Chap 18 "Family Complications"

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Alee's POV
I was sitting on the couch with my arms crossed as Morgan walked through the door. "How was work?" I asked.
"I know that tone isn't directed at me," Morgan put his bag down and closed the door. "What's going on"
"I know what you did on the case so this tone is directed towards you," I stated as I stood up. "You didn't have to screw her."
"How is that any different from you flirting with unsubs?" Morgan asked.
"You were there and I made sure you were okay with it," I nodded. "You didn't even tell me about this one. Let alone have sexual relations with her."
"I'm sorry if I did pick up a phone!" Morgan raised his voice. "You know I don't have the time."
"Funny how JJ did," I nodded. I grabbed the car keys and my purse. "She took the time to call me and tell me. I waited for two days and you never even picked up to the phone to tell me."
"Baby," Morgan grabbed my wrist.
"No, don't touch me," I stated, jerking my wrist away from him.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm taking a trip with my sun, my daugher, and her son," I stated. I left the house. I got into the car and drove to the airport. As soon as I got onto the plane, we took off. "Thank you, Ollie."
"You need a vacation sometimes," Oliver replied as I sat down. He sat next to me. "Even from your husband." I smiled at Oliver. "I will need your phone though."
"Ollie," I sighed. He held out his hand. "Fine."
"Thank you," Oliver smiled as I put my phone in his hand. "He'll trace your GPS only to end up at my penthouse."
"Wait, where are we staying?" I asked as I leaned into Oliver. He kissed my head. "Oliver? Where are we staying?"
"I've arranged for you to stay at the Luthor Man---"
"No," I stated as I looked at Oliver. "I'm not staying with Lex."
"I'll be staying there too," Oliver looked at me. "He won't be able to hurt you."
"Where are my kids right now?" I asked.
"At Watch Tower with Chloe in Metropolis," Oliver nodded. "I was not going to leave them with Lex if I'm not there."
"Oh, thank God," I sighed. The plane landed and Oliver drove me to Watch Tower. I walked inside. Natalya was there holding Hank. Bryant was sitting there on the couch being a good little boy. He looked up and saw me and smiled. "There's my baby boy."
"Mommy!" Bryant exclaimed.
"Come here," I sighed. Bryant ran up to me and I picked him up. "I love you."
"I love you," Bryant hugged me tight. I smiled and put him down. "We're going to get into Uncle Oliver's car and we're going to go to Smallville, okay?"
"Is Daddy coming with us?" Bryant asked.
"Daddy and I are taking separate vacations right now, okay?" I looked at Bryant. "You're eight years old, Bryant. Daddy will always come back. His work is just taking a little bit longer."
"Oh, okay," Bryant stated.
"I have a car seat ready for Hank," Oliver nodded. "Let's go."
"Alright, come on, guys," I smiled. Oliver got into the driver seat. I got into the passenger seat. Natalya got Hank into the car seat which was in the middle. Her and Bryant sat on the sides. Oliver started driving. Within thirty minutes, Bryant was asleep. "Car rides still makes him sleepy." We pulled up to Clark's house. "The Kent Farm."
"Why are we at Uncle Clark's house?" Natalya asked.
"We're splitting up," I sighed. "I know you wouldn't rat me out, Natalya. I have to keep Bryant here. If Bryant doesn't know where I am, it's perfect." I got out of the car and opened the passenger side door. "Bryant? Bryant, honey?"
Bryant opened his eyes, "Mommy?"
"Come on, buddy," I smiled. I took the seat belt off of him and got him out of the car. "You're going to be staying with Uncle Clark, okay? I won't be far. You can call me and I'll be here."
"Bryant," Clark walked out of the house.
"Uncle Clark," Bryant smiled. He ran to Clark and Clark picked him up. "Hi."
"You're getting bigger," Clark smiled. I got Bryant's suitcase from the trunk of the car. "Leaving him with me?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "Uncle Clark is going to take care of you while Mommy is at work." Bryant nodded. "But if you need me, all you have to do is call me and I'll be here."
"Okay, Mommy," Bryant nodded.
"Mommy's gotta go," I smiled. I got into the passenger seat and put my window down. "I love you." Bryant sent me a kiss and started waving. Oliver drove off. "I hope I'm doing the right thing."

Natalya's POV
Six days has passed and it was Friday. The last day of break before the weekend. My parents still hasn't made up. "Mom," I stated as I walked into the office with Hank. Lex was there. "Oh, I'm sorry, Lex. I was looking for my mom."
"I think she went with Oliver to hang out with Bryant," Lex replied. "Is it something I can help you with?"
"No," I nodded. "Mom usually watches Hank when I want to go out. I guess I'm taking him with me." He looked at me. "I'll be okay."
"Where are you going?" Lex asked.
"Uncle Clark is taking me around Metropolis for a day but looks like he gets the double package with the baby," I smiled. "He could use a little more time to spend with Hank. We'll be okay."
"No doubt," Lex nodded.
"Natalya," Uncle Clark walked in. "Change of plans. Your dad is in Metropolis."
"I just wish my parents would stop being childish," I nodded. Uncle Clark followed me outside. "It's funny. I break up with Thor yesterday and he shows up today."
"Do you think Thor told him?" Uncle Clark asked.
"I didn't tell Thor where I am," I nodded.
"Have you told your mom that you plan on moving out of the state?" Uncle Clark. "Away from Quantico?"
"No," I replied. "I haven't told Mom."
"Tell me what?" Mom asked as she closed the car door. "Is everything alright?"
"Dad's in Metropolis," I stated, saying the first think that came to my mind. "Uncle Clark told me."
"Because I called him and told him to tell you," Mom sighed. "I had to sneak out of the penthouse."
"Why didn't you tell me to come get you?" Uncle Clark asked.
"Because he would've heard me talking to you and I couldn't stay on the phone long," Mom replied. "So, Natalya, what else are you hiding?"
"Can it wait?" I asked.
"No, I'm here now," Mom replied.
"Do you really want to know?" I asked.
"I'm your mother," Mom looked at me. "What do you have planned?"
"Once you and dad resolve your issues, I'm moving," I sighed. "I'm moving Hank and I to a new city."
"Why?" Mom asked.
"I need to find a home," I replied. "A home where I can raise Hank and not in one where you and Dad run every time something goes wrong." She raised a brow. "Mom, you take Bryant, Hank, and I halfway across the US because Dad screwed some unsub. It was his choice. Just like it was my choice to be abducted by the unsub who got me pregnant."
"You were abducted," Mom stated. "There's a very fine line between free will and urgency."
"Then talk to Dad about it than pulling us kids into it," I nodded. Uncle Clark left. "Mom, I understand he's married to you. For sixteen years, you have put up with each other." Mom looked at me. "You guys go through hell and back and defeat death just to see each other once more."
"How would you feel if your significant other did this?" Mom asked. "Trust me. It's going to take a lot more than I'm sorry to make things alright."
"Alee Hotchner," Dad's voice stated.
Uncle Clark showed up, "Time to go."
"Take the kids, Clark," Mom stated. "I can take care of him."
"Good luck," I nodded.

Alee's POV
Clark left with Natalya and Hank. "How'd you find me?" I asked.
"Garcia knew you'll hide but it wasn't as well as you thought," Morgan replied. "She knew you'll run to Oliver when you need help."
"But I used his card," I stated.
"Oliver Queen can't be in two places at once, baby girl," Morgan replied. "That was your first mistake between Smallville and Metropolis."
"Why can't you just accept that you messed up?" I asked.
"Well, if you listen to your voicemails, you'd know that I apologized," Morgan replied. "But I figured there's only one way for you to hear me out." I crossed my arms. "I wrote this song when you started talking and seeing McGee. I thought I was losing you, Alee. Now this little mistake could ruin our whole relationship." I looked at him. "Our marriage."
"Would you get on with it?" I asked. "I have something that I have to do." Morgan got out his phone and a song started playing. I sat down on the bend in front of the house. Morgan followed me and he stood in front of me. "How long is this introduction?"
"It seems like only yesterday, when I first laid eyes on you. You were walking past me with your friends and I had to make my move," Morgan started singing. "I couldn’t let you get away without your number and your name. Didn’t know that my life would ever be the same." I was trying so hard to not smile. "From the moment we hooked up, nothing could come between us. It was a Thursday night you told me, girl, that you fell in love. And looking back to way back then, I never thought that we would end. Now you’re telling me it’s time that we let it go." Morgan looked at me and I gave him a small smile."If this love is a battle, then I’ll fight for you. If it takes me forever, then that’s what I’ll do. I know we can make it, don’t give up on us. We can find a way, find a way, find a way back into love." Morgan grabbed my hand and pulled me up. He hugged me. "Relationships, you know, sometimes it’s gonna hurt. No one said it would be easy, girl, we gotta make it work. But through the tears and through the pain, I know we’ll make it through the rain. ‘Cause I know that what we got’s worth fighting for." Morgan let go of me and spun me around. "Girl, I’m wise enough to say, I’m not the perfect man. But I hope that you appreciate that I do the best I can. To give you everything you need. So, baby, put your trust in me. Let me show you girl that this is where you should be..."
I stopped the music. "That's enough of that," I nodded.
"You didn't like it?" Morgan asked.
"Derek Morgan," I sighed as i grabbed both of his hands. "We might be in a rocky situation."
"But?" Morgan smiled.
"I still love you," I smiled. He kissed me. "Your son is at the Kent Farm."
"Why?" Morgan asked.
"Split up the kids, harder to find," I smiled.
"You only had one flaw," Morgan nodded.
"Yeah, using Ollie's card when he's in Metropoolis," I replied. "Next time, he'll give me cash."
"Our first big fight," Morgan sighed. I nodded and hugged him. I kept my hold on him. "Okay, what's wrong?"
"Natalya's planning on moving," I sighed. I let go and looked at Morgan. "I don't know where, but she cleared out her bank account."
"How much did she have?" Morgan asked.
"Sixty grand," I replied. Morgan and i got into his SUV and he drove us to the Kent Farm. "I'm scared, Morgan."
"Where is she planning on moving to?" Morgan asked.
"Away from Quantico, away from Virginia, away from us," I replied.
"Daddy!" Bryant explained as he ran up to Morgan.
"Hey, buddy," Morgan picked up Bryant. "You take care of your mama for me?" Bryant nodded and I smiled. "Of course you did."
"Hey, guys," Lois walked in.
"Thanks for watching him, Lo," I smiled.
"Aunt Lois loved having Bryant around," Lois nodded.
"Did Natalya give you any intel on where she wants to live?" I asked.
"She was talking to Clark the other day," Lois replied. "He probably knows."
"Why is Superman the only one to know?" Morgan asked. "Even I can't compete with him."
"Because you're not a superhero," I nodded. "Anyways, thanks, Lois. We gotta get to Metropolis." Morgan put Bryant in the backseat and started driving. I got out my phone and typed in a number. "Okay."
"Who are you calling?" Morgan asked.
"Garcia," I replied. I put the phone up to my ear. "She could get some information."
"My sweet," Garcia stated. "Are we scheduling a date?"
"Next time," i nodded. "Could you pull up Tony Stark's jet flight schedule?"
"What exactly am I looking for?" Garcia asked.
"Well, look for a city he's never been to," I replied.
"He had an emergency flight scheduled tomorrow to Central City," Garcia replied. "Is that it?"
"No, but thank you," I hung up.
"You really think she'll ask Tony to fly her?" Morgan asked.
"He was her employer," I looked at Morgan. "I gave it a shot."
"We can't trace her," Morgan replied. "She's got sixty thousand dollars on her. We won't find her."
"Why did I have her trained?" I asked.
"You were just taking precautions like your dad did with you," Morgan nodded.
"And it lead her to moving away," I sighed. "We don't even know where."

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