Chap 4 "Conflicts and Situations"

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Natalya's POV
"Well, it's up to you guys," Matt looked at his boys.
"I'm down," Didit nodded.
"Yeah," Jeff stated.
"After we're done, just remember that you asked for this," Matt looked at me.
"Do I look like I'm scared?" I asked.
"I don't really think this is the best id---"
"Let's do this," I cut Paige off.
"Oh, yeah, it's on," Paige nodded.
The music started. "I can't believe we're about to cheer in a parking lot," Leah stated.
"I know this isn't perfect, but I'm not about to get humiliated twice in one day," I nodded. "So, perform your little well-toned asses off."
"Don't we always?" asked Ella.
"We're the girl I went to school with?" Leah asked.
"That girl has a career on the line and she won't let it go down with her," I replied.
"We've got this, Natalya," Paige replied. "We're champions. They're rookies."
We did the battle. After, I walked up to Matt. "Congratulations," Matt smiled. "You took us by surprise." I smiled. "But, hey." He shook my hand. "A deal's a deal. They'll dance with you."
Matt turned around to walk away. "And what about you?" I asked.
"Well, that wasn't the bet," Matt turned back around to look at me. "I never said I would. But it looks like my boys are down with it."
I turned around to look. "But I was hoping ---" I turned around to look at Matt but he wasn't there anymore. I walked back to the group. "Alright guys. I'll send you a practice schedule when I can. It's time for me to get home. I'll drop you girls off." I dropped off Ella, Paige, and Leah at their house. I drove home and walked inside with my bag. I smelled food. "Mom?"
"Hey, honey," Mom called. I walked to the kitchen. "How was cheer?"
"I don't even want to talk about it," I sighed. She put a container of salad in front of me. "You remembered."
"Of course, you're my daughter," Mom nodded. "I'm very proud of you."
"Why?" I asked.
"Before you're not fifteen and pregnant," Mom smiled. "That's a good thing. I was a cheerleader when I got pregnant as well."
"Mom, I made a purity promise and I'm going to keep it," I nodded.
"I take it you've had your first kiss," Mom looked at me.
"I read the purity rule book," I replied as I grabbed the container. "Only a kiss is allowed with a boy but only in my heart I'll know he's the right one." I grabbed a fork. "I've never kissed Scott." I went up to my room and Skyped with Leah and Paige. "Hey guys."
"Some of those boys were pretty hot," Leah smiled.
"That's not the reason why we were there," I stated as I started eating my salad.
"Didit asked me for my number," Paige replied.
"What is with that guy?" Leah asked. "Like, they call him Didit, because if something goes wrong he probably did it. Who owns that?"
"I think he's kind of cute," Paige nodded.
"He's a man-child who needs to grow up," Leah argued.
"Your taste in boys is so random," I nodded.
"Well, he's not mature compared to that Matt guy," Paige nodded. "But there's something about Didit that makes me wanna ---"
"Slut it down," Leah nodded, making Paige stop. "And Nat, as far as your ideas go, this one wasn't totally awful."
"See, Leah, that's why I love you, because eventually you always admit that I'm right," I smiled.
"Natalya," Mom's voice came over the intercom system.
"Parental alert," Leah giggled.
"Yeah," I sighed as I grabbed my Macbook Pro. I walked over to the intercom button and pressed it. "Yes, Mom?"
"Scott's here to see you," Mom stated.
"Be down in a sec," I sighed. I put the laptop on my bed. "I'll talk to you guys later." I hung up the call and walked downstairs. He was standing there with a bouquet of flowers. "Hey."
"Hi," Scott sighed. "I thought about what you said and I think I'm ready."
"No, you're not, Scott," I nodded.
"Why didn't you break down and cry when you broke up with me?" Scott asked.
"You think I didn't?" I asked. "It took everything in me to tell you that we couldn't be together anymore." I looked at him. "I hid this from my parents because I didn't want to be a burden. You were my second boyfriend but my first love." I looked at him. "You really think I have the heart to actually tell the one guy I love, that I have to let him go?"
"Then tell me the truth," Scott nodded. "It's been a month."
"This has been the loneliest and one of the saddest times in my life. I feel like this has been a nightmare and that I should be waking up and things will be back to normal," I looked at Scott. "I’ve spent time thinking about our relationship and everything I’ve dealt with. I just simply cannot wrap my head around why you would ruin the best thing life has given you. I believed in you and tried my hardest to push you into the right direction. I’ve put blood, sweat, and tears into you and making this crazy relationship work. And you know what? At the end of the day you really didn’t give me what I gave you." I sighed as I let a tear go. "You never once made me feel like you were serious about this relationship. You said what I wanted to hear but actions speak louder than words. You knew how important trust was with me and to just completely pull the little bit you had from under my feet, just makes me sick." He let his arms drop down to his sides. "People who are in love don’t do this to each other. It’s that simple. You don’t respect me and my feelings like I respect yours. I can’t change you and I don’t want to change you." I crossed my arms. "You are who you are and you’ll always be that person. I don’t want to have to be your second mother and hold your hand to make the right decision. I need that to come from you and your heart." I took a step back from Scott as he took a step towards me. "I think you have a lot to things to figure out, like your purpose in life, how to be successful and how to be happy and I think we both need time to reflect on ourselves and our feelings. I can’t forgive you. This will leave a permanent scar on my heart. I’ve never felt this pain before.I haven’t been motivated to do anything. That’s not me. I can’t be this way. I need time to reflect on myself and you need time to reflect on yourself." I looked at him as he sighed. "I have put my heart and soul back into cheerleading and I have a feeling I've changed because of our relationship. I'm not sure if it's either a bad or good thing just yet, but I'm determined to find out about it." He looked at me. "You were and still are my first love and I’ll still think about you every day and this relationship will not work if you’re not doing the same. You’re not ready like how I’m ready. I’m looking for a man to take care of me and you’re not there yet." I walked two steps closer to him. "Maybe our paths will cross again if we’re both ready but you really need to take this time to make yourself better. Deal with those demons that are keeping you up at night. That’s when you’ll feel free and want to make someone the happiest girl in the world. That girl could maybe be me or it could be someone else." I nodded. "When you figure it out, you'll know, Scott. You need someone who is around your age range. Maybe when I'm a little bit older and I'm still single, you can come back for me, but I won't be expecting you to wait for me because I won't be waiting for you. I'll let you know that now because I need someone who is my age." He nodded. "I want you to promise me you’ll work on you. That’s all I want. I want you to be happy and I want you to be loyal, respectful, smart, and trustworthy because you can be…you just need the motivation to become that man you are destined to be."
"I understand," Scott nodded. He threw the roses into the small trashcan by the door. "We look for different things in life. But Natalya, know that I'll always love you." I nodded. "I won't give up. I'll find what went wrong in our relationship."
"You can try, but I promise you that you won't," I replied. He left. I went up to my room and watched a broadcast from Cheer Goddess. Someone tipped off Cheer Goddess and called it a street battle. I closed my laptop. "I need to rethink things." I went to bed. I got up for practice the next day and we went to Uncle Oliver's residence in DC. The team was there other than Jeff and Didit. "Okay, ready?" After twenty minutes, I saw Didit and Jeff. "Oh my God." I walked up to them. "Hey! You guys are late."

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