Chap 12 "Telling Kevin"

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Natalya's POV
Three days passed. Mom and Dad were coming home while Kevin was coming over. I finished fixing lunch and the doorbell rang. I walked into the living room and Bryant was coloring in his coloring books. "Bryant, are you doing okay?" I asked.
"Yes, sissy," Bryant nodded.
"Alright," I smiled. I opened the door and there was Kevin. "Hey."
"Hey," Kevin smiled as he gave me a hug. "These are for you." He handed me a bouquet of red roses. "Happy five months."
"Thank you," I nodded. "Uhm, come in." I let Kevin in and Bryant looked at us. "Kevin, this is my eight year old brother, Bryant Morgan. Bryant, this is Kevin."
"Hi," Bryant waved.
"Hi," Kevin nodded.
The front door opened. "Mommy!" Bryant exclaimed. "Daddy!"
"Hi, sweetheart," Mom smiled. Bryant ran up to her and she picked him up. "Has Natalya taken care of you?"
"Yes, Mommy," Bryant nodded.
"Daddy," I sighed as I walked up to him. "Are you still mad?" Daddy pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm just going to jump out on a limb here and say that you're not."
"I'm not," Daddy nodded as he pulled away. He held my hands. "You're Mom and I are here to support you."
"I know," I smiled. "I know." I let go of Daddy's hands. "Uhm, lunch is ready, if we're all ready to eat."
"Yeah, starving," Mom smiled as she put Bryant down. "Let's eat." We all walked into the dining room and all sat down to eat. After we did, we started talking. "So, what have you guys done the past three days?"
"I took care of Bryant," I nodded. "Grandpa said I was old enough to take care of Bryant on my own." Mom looked at me. "Whatever that means."
"Because I told him," Mom replied. "And you need to tell someone."
"I'm getting there, Mom," I nodded. I turned and looked at Kevin. "Kevin, I need to tell you something really important and I kind of need a decision right here and now."
"Okay," Kevin nodded. "I'm listening."
"Kevin, you know I had to go on a case as an agent," I looked at him. "I promise you that I had no intention of doing this." I sighed as I looked at him. "I'm five months pregnant."
"It's not mine," Kevin looked at my parents. "You have to believe me."
"We know," Mom nodded. "It had to do with a case we had."
"Kevin, I want to know if you'll stay here and help me with the baby or if you want to leave?" I asked. "I want you to be a father to this child but I want to know that you'll do it under your decisions and influences. Not mine."
"Natalya, I want to help you take care of the baby," Kevin nodded. "I think this is better than never." He out a ring out of his pocket. "I bought this ring because I was going to give it to you on our sixth month anniversary, but I think now is a better time than never." I looked at him. "This is a promise ring."
"i want to accept it," I sighed. I started messing with my purity ring. "But I can't remove this ring."
"You can," Mom nodded. She handed me a small black box. "You can always put the ring in here."
"Mom," I looked at her. She nodded at me. I took off the ring and put it in the box. "Okay."
"Here," Kevin smiled He put the ring on me. "Look at that. A perfect fit." I smiled as he did. "We need to go look for a house."
"Why?" I asked.
"My one bedroom apartment isn't going to be enough for our family," Kevin looked at me. "I might be a honorable discharge USMC but I promise I have the finances and the benefits ready for us." I looked at him. "Only if it's okay with your family."
"Only if my parents can help us pick the place," I looked at him.
"I'm perfectly fine with that," Kevin smiled.
"Why don't we go now?" Daddy asked.
"Why don't you guys go?" Mom smiled. "I gotta hang out with Bryant on this wonder winter day off."
"Yeah," I smiled. "Come on."
"Alright," Daddy nodded. "You going to be okay, baby girl?"
"Just make sure you're home by six," Mom smiled. "You did promise Bryant that you'll take him to buy Christmas gifts."
"Yeah," Daddy nodded. He gave Mom a kiss. "We'll be back soon."
"Go," Mom smiled.
"Alright," I sighed. We got into the SUV with Daddy. We went to a beautiful neighborhood in Quantico. We looked at one and walked outside. "Thank you."
"Thanks," Daddy nodded as I looked at the paper. We walked up the steps. "Okay."
"I don't know," I sighed.
"Natalya, what's not to know?" Daddy asked. "It's a beautiful place."
"There are cracks in the foundation," I replied.
"Cracks can be fixed," Kevin nodded. "I can fix them."
"No, they can only be hidden," I nodded. "They'll still be there."
"What, are you afraid the place is gonna fall down?" Daddy asked.
"I'm afraid it's never gonna be as strong as it was," I sighed.
"Okay, somebody's heart is not into it," Daddy sighed as he took off his sunglasses. "What's going on?"
"I don't know," I sighed. I looked at Kevin. He nodded and walked away. "When I first came here, I felt like I was home. And now, it's just an uphill battle." Daddy looked at the place. "People kill for opportunities like this. Am I crazy to walk away?"
"Well, you gotta do what's best for you," Daddy looked at me. "Follow your gut. What's it trying to tell you?"
"Daddy, I don't know what's life going to be like without you and Mom," I sighed. "I don't know how to raise a child all on my own."
"You can do it," Daddy looked at me. "Your mom did for six years. She raised you on her own." I looked at Daddy. "There's something else on your mind, Natalya. You know you can do this and that's not what you're worried about. Come on, sweetheart. Tell me what's going on."
"Daddy, I love Kevin, I do, but I don't know," I looked at Dad. "Mom got pregnant with Dad, who's famous, in her world. In my world, he's my dad. Now I'm pregnant and the father is some psychotic guy in prison. Daddy, I am scared."
"Natalya, you have the right to be scared," Daddy looked at me. "But think about it. You're nothing like your father. If it's any consolation, you are more like your mom and me in every single way." I crossed my arms. "It's not about the genetics of the the composition of the baby, it's more of how you raise your child. Natalya, you're going to have a wonderful baby and if you raise him or her around you and Kevin, you guys will have a wonderful kid. Look at you, Natalya. You turned out perfectly fine by just being raised by your mom."
"I just got lucky," I nodded.
"No, you had good influences around you," Daddy looked at me. "You had me, your mom, the BAU, NCIS, and many others."
"So, you're saying raise my baby in a secluded circle?" I asked.
"No, no, no," Daddy sighed. "You can raise your child in anyway you like and they'll turn out just fine. It's all about the influences you have around them." I looked at Daddy. "They can still be normal. All you gotta do is give your baby the best life. We tried with you, Natalya. We did but we tried a little too late. Look at us now with Bryant."
"I know," I sighed.
"Plus, you can always call us," Daddy smiled. He hugged me. "Baby, you can always call us if you need help."
"So," Kevin walked up to us as Daddy let go of me. "What do you say about this place?"
"Let's keep going," I nodded. "I want a house. Not a townhouse in the bottom of another place. It's too secluded."
"Okay," Kevin replied. "Where would you want to buy a house?"
"Daddy, what do you think is best for us to get?" I asked.
"Well, the house we live in now, it's been built by your Uncle Oliver," Daddy replied. "It's got four bedrooms and four and a half baths. A room for you, your brother, me and your mom, and a guest room."
"Where's the suggestion in there?" I asked.
"How many kids are you two planning to have?" Daddy asked.
"My baby boy is one," I sighed. "Kevin?"
"Two," Kevin nodded. "We can try for one more."
"Then have a three bedroom house," Daddy nodded. "One room for you, one room for Kevin, and the last one a nursery. Just until you guys get married and then you can share a room."
"You and Mom shared a bed before you got married," I stated.
"That's not true," Daddy nodded. "Your mom and I didn't share a bed. If you will think back to ten years ago, you and your mom shared a room in my two bedroom apartment."
"I remember," I nodded. "I was never told how you and Mom got married."
"How did you and Mrs. Morgan get together?" Kevin asked.
"Well, when Alee was pregnant, we spent a lot of time together. I even took her to her junior prom," Daddy stated. "She dated an agent from NCIS for a year or two before getting engaged to him. She broke it off a little while after." I looked at Daddy. "Your mom and I never really pursued a relationship. For six years, people thought we were a couple, but we were just friends."
"Really?" Kevin asked.
"Yeah," Daddy nodded. "For six years, we always spent time together. When I would go on cases, she'll pack my go-bag and something to eat. She wasn't part of the Bureau yet." I looked at Kevin and then back at Daddy. "The day I asked your mom to marry me, we were unsure. She was in a vulnerable state because she has just ended her relationship with her ex-fiance. Your mom was talking about marriage."
"No offense, Mr. Morgan, but you don't seem like the type of guy to settle on just one girl," Kevin stated. "You are now but before, like when you were younger."
"And you're right. I dated other women but no one ever topped your mom. I knew she was the right one but I was stubborn and an idiot at the time," Daddy admitted. "I still am but not as much as I was. Your mom and I never had any real relationship before our engagement. Some said we wouldn't last together." I smiled, knowing Mom and Daddy proved them wrong. "Look where we are now. Ten years later with our daughter and our son." Daddy's phone rang and he looked at it. "It's JJ. I'll be back."
"Take your time," I nodded. Daddy walked a couple feet away. I turned to look at Kevin. "Is it bad to say that my parents have endured more than they were supposed to?"
"How so?" Kevin asked.
"They were both FBI agents," I replied. "Mom raised me on her own till I was six. I don't know, Kevin. Sometimes I feel like I'm letting them down." He looked at me. "Maybe that's just me though."
"Natalya, sweetheart, what's wrong?" Kevin asked.
"If I wasn't having this baby, we wouldn't be here," I looked at him. "Kevin, everything I didn't want to happen is happening."
"Natalya, Kevin," Daddy stated. We looked at him. "Get in the car." We did. Daddy turned on the lights and sirens and he started speeding. "JJ, you're connected to the bluetooth. What do you got, baby?"
"Two minutes," JJ replied. "Alee's directly outside with Bryant and Oliver."
"Have you tried calling her?" Daddy asked.
"Garcia has been trying," JJ responded.
"Let me," I sighed as I got out my phone. I called Mom. After four rings, I was sent to voicemail. "She sent me to voicemail." Daddy parked the car across the street from the coffee shop. "Daddy?"
"Take cover and not at the coffee shop," Daddy stated.
"What?" Kevin asked.
"JJ?" Daddy asked.
"Thirty seconds," JJ replied.
"Go," I nodded. Daddy ran across the street. Kevin and I got out of the SUV and hid behind a cement post. "I hope they're okay." An explosion was heard as I shielded my ears. Kevin held me. The debris calmed as I peered around the post. The cafe was destroyed. "Oh my God!" I ran toward the shop. "Mom?! Daddy?! Bryant?! Uncle Oliver?!"
"Natalya?" a voice groaned.
"Hello?" I called.
"I'm over here," the voice replied. I saw some of the debri moving. I ran over and moved the debris off of them. "Thank you."
"Uncle Oliver," I sighed as I helped him up. "Where's the rest of my family?"
"I think they got out just in time," Uncle Oliver groaned.
"Is he alright?" Kevin walked up to us.
"Yeah," I nodded. "We need to find my parents and brother."
"WHo is this?" Uncle Oliver asked.
"My boyfriend," I sighed. "I'll fill you in later."
"Find your parents," Uncle Oliver groaned.
"I'll go," Kevin sighed as he walked off.
"I miss having you around," Uncle Oliver nodded.
"I miss you too," I smiled.
"Natalya!" Kevin called.
"Uncle Oliver, sit here," I nodded. I sat him on the curb. "I'll be back." I ran over to Kevin. "What?"
"No sign of your parents," Kevin nodded.
"Crap," I sighed. "Come on." We walked back to Uncle Oliver. "Let's get you to the SUV." We got Uncle Oliver into the backseat of the SUV. "Are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah," Uncle Oliver nodded.
"Okay," I nodded. My phone vibrated and I looked at it. "Great."
"What?" Uncle Oliver asked.
"My parents and Bryant took the underground tunnels," I sighed. I opened the passenger door. "I gotta go and help them out." I opened the glove box and got out my gun that Daddy always kept in there just in case of emergencies. I also got out my badge. "I'm going in."
"Are you serious?" Kevin asked.
"Kev, that's my family down there," I pointed. "Of course I'm serious. I'm going down there to save them."
"Then give me the gun and I'll go," Kevin stated.
"No, I'm still a federal agent and that is my family down there," I replied. "You can come with me and watch my sixth." Kevin nodded. "Let's go." I looked around and saw a bookcase that was still standing. I moved the debris around to take a look at the floorboard. I found a latch. "Bingo." I pulled the latch and opened an opening in the floor. "Kevin."
"Want me to go first?" Kevin asked.
"No," I nodded. "Just hold it open until I get in." Kevin held the door. I climbed down the ladder and turned in my flashlight. "Clear." Kevin jumped in and let the door close above him. "Let's keep moving." Kevin and I cautiously but quickly moved down the dark tunnel. We got to the end to turn left or right. "Seriously?"
"Did your parents leave any hints?" Kevin asked.
"Maybe," I sighed. "My mom might have. Search around the area but don't more more than a foot into each side." Kevin took the left and I took the right. I found a burner cell. "Kevin, I got it." Kevin ran over to me and I showed it to him. "I think this is something."
"I got the same thing," Kevin showed me a burner in his hand. "What do we do?"
"You go that way and i go this way," I replied.
"No, not while you're pregnant," Kevin nodded.
"I'll be fine," I smiled. "I promise." Kevin just looked at me. "Go." Kevin let out a sigh as I handed him a flashlight. "Go." Kevin nodded and disappeared into the darkness. All I could see was the light from the flashlight. I turned around and kept my gun low as I slowly made my way down the tunnel. A guy kicked the gun out of my hand. "Ugh!" He came out of hiding. "You look familiar."
"I should, princess," he smirked. He started fighting me. I was knocked onto my back. "You seem to be off your A game."
"Fuck off," I stated. I saw my gun laying on the floor out of my peripheral vision. I went for it. I grabbed my gun and got up. He grabbed me from behind causing me to shoot my gun into the darkness. "I won't let you win."
"Oh, baby, you know you can't beat me," he stated. "We've been through this."
"I don't know you," I struggled.
"Sissy?!" I heard Bryant's voice echo.
"No," I stated. I stopped on the guy's foot. I put my gun on safety and held it by the barrel. I took all my strength and turned quickly. I hit him in the face with the butt of my gun. He was knocked unconscious. "Again, I don't know you."
"Sissy?" I heard Bryant's voice again, this time closer.
"Bryant?" I asked.
"Sissy?" Bryant called again.
"Bryant," I stated. I hear his little footsteps echoing off the tunnel walls. "Bryant?"
"Sissy," Bryant came into view. "Sissy."
"Oh, Bryant," I sighed. I picked him up. "Sissy's okay. Where's Mommy and Daddy?"
"Down that way," Bryant pointed.
"Alright," I nodded. I put Bryant down and held his right hand with my left hand. "Whatever you do, don't let go or move out from behind me. Do you understand?" Bryant nodded. "Alright." I held my gun low, as usual, and made my way toward the way that Bryant came from. I heard water dripping. "Hello?"
"Natalya?" Mom's voice called out.
"Mom," I stated. I followed her voice. I found her and Dad tied to a chair. "Clear?"
"Yeah," Mom nodded. I walked in with Bryant. "Alright."
"Don't worry," I replied. I got a knife out of my boot and cut the ropes off Mom's and Daddy's hands. "There you go."
"Why do you carry a knife?" Daddy asked.
"Seriously?" Mom asked Daddy. "Why do you think I always carry a knife?"
"Grandpa Gibbs' rules," I nodded. "Rule number nine, never go anywhere without a knife."
"He's your great grandfather," Daddy sighed.
"He feels old when I call him Great Grandpa Gibbs," I sighed as I put my knife away. "Let's get out of here."
"Natalya," Kevin ran up to me. "We gotta get going."
"Why?" I asked. We heard shouting from the other end of the tunnel. "What the hell did you do?"
"I can hold them off long enough for all of you to get away," Daddy nodded.
"No," Mom replied. "I'm not loving you. Especially after all the shit we've been through."
"I'll do it," Kevin looked at us.
"Absolutely not," Mom pointed at Kevin. "You're about to be a father in a couple months."
"How do you suppose we get out?" Kevin asked.
"Well," Daddy sighed as he picked up Bryant, "knowing Alee, we're gonna make a run for it."
"With the echo and the volume of the group coming towards us, their ETA is about three minutes," Mom sighed. She put a timer on the wall and started the count down. "Time to go."
"My mom carries explosives," I stated. We started running. "I thought I knew everything about my parents. Apparently, I don't know everything."

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