be better," he told her seriously as Ellyn rested her head against his chest and babbled causing Jon to chuckle. "What was that, Ellyn? M?"

"I can't believe we're parents, Jon," Arabella commented while leaning against the bath as Jon glanced at her with a smile. "I was promised to your brother once and you were a brother of the Night's Watch."

"I believe everything does have a reason," Jon told her as Ellyn slowly fell asleep in his arms. Arabella finished bathing as she rose up from the bath, water dripping down her nude body as Jon put Ellyn in her crib before glancing back at his wife. His look lingered on her body as she put on a robe and stepped onto the ground. "Daenerys said she had asked you to meet her but you said that Ellyn wasn't calm. But she seemed pretty calm to me."

Arabella approached the door and let some handmaidens in so that they could take the bath's water out. As the handmaidens worked Bella was quiet as she walked over to Ellyn's crib and watched her daughter sleep.

Jon didn't want to continue the conversation until they were alone and only continued when the handmaidens left. "Why are you avoiding her? I thought you two were friends."

"I know," Arabella sighed while glancing back at him. "I believe I was too quick to be open with her. Weren't you?"

Jon stared at her in confusion as Arabella mused and went towards him. "How much do you love me, Jon Snow?" she asked while placing her hands on his cheeks.

She was only in a robe and that drove Jon mad. Even after giving birth Arabella had a body desirable by many men. "You know my answer, Arabella," he said lowly as he protectively wrapped his arm around her lower waist.

Arabella didn't show any emotion on her face. "And yet whenever I see you, you're with her," she commented causing him to look at her tiredly. "I know you love me, Jon. And I love you too."

"Then what is it?" he asked while pulling her body against his as Bella lowered her hands.

"Why do you think Daenerys' dragons allow you to ride them or touch them?" she asked as Jon shrugged with an oblivious smile. "I thought so."

Arabella then pulled away as Jon grabbed her arm once again. "Daenerys is a good woman. She's my friend and she will be a good queen. Better than your mother."

"And she'll want a good husband. A husband that's powerful and someone she... she loves," Arabella confessed with a face as Jon looked puzzled for a moment before laughing. It wasn't funny to Arabella.

"Daenerys doesn't love me."

"She does."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door as Arabella tightened her robe around her body and went to open as Jon stared to the ground with a frown.

Tyrion was standing behind the door as Arabella smiled at him and let him enter. "Oh..." Tyrion trailed off seeing Jon inside too. "Speaking of you, I heard Samwell Tarly wants to speak with you."

Jon glanced at Arabella before exiting quickly as Arabella sat down on a chair and motioned for Tyrion to do the same. "Marriage troubles?" Tyrion questioned knowingly as he sat in front of her.

Arabella only placed her hand on her face and rubbed it before looking at him. "Does Daenerys love Jon?" she asked straight forward.

Tyrion's reaction gave it away. Arabella smiled angrily and stood up. "That means nothing, Bella," he then tried to tell her as she paced around the room, her fists clenched. "Jon loves only you. He had made that clear to everyone."

"I know," she snapped so Tyrion shut his mouth before looking at her pleadingly for her to calm down. Arabella stopped and breathed in. "I never got to ask you. Why Daenerys? Why are you her Hand?"

"Because as I recall Cersei hates me and I killed our father," Tyrion commented as she mused. "You're with Starks too, Bella. Blood doesn't always mean family."

"Is she a good woman as Jon says? You know her far longer than Jon," Arabella asked while sitting back down. Tyrion was quiet once again as she laughed bitterly. "You're doubtful. She is a Targaryen after all."

"Bella!" Tyrion snapped as she didn't back down with her look. "She isn't bad. She's just doing what is necessary to win her the throne back."

"A Throne her father lost for a reason," Arabella snapped again.

"Why are you so angry at her? She has been nothing but kind to you... You and Sansa seem to despise her ever since we came back," Tyrion exclaimed as Arabella looked away. "Do not create enemies, Bella. Especially not her."

"I heard she had her dragons burn Sam's father and brother," Arabella then said as Tyrion's face fell. "Now I know they fought for my mother and uncle but burning them? Isn't that awfully familiar?"

"I tried to stop her, I did, but she's the one to make the final decision."

"And is that a good trait of a ruler? Because from what I see she doesn't listen to you or Varys... What does he think?" Arabella asked as she then stood up and walked over to the door. "If I ever see her gazing at Jon again I will tell her, uncle. Let's see how well she will listen to you then."

"Do not put your life in danger by being jealous."

"The Dead are coming," Arabella then opened the door motioning for him to leave. Tyrion stood up and gave her a pleading look. "I have nothing to fear."

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the songs of winter // j.snow 3.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें