Chap 11 "Choosing"

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Natalya's POV
Mom got in the car. "Are you okay, Mom?" I asked.
"I wouldn't have come with just my team, if I knew what kind of heavy fire you were taking," Mom replied.
"How many clips did you empty?" Daddy asked as he started driving.
"Four," Mom replied. "SWAT made it just a couple minutes ago."
"Great," I smiled.
"You, little lady, have to make a decision," Mom looked at me. "We'll talk about it more when we get to the station."
"What?" I asked. "Daddy?"
"Don't do that," Daddy replied. "I'm not falling for that. Your mother and I already talked about this and we think it's time you make this decision on your own."
"What decision?" I asked. The rest of the ride to the station was quiet. Scenarios went through my mind. I was hoping Mom didn't tell Daddy that I was pregnant. I went to sit in the conference room. Mom and Daddy walked in. "Could you tell me which decision I'm supposed to be making?"
"We want to talk about what's best for you," Daddy sighed.
"That's only a start because I already know that," I replied. "WHat does that have to do with me?"
"We know you know right from wrong but we want you to make the decision," Mom replied. "Derek and I are with you every step of the way."
"We want to ask you, who would you rather have in your life?" Daddy asked. "Me or your biological father?"
"How long?" I asked as I crossed my arms. "It's obvious this is just bigger than me, in general."
"Your mother and I love each other very much," Daddy looked at me. "We are staying together but one or both of us might have to look for a new job."
"Why?" I asked. "You guys have worked together for years."
"And it drove me crazy just thinking about it," Mom nodded. "Your daddy and I are ready."
"I can't," I nodded. "I love my fathers. I'm just not ready to let go yet."
"Okay," Mom nodded. "We should get home." We went back to Quantico and walked into our bullpen. "Can I call everyone to the conference room, please?"
"Another case?" JJ asked.
"No," Mom sighed. "I'll meet you guys in there."
"Okay," Daddy nodded.
"Morgan, I need to speak with you in my office," Mom added.
"Okay," Daddy replied.
"Here we go," I sighed as I walked into the conference room. "Oui."
"Does anyone know what's going on?" Prentiss asked.
"No," Rossi sighed as he sat down. "I'm ready to go home."
"Anybody remember the last time a meeting was called this early?" JJ asked.
"Yeah," Reid nodded.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Hotch left and Alee took over," Reid replied.
"So, who's leaving?" Prentiss asked as Garcia walked in. "It must be big since Garcia was called as well."
"Alright," Mom walked in with Daddy. "I'm sorry to call you all in after an exhausting case ---"
"Something at three twenty eight in the morning, it better be good," Prentiss cut Mom off.
"Stop interrupting and maybe we could all go home," Daddy sighed.
"Who's leaving?" JJ asked.
"You got all that when I was gone for five minutes?" Mom asked.
"The last time this happened, Hotch left," Reid replied. "But we got you."
"This is disappointing," Mom sighed. "I called you in here because I have come to a decision."
"A decision?" Garcia asked. "For what?"
"I put my resignation letter to Strauss already," Mom looked at all of us. "Morgan and I already talked about this."
"You're leaving?" Reid asked.
"Yes," Mom sighed. "I've been employed here for at least sixteen years. My time here, it's come to an end."
"You'll come visit us, right?" Garcia asked.
"Of course," Mom smiled.
"Who's our new chief?" JJ asked.
"You guys don't do well with change," Mom sighed.
"You're all a family here," I replied. "I'm new but you all know me."
"I wasn't going to leave you guys without making sure you were in good hands," Mom sighed. "Morgan is going to be your chief. He's done it before. So, instead of having someone new, you'll have Morgan."
"I thought you were going to call him old," JJ replied.
"You do know we are older than they are, right?" Rossi asked.
"We're in our thirties," Daddy replied.
"Who's taking Daddy's position as his right hand?" I asked. "Every leader does need a second in command."

Alee's POV
"Natalya, there's a reason why you were hired," I replied. "Every single person has an equal chance to sign up for that."
"Really?" Rossi asked.
"Yeah," Morgan nodded. "I'm giving everyone a chance. I want the e-mails in my inbox by nine. If it's a minute after, I won't look at it."
"Alright, guys," I stated. "Go home. Get some sleep."
"Alee, can you come in tomorrow?" Garcia asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. "Looks, let's all go home." Morgan drive Natalya and I home. Natalya went up to her room and closed her door. "Is something wrong with her?"
"Alee, she's a teenager," Morgan replied.
"Yeah, there's that," I sighed, knowing it's probably her hormones out of whack due to her pregnancy. "It's December and I want Christmas to be perfect this year."
"And it will be," Morgan nodded. We went to our room. Morgan changed into his pajamas. "It will be a perfect Christmas because you will be the one putting it together."
"Morgan, let's be real here," I sighed.
"I'll put in my resignation a week before Christmas," Morgan hugged me. "The whole family will be together for Christmas."
"You're forgetting Natalya," I replied.
"We'll make it work," Morgan nodded.
"I hope so," I stated.
"And we will," Morgan looked at me. "I promise."
"We can't make promises we can't keep," I nodded. "You're resigning in a week, literally, who are you going to fill in as chief and get another agent?"
"You let me worry about that," Morgan smiled. He gave me a kiss. "I don't need you to worry you're pretty little head about anything."
"That's what you think," I looked him in the eye. "I need to get some water." I walked down to the kitchen and Natalya was drinking some hot tea. "Hey."
"Mom, can I talk to you?" Natalya asked.
"You should be getting some sleep," I pointed. I got a bottle of water from the fridge. "It is very important to get some rest for you and your baby."
"Mom, I'm having a baby boy," Natalya looked at me.
"The first question you have to answer: have you told Daddy?" I asked. Natalya nodded. "You have to do that right now, Natalya."
"What if he's asleep?" Natalya asked.
"He's not," I sighed. Morgan walked into the kitchen. "Morgan."
"Why aren't you asleep?" Morgan looked at Natalya.
"I'm just thinking about a lot," Natalya sighed.
"What about?" Morgan asked. Natalya looked at me and I nodded. "Daddy, remember the case about five months ago?"
"The one where you were kidnapped?" Morgan asked. Natalya nodded. "Yeah, are you still running that thought around your head?"
"Daddy, I found out what he meant," Natalya replied.
"What could he have possibly meant?" Morgan crossed his arms.
"Daddy, I'm pregnant," Natalya stated. It got quiet and Morgan was shocked. "Daddy? Daddy, please say something."
"I ask that you tell me your just joking," Morgan stated. "For God's safe, I hope you're joking."
"I wish I was," Natalya replied.
"Morgan?" I asked. He looked at me. "There's nothing you can do about it."
"I wanna kill him," Morgan clenched his fist.
"Then you'll be giving him the easy way out," I looked at him. Morgan left and i heard the bedroom door slam shut. "I'll talk to him."
"Is Daddy going to be okay?" Natalya asked.
"Yes," I nodded. "Now you gotta tell Kevin about this."
"Do I have to?" Natalya asked.
"You're five months along and you're going to start showing soon," I looked at her. "Natalya, you can't keep him in the dark. He needs to know." Natalya sighed. "Manana."
"No, Mom," Natalya nodded. "I can't do that."
"Do it or I will," I replied. "Good night, Natalya." I walked back to the room and Morgan was pacing back and forth. "Morgan, can you please sit down?"
"Baby girl," Morgan walked up to me. "She's pregnant. At sixteen!"
"There was nothing we could've done to prevent this," I nodded. "It was a case. Now, if she went off and done it with her boyfriend, we would have to say in this." Morgan took a deep breath. "The only thing we can do is be supportive of her."
"I gotta go," Morgan sighed.
"Where are you going?" I asked. Morgan left. I heard the front door. "Great." I looked out the window and saw the Escalade drive off. "Dammit." I went to bed and my alarm went off at seven. I got up. I showered and checked the security cameras. Morgan never came home. "Shit." I got dressed and walked downstairs as the doorbell rang. I opened the door. "Dad, Bryant."
"Mommy," Bryant hugged me. I picked him up. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too, baby boy," I smiled. Dad walked in and closed the door. I gave Bryant a kiss and put him down. "I'm glad you're here."
"What's wrong?" Dad asked.
"Mom," Natalya walked in front he kitchen holding bags. "I cooked breakfast. Where's Daddy?"
"Must be at work," I lied. "I'm about to head out. I'll eat dinner when I get back from the case, okay? Watch your brother."
"Okay," Natalya nodded. "Come on, Bryant."
"Food!" Bryant exclaimed.
"Go eat breakfast," I smiled. Bryant and Natalya disappeared into the kitchen. "Could you drive me to the BAU?" Dad nodded. We got into the car and started driving. "Dad, Morgan left last night and hasn't returned."
"What happened before that?" Dad asked.
"Well, we told Morgan that Natalya's pregnant," I sighed.
"She broke her purity promise?" Dad asked.
"No, it was a case five months ago and her hymen is unbroken," I replied. "I think the unsub fertilized her another way. She wasn't sore down there or anything." Dad parked in the lot. "Morgan isn't here."
"Do what you gotta do," Dad looked at me.
"Thanks, Dad," I sighed. "I gotta go in there and manage them." I got out of the car and walked into the conference room. "I see you're all ready to go."
"Alee, you resigned," Reid replied.
"Well, your chief unit hasn't returned so I'm just taking over this case," I looked at them.
"We're still down an agent," JJ replied.
"We'll manage, like we always do," I smiled. Prentiss handed me a case file. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," Prentiss nodded.
"Let's see what we got," I replied. I opened the case file and it was empty. "JJ, did you not come across a case?"
"Nothing major," JJ nodded.
"We need something," I sighed.
"No kidding," Rossi replied.
"How about this one?" JJ asked. She handed each of us a file. "I thought about this one."
"Okay," I stated. I opened the file. "Oh my."
"Homicide on Navy Officers," Reid closed the file.
"Send this over to NCIS," I put the file on the table. "I need to make a call." I went to Morgan's office and closed the door. I called Morgan's phone and straight to voicemail. I hung up and called Fran, Morgan's mother. "Pick up."
"Hello," Fran picked up.
"Hey, Fran," I sighed. "It's Alee."
"Sweetheart," Fran stated. "How can I help you?"
"Speak code," I nodded. Code is something Fran and I came up with to talk, so no one would understand what we were talking about. "I need to know."
"Alee, sweetheart, I honestly don't know," Fran replied. "Guess he's on a nice couch somewhere."
"Thanks, Fran," I nodded. "At least he's okay." I hung up. "Well, Morgan, you're gonna get it when you come home." THere was a knock on the door. JJ poked her head in. "Yeah?"
"We just got a case in," JJ sighed as she walked in and handed me the case file. "You're gonna want to take this."
"Give me a second," I sighed. I opened the file and looked at it. "Get everyone briefed and Natalya here." I kept my eyes on the file. "Am I reading this right?"
"They have Morgan as a suspect," JJ nodded.
"Go, I have to go talk to Strauss," I responded. I walked to Strauss' office with the file. I walked in. "Strauss, ma'am."
"How can I help you, Alee?" Strauss asked.
"I ask that you re-instate me just for this case," I nodded. She looked at me. "Morgan needs a superior, ma'am, and you know I'm qualified. He can't represent himself."
"Go," Strauss nodded as she handed me a gun. "I understand you left your gun but grabbed your badge." I nodded. "Now, go. Do your job."
"Thank you, ma'am," I smiled. "I met everyone on the plane. "Alright, guys. What do we know?"
"The body of a fourteen year old boy was found," Prentiss sighed.
"Where's Nat?" I asked.
"We're not having her see Morgan in this situation," Rossi replied. "You know better than that."
"Keep going with this case," I sighed.
"Cordell Riddles, 14," JJ responded. "Morgan was the last one to see him alive."
"That's why he's a suspect," I close the file. "They're doing their job wrong." We got to Chicago and marched right into the police station. "Detective Johanson?"
"Yes?" he replied.
"I'm SSA Alee Hotchner," I replied as I shook his hand. "I am Agent Derek Morgan's superior."
"We were told to be ready for Agent Strauss," Johanson looked at me.
"She re-instated me," I nodded. "Now, where is he?" Johanson pointed at a door. "Thank you." I walked inside and close the door. "Well?"
"Alee," Morgan looked at me. "What are you doing here?"
"Strauss re-instated me," I looked at him. "We need to talk."
"That can happen after this case," Morgan nodded. "Okay? We just need to figure this out."
"Fine," I huffed, angrily.

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