Chap 16 "Christmas"

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Natalya's POV
Christmas came by and I went down to the hospital and spent some time with Hank in the room fill of babies. "Merry Christmas, baby boy," I smiled. A guy walked in and I recognized him immediately. "Why is Tony Stark at a hospital in Quantico?"
"SSA Natalya Scott?" he asked.
"I'm Natalya Scott but I hung up my badge," I looked at him. He raised his brow. "For now, anyway."
"I have a special assignment for you," Tony took off his sunglasses. "Do you choose to accept?"
"I'm trying to spend CHristmas with my son," I replied.
"You'll be able to spend time with him as soon as he's released," Tony nodded. "I'll also pay for a full time nanny so he'll be watched when you can't watch him. It's a very special operation."
"Am I going to be paid for this?" I asked.
"As long as you accept this job and do as you're told," Tony smiled. "Also, you can't speak a word about this operation with anyone."
"How much will I be paid?" I looked at Tony.
"Five grand a week," Tony nodded.
"I'm going to need the money due to his father being dead," I sighed.
"About that, the name has been removed from Hank's birth certificate so you can put anyone down and he can have any last name you want him to have," Tony replied. "Come on, Natalya. You can do this job. You hid your pregnancy from your dad for months. You have done a lot that your parents don't know about."
"I'll do it," I sighed. "I"ll come back and see you, Hank." I gave him a kiss on his forehead and placed him in his bed. "Let's go." Tony got me into a blacked out SUV and we went to some super awesome facility. We walked inside. "Wow."
"We are what you call The Avengers," Tony smiled. "This is our base and secret operation."
"A team of what, exactly?" I asked.
"Superheroes," Tony replied. "Captain Steve Rogers is Captain America, Dr. Bruce Banner is Hulk, Natasha Romanoff is Black Widow, Clint Barton is Hawkeye, that's Loki, and that's Thor Odinson." I nodded. "Everyone here has someone on their side. Someone like you."
"Who do I have the honor of being partnered with?" I asked.
"Thor," Tony stated. Thor walked over to us. "This is your go-to when you need information."
"Hello, I'm Natalya Scott," I smiled as I held out my hand.
"Thor, God of Thunder," he nodded as he shook my hand. "Looks like we're going to be hanging out together a lot."
"He needs a place to crash," Tony sighed.
"I have an extra room," I nodded. "You can have it."
"I like her already," Thor smiled.
"How old is she?" Loki asked.
"Sixteen," I replied.
"She's a bit young, Tony," Thor crossed his arms. "What do I do if people ask what we are to each other?"
"You're her boyfriend," Tony nodded.
"What?" Thor and I asked at the same time.
"My ex just died and you're telling me I have to be in a relationship with Thor?" I asked.
"Look, Thor isn't from here," Tony replied. "He's from some place called Asgard and a hammer is his weapon."
"Yeah, okay," I nodded. My phone rang and I looked at it. "Excuse me." I picked up. "Hey Mom. Merry Christmas."
"One hell of a Christmas," Mom sighed. "Someone stole the orphans gifts. Your dad and I need some help wrapping the ones we bought."
"I'll be over to help wrap as soon as I can," I nodded. "I know how much you and Daddy wanted to hell the less fortunate angels this year. I'll see you soon." i hung up. "If he's meeting my parents, he's not wearing all that armory."
"Yeah, come on," Tony nodded. He walked us to a room full of clothes. "I'm sure you can find something to fit him. Have fun."
"Thanks," I smiled Tony left. I got Thor dressed in jeans, converse, a white t-shirt, and a black zip up hoodie. "That will have to do for now." We walked outside and Tony handed me a key. "What is this for?"
"That red lamborghini," Tony smiled. "Have fun and don't wreck."
"Thanks," I nodded. Thor and I got into the car. I got us to my parents' house and we walked inside. "Mom? Dad? I brought a friend."
"We're in the dining room," Mom stated as we walked inside. "Hey. Who's your friend?"
"Thor," I smiled. "We're here to help."
"I'll go load the gifts into your car," Daddy replied. "What car did you bring?"
"The red one that's in the driveway," I replied.
"Alright," Daddy left the room.
"I just need you to take the gifts to the kids," Mom nodded. "Your dad and I will finish up the last couple of gifts we have."
"Babe, Natalya is driving a lambo," Daddy walked in.
"Mr. Stark is letting me borrow it to drive with Thor," I replied.
"Well, it's ready," Daddy replied.
"Let's go, Thor," I replied. We got into the car and I drove us to the orphanage. I parked the car. "Are you okay, Thor?"
"What is this place?" Thor asked.
"An orphanage," I replied as we got out of the car. Thor looked at me. "It's a place for orphans." We walked to the trunk and I opened it. He was still confused. "An orphan is a child whose parents are dead, unknown, or have permanently abandoned him or her. In common usage, only a child who has lost both parents due to death is called an orphan. Until they are adopted, they stay here."
"Ohhh," Thor nodded. I started piling gifts in his arms. I close the trunk when I got done. "Is that all?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "Is that heavy?"
"Not as heavy as my hammer," Thor replied.
"Let's go inside," I smiled. We walked inside and a lady was just starting at the tree. "Excuse me?" She turned around, startled. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I'm FBI Agent Natalya Scott. Agents Morgan and Hotchner set me with the gifts."
"Yes, please set them under the tree," she smiled. Thor did. "Thank you so much."
"It's no problem at all, ma'am," I nodded. "I know how much Christmas means to kids and my parents love to help the less fortunate ones."
"Where are my manners?" she asked. "I'm Lisa Talbond, the mother of the orphanage. I'm sure you have had your experiences."
"This would be my first," I replied. "My mom has a big heart. She was a single mother to me for the first six years of my life." She nodded. "Then, Derek Morgan married her. He's been in the family since I was born."
"You talk like you're a mom," Lisa looked at me. "Do you have any kids?"
"I have a son," I responded. "He was born five months premature."
"Is he okay?" Lisa asked.
"Yeah," I smiled. "They just gotta keep him in the hospital for a couple days." My parents walked in. "Mom, Daddy."
"I see you've met Lisa," Mom smiled as she put the gifts she brought under the tree. "That's got to be all sixty two gifts that we replaced."
"They're going to be happy that you did this," Lisa smiled. "I thank you all."
"It's no problem," I nodded. "Maybe in a few years, I'll come by and adopt a child."
"Don't you want any of your own?" Lisa asked.
"I have one and since they did a c-section on me, they'll have to do another one when I get pregnant again," I replied. "I don't want to go through that again." My phone rang and I looked at it. "Excuse me." I walked to the window and picked up. "Yeah, Tony?"
"I need Thor," Tony stated and hung up.
"Uhm, okay," I sighed as I looked at my phone. I turned around to look at everyone. "I'm sorry, that was Mr. Stark. Uhm, he's requesting to see Thor and I immediately."
"Alright," Thor sighed. "It was nice to meet you. I must go."
"I'll call you, Mom," I nodded. Thor and I got into the car. I drove us to the location of the base. "I'll be inside in a minute. I have to go and check on my son in the hospital one more time."
"Okay," Thor replied. "I'll see you soon?"
"You can count on it," I smiled. Thor closed the door and walked inside. "I think I'm falling for you."

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