8.6 Mistakes

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Arabella stared at Jaime and Tyrion talk as they both stared back at her

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Arabella stared at Jaime and Tyrion talk as they both stared back at her. Tyrion managed to smile as he called her to walk forward but she only walked away.

Descending down the stairs Arabella walked over to her guard and told him something as Jaime looked down at Tyrion. "Brienne shouldn't have brought up what I told her about Bella," he said dully as Tyrion glanced up at him.

"At least she'll hate her mother more than she hates you."

Jaime pursed his lips and began to walk towards her as Tyrion called him to get back. "Bella," Jaime's determined voice reached her ears as she turned around with a cold and detached face. "Talk to me, please."

She didn't answer and when he thought she'd walk away, she nodded her head. "I never wanted to hurt you."

"You did. But once I forgave you. I forgave you believing that you would help me escape mother," she snapped while staring at him with burning eyes. "And you did. But then you ruined a man I considered to be my friend. You did a lot of things for my mother and you said it yourself. You're not sorry."

Arabella began to walk away but he wouldn't let her pass. "Do not lay a hand on me, uncle," she snapped angrily while raising her hands up as Jaime clenched his jaw. "You may be an honorable man but I will not forgive you anymore. I once did and look how hurt I was left. I'm not that weak anymore as I was when your family killed Robb."

Jaime watched her walk away as Tyrion slowly approached his brother. "She'll come around."

"She speaks just like her mother even without realizing it," Jaime answered painfully before leaving Tyrion to stand alone.


Caine was laying on the ground musing a tune to a song as Arabella approached the cell and stopped. He raised the volume of his tune and she sneered with an angry laugh. "The Rains of Castemere," she recalled the horrific moment she heard that song being played during the slaughter of her husband and his mother. "You flatter me, Caine."

"Good," Caine then stopped and sat up before glancing at her with a smile. "This time you're alone. Surprising your hero of a husband let you see me alone."

"I don't have to ask Jon's permission," Arabella didn't enter his cell this time as she looked at him angrily.

"What are you doing here?" Caine asked as Arabella shrugged.

"I figured I want to be with people that aren't my husband or my uncles," she commented as he looked curious. Caine then stood up from his feet as Arabella didn't look away from his burning gaze. He approached her as a smell of something disgusting reached her scent. He hadn't showered in over half a year probably.

Arabella didn't feel bad. "Uncles? Is kingslayer here?"

She nodded her head as Caine laughed dully. "He's not here with me and he's not dead I suppose... Funny," he commented sarcastically as Arabella lost her sneer all of a sudden. "A man kills the Queen's father, kills my whole family and still gets to walk around while I... I betray you once for your own good and you decide to put me here."

"What would you have wanted me to do, Caine?" Arabella snapped as he walked away from her and turned his back on her. "How long would you have been doing this? Until I was truly broken? If that was your way of showing your love it was a failure!"

"You never loved me!" Caine yelled turning around abruptly as she took a sudden step back. Her heart was beating out of her chest as Caine stood as close to the bars as possible. "What was I supposed to do?"

"Get over it and support my decision," she said lowly as Caine stared at her, his once brown soft eyes dark and narrow. "Men do stupid things for love."

"And so do women."

Arabella knew he meant Robb and Jon but she didn't get affected. "I know," she swallowed a lump down before approaching the bars of his cell as they were inches away from each other.

Caine stared at her with a conflicted look on her face. "I hadn't killed you because even after your mistakes I consider you to be my friend. If you even once thought about forgetting your love for me... I'll set you free. Because we still need to fight when the Dead come. It's far more important than your love for me. Or your betrayal."

Arabella then pulled away and started to walk away as Caine closed his eyes as a tear escaped his eye.

It was dark outside as she walked towards her chamber with a cold look on her face. Jon was still avoiding her as Arabella noticed Arya standing outside by a horse. "Arya," Arabella commented seeing her for the first time since they came back.

The younger Stark girl turned to Arabella before nodding her head. "Tell your brother he stills has to finish my dagger," she only said and walked away as Arabella furrowed her eyebrows.

Arabella looked at the beautiful brown horse before approaching it. She touched it and closed her eyes as the horse stood calmly by her side.

Arabella should've been at least a little happy. But she felt worse and worse each day. Whatever number of days she had left to live.

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