Chap 19 "Central City"

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Natalya's POV
It was a Sunday morning and I had just landed in Central City with Hank. I got off the plane. "Thank you, Tony," I sighed as I turned to look at him. "I can't thank you enough for this."
"It's no problem," Tony smiled. "You will always be cared for my Tony Stark. Call me if you need me."
"Of course," i nodded, I walked out of the airport and Tony had a driver take me to a penthouse suite. I walked inside and there was a robot woman. "Oh, hello."
"Miss Scott, you're home," she smiled. "I'm Georgia Robotics. I'm a nanny and a housekeeper."
"Nice to meet you," I smiled.
"May I take Hank?" Georgia asked.
"Yes," I nodded as I handed Hank to her. She scanned him. "Is he okay?"
"Yes, but he's in need of a nap," Georgia replied.
"And I have to go for coffee," I nodded. "I'll be back." I went to the nearest coffee shop. I got my coffee. I was about to walk out until someone collided with me, causing me to spill coffee all over me." Just my luck."
"I am so sorry," he stated.
"Don't worry about it," I sighed. I looked up at him and he was a cutie. "Seriously, don't worry about it."
"Are you new here?" he asked. "I don't recognize seeing you around town."
"Yeah, I'm Natalya Scott," I nodded.
"Barry Allen," he replied as we shook hands. "Let me repay you."
"I honestly don't have time," I sighed. I handed him my number and address. "I have to get home but you can call me or come over."
"You live in the Tony Stark penthouse?" Barry asked.
"He's my employer," I nodded. "I'm staying there till I get on my feet."
"Okay," Barry nodded.
"I gotta get going," I smiled. i went back home. "I'm home, Georgia."
"Well, Hank is still asleep, Miss Scott," Georgia stated.
"Let him sleep," I sighed. "It's been a long week." I looked at my shirt. "I have to change my shirt, anyways." I walked into the master bedroom and my breath was taken away. "Oh my." I walked into the closet and noticed Georgia had organized my closet for me. "Wow." I got a red t-shirt and took off my coffee stained one. I put on the t-shirt and walked into the living room. I turned on the TV as there was a knock on my door. "I got it, Georgia." I walked up to the door and opened it. "Barry Allen."
"I had to make sure you didn't give me a fake address," Barry smiled.
"I'm not like that," I nodded. "Please, come in." I let Barry in and I closed the door. "Have a seat." He did. "Would you like something to drink? Eat?"
"Water would be fine," Barry nodded.
"Coming right up," Georgia stated from the kitchen.
"Is that your roommate?" Barry asked.
"No," I nodded. "Georgia Robotics is a robot Tony had made as a nanny and a housekeeper."
"As well as a nightguard," Georgia stated as she handed Barry a glass of water.
The baby monitor went off with Hank crying. "I got it," I sighed. "I'll be back." I went into Hank's room and picked him up. "Shhh, baby boy. It's okay." I hugged him close. "Everything is okay." I fed him a bottle and rocked him back to sleep. I walked back into the living room. "Sorry about that."
"I have questions," Barry replied. "How old are you?"
"Sixteen," I replied. "You?"
"Eighteen," Barry looked at me.
"My parents are federal agents and can get away with a lot," I nodded. "I'm a federal agent taking a leave of absence as well."
"And the baby?" Barry asked.
"He's my child, three months old," I replied. "I was abducted in a case and the unsub got me pregnant. My parents were furious but we worked through it." I looked at Barry. "I hope this doesn't scare you away."
"A mom at sixteen is a pretty big job," Barry nodded.
"My mom had me when she was fifteen/sixteen," I added. "I guess you can say it runs in the family."
"No, you were abducted and you did what you had to do to survive," Barry replied. "I totally understand. I worked for CCPD so I know how it is."
"I didn't plan on getting pregnant at this age nor did I want to. Not until I was ready. Kevin, my ex, tried to kill me so that didn't work out," I replied. "My ex, that I had broken up with, he was getting clingy and I couldn't handle him being away all the time." Barry looked at me. "The reason why I moved out here was to get a fresh start with my son. Away from my family, away from their influences. My parents got me into the FBI. It wasn't something I wanted to do."
"I totally understand," Barry replied.
"I just need to get a job," I sighed.
"Let me talk to the CCPD and see if I can get you a job there," Barry smiled. "Maybe after a while you'll get the hang of things."
"Thanks," I nodded. My phone rang and I looked at it. "I have to get this." I picked up the phone. "SSA Matt Simmons, how can I help you?"
"Natalya, the international BAU is working with your parents' BAU. Your dad's here in Central City," Matt replied. "I just thought you should know that before you go out and he spots you. I didn't want you to be shocked in case you guys do run into each other."
"You didn't tell him I was here, did you?" I asked.
"I would never," Matt replied.
"Hey Matt," I heard Dad's voice in the background.
"Just a second, Mom," Matt sighed. "What's up, Derek?"
"Can I talk to you personally?" Dad asked.
"Yeah," Matt nodded. It was quiet for a second. "Uhm, Mom's on mute so she won't here us."
"You know about my daughter's situation, right?" Dad asked.
"Yeah," Matt replied. "What's up?"
"I really miss Natalya," Dad sighed. "This case is starting to make me think of that board game called Clue." I smiled knowing it was my favorite game when I was little. "It was Natalya's favorite game growing up. I used to play it with her all the time when she was about eight, maybe nine years old."
"Let me give Natalya a call," Matt stated. "I might be able to convince her to help out on this case."
"Thanks, Matt," Dad replied.
"Hey, Mom," Matt sighed as I heard a door close. "Okay, so, do you want to come and help out on this case?"
"Yeah, but what are you going to tell him when I walk in?" I asked.
"You were just passing through and thought you would lend a hand," Matt replied. "Come on, Natalya. Your dad wants to see you. You kinda did leave abruptly early this morning when no one was awake." I sighed. "Personally, I understand since I drove you to the airport myself, but you didn't tell your parents. They have no idea where you are. Natalya, you really hurt your parents. Do you know that?" I nodded in silence. "Come on."
"Matt, I love that you're a big brother to me in the Bureau but in life, it's much different. I have to go my own way," I responded. "How is this any different than my mom moving out? I still have my home in Quantico if I ever want to go back there. Honestly, I don't know if I want to go back."
"Natalya, your mom moved out into a house in Quantico to raise you," Matt stated. "It was for your benefit but she didn't leave her family. You moved all the way out here to Central City. Come on, Natalya."
"Fine," I sighed. "I'm on my way." I hung up. "Georgia?" She walked out into the living room. "Hey, could you watch Hank for me? I have to head out to go take care of some things." I got up and opened a safe. I got out my badge and clipped my gun to my pants with my holster. "I'll be back soon. Barry, I'm sorry to cut this short. Let me walk you out." We walked out of the penthouse together. We started walking the streets. "I gotta head to the police station."
"I can take you there," Barry smiled. "I'm headed there now." We walked into the police station. "Joe, what's going on?"
"I see you've met SSA Natalya Scott," Joe nodded. "Agent Scott, I'm Detective West."
"Nice to meet you," I smiled. "Where the rest of the group?"
"In the conference room," Joe pointed. We walked into the conference room. "Here's the one you told me to look out for, Agent Simmons."
"Natalya?" Dad asked.
"Hey, Dad," I sighed.
"You guys family?" Joe asked.
"He's raised me since I was born," I nodded. "He's not my biological dad but he's the closest one I have as a dad."
"How did you get here so fast?" Dad asked.
"I was just passing through town," I replied. "So, what do we have?"
"Just got this composite sketch," JJ replied as she put the sketch on the board. "We got tons of suspects."
"Yeah," Rossi sighed pointing at the four stacks that was in front of Reid. "It's going to take him four hours but if you wanna help, it'll only take two hours."
"Give me an hour and a half," I sighed as I sat down.
"You can seriously read that fast?" Barry asked.
"Reid there can read 20,000 words per minute, I read a little less than that," I smiled. "Let's get to work." I read about 15 files in 15 minutes. I took the file I was looking at and walked up to the composite sketch. "Found him."
"Okay," Mom walked in. "I had to beg Cruz for me to come an help on ---" Mom stopped as she saw me. "Natalya." She hugged me. "Are you coming back home?"
"Mom," I sighed as she let go. "No, I was passing through and I thought I'd help out."
"Does your whole family work for the Bureau?" Barry asked.
"Third generation," I nodded. "But here's your unsub." I handed the file to Dad. "You can go and get him."
"Thank you," Dad smiled as he gave me a kiss on the head. "I'm glad to have you back."
"Only for this case," I replied. "I gotta go."

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