i won't fight you (peter parker)

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summary: you're boyfriend peter got back from a very dangerous 'mission' and lost a very important person to him. months later you stay at his apartment while he runs errands and become over taken by an entity, and when peter returns that entity wants nothing more than to see peter suffer. and that's exactly what happens.

warnings: death, blood, violence

"Tony, I'm sorry." Peter choked, feeling guilty he can no longer fight. Thanos had defiantly taken his toll on him. With the rest of the avengers struggling to fight around Peter and Tony, keeping them safe so Tony can say his goodbye before sending Peter back home. Not knowing if he would ever see Peter again.

"It's okay, kid. We got this, you fought good. I'm proud of you." Tony reassured him with a kind smile. "Go home to May and Y/n. They need you more than we do."

6 Months Later, After Infinity War

"I don't know, Peter. My head really hurts." You told him, laying down on his small twin bed. Not wanting to go school that day.

"You can stay here all day if you want," Peter said to you from the doorway. "I have to go over to Stark Industries after school, so I won't be back until late."

"I thought that was next week?"

"They moved the court date to today. I still can't believe he left everything to me. I still can't believe he's gone.." Peter trailed, leaning against the door frame. He looked down to his hands and fiddled with his fingers.

You got up from the bed, ignoring the pounding in your head. "Do you want me to go with you?"

"No, no. I'll be fine. Stay here and get some rest, God knows you won't at your house." Peter kissed your forehead and gave you a sympathetic smile before leaving for the day.

You felt like you could be doing more for Peter. He lost his third father figure in his life and he isn't even sixteen yet. Peter feels responsible for losing him. It's not his fault, not by a long shot. You've tried to tell him but he just gets fussy about it and goes quiet.

You went to the kitchen and searched for something for your head. You never really get migraines, so this was a little odd. Aunt May had left a note for Peter but he obviously hadn't see it, she left early and wont be back until late. Looks like your home alone all day.

You laid back down in his bed and cuddled up in the blankets. Ready to take an all day nap.

But laying there made it worse. Seconds felt like hours as the pounding grew worse and worse. You closed your eyes tight as a few tears slipped out. The pain was excruciating like someone was banging on your skull with a hammer. The most you've ever felt for a margarin by far.

You lasted a couple minuets but ended up verbally groaning im pain. You clutched the hair on your head and rustled in the sheets wanting nothing but for this to stop. You considered calling 911 but before you could you got a feeling a sudden numbness. The pain was there but in the distance almost like it was fading away, you closed your eyes involuntarily and fell into a deep sleep.

Waking up wasn't hard. Your eyes darted open, the pain in your head was gone. Completely gone and you felt so relieved. You couldn't remember much from this morning at all besides the pain and a foggy conversation with Peter.

You looked out the window, it was dark outside. You had slept all day and Peter still wasn't back. How long did he say he would he gone for?

You tried to sit up in the bed but couldn't move your body. It was as if you were tied down or being held back by something. You tried to move your head to the side but to no avail, you couldn't. Panic was setting in and you could feel your heart beating faster and faster in your chest.

imagines ; tom holland & peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now