Chap 17 "First Battle"

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A/N: all rights to respectful owner. Happy reading! Xoxo ~Alexis

Thor's POV
"Tony," I sighed as I walked into the facility. "Am I supposed to be feeling like this?"
"Like what?" Tony asked.
"I want to be around Natalya all the time," I replied as I sat down.
"You're in love," Tony pointed.
"Isn't it illegal for me to be in love here?" I asked. "I'm a thousand years old and she's sixteen."
"Well, according to American laws, yes, it's illegal, but she doesn't need to know how old you are till you guys do start getting serious," Tony nodded. "Anyways, I need your help. Hulk kinda got himself stuck in one of the zones while heading to Asgard in the Asgard portal. We gotta get him back." I looked at him. "I'm sending you there in two years."
"You do realize that's a two year time difference right?" I asked. "If I go there, he would've been Hulk for two years."
"Yeah, I know," Tony replied. Natalya walked in. "Hey Natalya. Just the girl I wanted to see."
"I am?" Natalya asked.
"Yeah, Thor, you're taking her with you," Tony nodded.
"Where?" Natalya asked.
"Don't ask," Tony pointed. "Just follow instructions." He strapped a bulletproof vest on Natalya along with all kinds of hidden ammo and weapons on her. "You know how to access all that, right?"
"Well, yeah," Natalya nodded. "Just some of this stuff isn't as high tech as it is in the Bureau."
"As long as you can fight, we'll be good," I nodded. "Ready?"
"Yeah," Natalya sighed.
"Be ready in two years," I replied.
"Why did Tony say it was urgent?" Natalya asked. "If I knew it wasn't that urgent, I would've stayed with my son a bit longer at the hospital."
"It is urgent," Tony replied. "Not as urgent as it needs to be though. Go on and wait in the car, Natalya. I'll send Thor out as soon as I'm done."
"Okay," Natalya nodded. "Can I take this off?"
"That will have to stay here," Tony nodded as he took the vest off of Natalya and put it on a mannequin. "Whenever you go into battle with us, that's what you will wear. You'll fight the battles on the ground while some of us are in the sky."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Natalya replied. "I'll see you in the car."
"Okay," I nodded. Natalya left the building. "Tony, what do you want?"
"Do you love, Natalya?" Tony asked.
"Yeah," I sighed.
"Then ask her," Tony looked at me. "I'm sure she feels the same way. Give her a good Christmas, Thor."
"How do I do that?" I asked.
"See this?" Tony held up a small thing. "This is mistletoe. If you're both standing under it, mind as well kiss her."
"People kiss under this?" I asked.
"Yes, it's an American tradition," Tony nodded. Natalya walked back in. "Hey."
"I'm missing something," Natalya sighed as she put the vest on and a coat over her vest. "Wherever you're going off to battle, I'm going with you."
"She knows you're going to Jotunheim," Tony sighed. "Bye." We were in Jotunheim. Loki was with us along with Captain America, and Tony Stark. "Seriously, Thor?"
I had a chat with some of them. "We will accept your most gracious offer to leave," Loki nodded.
We turned around to leave. "Run back home, little princess," said Laufey.
"Damn," Loki sighed.
I hit him with my hammer. "Next?" I smiled. We started fighting them. "At least make it a challenge for me." One of the giants threw me into a cliff. "That's more like it."
"Thor!" Natalya called.
"Natalya!" I exclaimed as one of the giants had her by the throat. I threw my hammer at the giant. She fell to her knees. I ran over to her. "Are you okay?"
"I'll be fine," she nodded. "We gotta go."
"Then go," I pointed. A beast was unleashed. "Time to go."
"Yeah," Loki nodded. Loki grabbed Natalya's hand. He started running with her. "Let's go, Thor."
We started running. We got to the edge of a cliff. "Thor," Natalya stated. I went through the beasts mouth and killed it. I landed in front of them. "Heimdall, open the bridge!" We were taken back to Asgard. "Damn."
"Natalya, are you okay?" I asked.
"Yes," Natalya sighed. I helped her up. "Can we go back home? I wanna go home."
"Yeah," I nodded. We took the portal back to Tony's facility. "Hey, Tony." Natalya took off her vest and handed it to Tony. "Maybe not for awhile."
"What?" Tony asked. "You can't fight?"
"Not whatever those were," Natalya stated. "What were they?"
"Ice giants," I sighed. "We won't go back there."
"Great," Natalya nodded. Three months passed and it was a weekend before spring break. We went to the hospital. "I'm glad Hank is being released today."
"What is spring break?" I asked.
"It's when students are out of school for a week in the spring," Natalya replied. We got her son and went home. "Mommy wants to have time with Hank."
"Is Hank ever going to have a last name?" I asked.
"I might give him grandpa's or Dad's last name," Natalya replied. "I know the Morgan bloodline ends with Bryant."
"What's the downside of being a Morgan or a Hotchner?" I asked.
"I don't have any Morgan blood in me," Natalya sighed as she put Hank down in the playpen. "I only have Hotchner and Scott running through my veins." I nodded. "Now that I think about it, after Grandpa, the Hotchner name doesn't live on. I'm naming him Hank Hotchner."
"It's not about blood," I replied. "It's were your loyalty lies." Her phone beeped and she looked at it. She gave out a sigh. "What's wrong?"
"Thor, I like you and all but I really have to go," Natalya replied. "Tell Tony I quit. I have things to resolve."
"Okay," I stated as Natalya grabbed her son. She also grabbed a backpack and two suitcases from the closet before leaving, abruptly. I ended up walking back to Tony's facility. "Tony."
"Where's Natalya?" Tony asked.
"She quit," I replied. "She just left."
"She can't," Tony replied. "She's your girlfriend."
"I feel like I've been dumped," I stated as I sat down.
"Were you guys together?" Tony asked.
"One minute we are and the next we're not," I looked at Tony. "I honestly don't know anymore."

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