7.16 The Snow

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The Targaryen ship was sailing through the sea as Jon was waiting in his room for Bella to come

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The Targaryen ship was sailing through the sea as Jon was waiting in his room for Bella to come. He had not yet seen his daughter and couldn't wait for it.

Bella was walking through the halls with Ellyn in her hands when the Baratheon girl noticed Dany standing there. "She is beautiful," Dany commented and approached Bella. "What is her name?"

"Ellyn," Arabella answered as Dany touched Ellyn's fingers with a sad smile. "I know you lost your child, and you will never be able to have children. Jon told me about your third dragon. I'm sorry."

"You lost your first child too," Dany commented and Bella nodded sadly. "This is a gift of gods, my dragons and your girl. Jon is a good friend of mine. I learnt to admire him. I hope I could feel the same for you."

Arabella then grabbed Dany's hand and nodded. "I could use a loyal friend," she said gently as Daenerys nodded her head. "But I mustn't let the father wait. He's been dying to see her."

Daenerys nodded her head and walked away as Bella smiled. She didn't think she would like the Dragon Queen, especially a Targaryen.

Arabella reached the doors to Jon's room and knocked. He quickly opened it and froze when he saw a small girl, cooing in Bella's hands. "Jon, this is Ellyn," Arabella smiled widely as he slowly touched his daughter's small hand.

Jon laughed and let Bella walk in before closing the door. He didn't ask for her permission to hold their daughter, and gently took her into his hands. Ellyn stared at the man she couldn't recognize, and turned her small head back to her mother. "She doesn't know me," Jon whispered guilty and Bella shook her head.

"It's alright, Jon, she's small. She learns quick," Bella commented touching his arm and Jon smiled when Ellyn placed her head on his chest. Jon had an overjoyed smile as he kissed his girl's head.

"I'm sorry I missed so much," Jon told his love, whose hand traveled to his cheek. She stroked it gently and smirked. "What?"

"The wait was worth it," she nodded so Jon pulled Bella to himself as the family was all in one place.

Jon kissed Arabella's head longingly as he frowned then slightly. "What is so sad in this moment?" Bella asked with a small laugh.

Jon let go of her and she furrowed her eyebrows. "Can I ask you a question that's been bugging me since the day you came back to Castle Black?"

Arabella just nodded her head. "Would you chose Robb? Right here and right now, if he walked through that door?" Jon asked her calmly.

"No," Arabella shook her head instantly and she was honest about it.

Jon stared at her with glossy eyes as Ellyn cooed again. "Is that an answer because you don't want to hurt me?" he asked yet again so Arabella took Ellyn into her hands then placed her on the bed.

She grabbed Jon's face into her hands then brought his face closer to her. "No, because I love you. I love you so much that I wouldn't even think of being with Robb again," she mused then their foreheads touched as she closed her eyes. "Can't you see? I am yours and you are mine. Jon... Not even Robb, who I loved more than life, would change that. I'd chose you because it was you, who made me want to live and to fight the Great War that is coming. I love you, Jon Snow."

Jon kissed her passionately as he placed his hands on her waist, pulling her so close to him. She mused happily then pulled away slightly. "This is my wedding vow to you, my love."

"You're finally ready to marry me?" he smiled brightly and she nodded her head.

"Since the dragon queen doesn't bother  you as I thought... I am, I was all the time," she chuckled and he shook his head with a smirk before kissing her once again.

"Then, I, Jon Snow, vow to protect you and Ellyn with all my life, I love you and I love her," he said and they smiled. "We don't need a Septon now, do we?"

"What will he do that we don't know ourselves?" she bit her lip then he lifted her off the ground before spinning her around and kissing her once again. "Come, lay down with your family."

Jon nodded so they both got comfortable on the bed, still in their clothes, as Ellyn lied in between them.

Arabella stared at her husband, playing with their daughter as she smiled happily. She wanted to get lost in the moment. To relive it forever. "How did a bastard like me get so lucky?" he asked quietly and Arabella scoffed softly.

"How did a broken Princess get so lucky?" she questioned back and he kissed her hand, before holding it.

They lied like that for the whole night. It was much more real for them then to make love. It wasn't the most important thing.

When the morning came, Arabella continued lying awake as she stared at Jon's sleeping face and Ellyn in between them, sleeping.

Arabella smiled as she stared in awe at the two people she continued to live for. She was happy. Truly happy at that moment.

Nothing was gonna break the Snow family apart. And she was proud to call herself a Snow.

End of Season 7.

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No boat sex in this! Thank you for reading The Winds of Winter! I decided to keep my Jobella together as long as it's possible.

But with game of thrones, I don't know how long the happiness last. Till the Season 8!

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