Chap 27 "Normal?"

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Natalya's POV
After the whole Earth X situation, I just wanted to be at home to relax with my family. I sat in my chair at STAR Labs, waiting for Barry. "Where is everyone?" I asked.
"Mommy," Hank ran in.
"Hey, baby," I smiled as I picked him up. Joe, Cecile, Mom, Dad, and Wally walked in right after. "Were you good to Uncle Wally?" He nodded. "You were?"
"He didn't give me any problems," Wally smiled.
"I've missed you, Mommy," Hank laid his head on my shoulder.
"I've missed you too," I hugged Hank close.
"We've got a problem," Caitlyn walked in with Cisco and Iris.
"We just got out of one," I replied as I put Hank down. "What's going on?"
"Wally, can you remove Hank from the room?" Iris asked.
"Hank, go with Uncle Wally," I replied. "Mommy's gotta take care of some work and then we can go home."
"Thank you," Caitlyn sighed as Wally left with Hank.
"What's going on?" I asked again.
"Barry just got sentenced to lie," Iris replied.
"Wait, what?" I asked. "Why didn't I know of this?"
"He was found guilty of first degree murder," Caitlyn nodded.
"Who the hell did he murder?" Joe asked.
"He is said to have murdered Clifford DeVoe," Iris replied. "But he's not dead. He took over someone else's body."
"My husband is in prison," I replied. "Why didn't I know?"
"Barry thought he could beat it," Iris replied. "I'm sorry, Natalya."
"Is he really that much of an idiot?" I asked. "He could've --- never mind. He can't." I sat down in a chair. "Which facility is he in?"
"Iron Heights," Cisco replied.
"Why didn't he say he's The Flash?" Mom asked.
"He still wanted these people to believe in something," Caitlyn replied. 'Which means it's up to us to keep the city safe."
"Yeah," I sighed. I pulled Garcia up on video. "Garcia."
"My lovely," Garcia smiled. "I would hug you if I could. How's everything?"
"Not good," I stated. "Listen, could you do me a favor?"
"I'm very tech savvy," Garcia nodded. "What can I do?"
"Send me everything you have on Barry Allen's case file on the CCPD database," I replied.
"I don't think I can find any ---" Garcia stopped after typing. "Oh, my God. Are you okay?"
"Just send it, Garcia," Dad stated.
"Okay," Garcia nodded. "And sent."
"Thank you," I sighed and ended the chat. I ended the file and looked at the notes. "Well, there's no way out of that."
"In your own words?" Joe replied.
"Ask your girlfriend," I stated as I looked at Cecile. "She was his attorney."
"Attorney-client privilege," Cecile crossed her arms. "Sorry. I can't discuss that with you."
"She's his wife," Joe replied.
"Look, Barry went on trial for the murder of Clifford DeVoe. Despite Cecile's best efforts, the jury remained unmoved and he was sentenced to life in prison," I replied, remembering from the notes. "The prosecution got a testimony from DeVoe's wife as well as Captain Singh, who was unable to explain away barry's tardiness and absence from work. Barry refused to take the stand himself, on the basis that he would be forced to commit perjury." I sighed as I put my hand on the file. "I take it Cecile tried to convince Barry to out himself as The Flash, but knowing him, he didn't want to risk he lives of his friends and family."
"He even stopped me from telling the truth to the court," Iris nodded.
"With a mountain of airtight evidence and damning testimonies, the jury quickly offered up a guilty verdict," I nodded. "The judge agreed and sent Barry to Iron Heights for life."
"Maybe I could've been able to keep him out," Mom crossed her arms.
"You're not Super-Mom," I replied as I stood up. "I'm going to visit Barry."
"Are you going to be okay?" Cisco asked.
"I have a cool head, Cisco," I nodded.

Barry's POV
I was told I had a visitor so I went to see who it was. I sat down and picked up the phone. "I'm so sorry, Natalya," I sighed.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Natalya asked as she looked at me. "Or tell the world?"
"I wanted to protect you," I replied.
"That's going to be very hard, considering you're in here for life," Natalya stated. "You're not getting out soon What do you expect me to do out here without you?"
"Remember when I told you to keep going when things go south?" I asked. She nodded. "This is it. If I'm in here for life, I can't make you happy. I can't take care of Hank."
"Stop," Natalya replied. "I'm Oliver Queen's niece. I know where you're going with this, so money isn't an issue."
"That's not what I'm talking about," I sighed. "I want you to be happy."
"And I will be as soon as we get you out," Natalya stated. "Hank needs his dad and I'm going to find a way to get you out."
The bell rang. "That's my cue," I replied.

Natalya's POV
It's been a week and Barry was still im prison. I've been to visit him every single day at 1:30pm on the dot. Hank was still way too young to understand what has happened. I was in the living room with Hank watching Power Rangers when my phone rang. "I'll be right back, sweetheart," I sighed. I walked to the kitchen island, where my phone was charging. It was my dad. I picked up. "Hey Dad."
"Hey, baby," Dad sighed. "How's it going with Barry?"
"He's hanging in there," I nodded. "How's everything in Quantico?"
"Good," Dad replied. "Your mom and Bryant went to go get food."
"That sounds like fun," I smiled.
"It'll be just like old times if you were here," Dad stated.
"If Barry wasn't in this situation, we would be," I replied. "And if I was anything like Barry, I'll be there in a heartbeat."
"I know," Dad sighed.
The doorbell rang. "I gotta go," I stated. I hung up and opened the door. "Hey Iris."
"Hey," Iris replied. "We're still trying."
"I know," I nodded. "Hank, I'll be back. If you need anything, ask Aunt Iris." I grabbed my keys and my phone, along with my wallet. "Since Barry is incarcerated, I had to buy a car."
"Girl, a car is basically nothing in your family," Iris replied.
"I traded in my AUdi for a GMC Denali Terrain," I replied. "I had to get an SUV because of Hank. I'll be back." I went to Iron Heights to see Barry. "Hey."
"Natalya," Barry smiled. "I'm always happy to see you."
"The only difference is, we can't touch each other," I looked at him. "I just can't believe this is our new normal."
"We'll find a way," Barry nodded. "You're all working hard. I love you."
"I love you too," I replied. "You're always going to be Hank's father. No matter what, you are."

A/N: This is the end. I really stretched it out longer than I should've and I've ran out of ideas. I hope you've enjoyed. I have a new story that I'm currently going to start working on next week (I hope) considering college classes are stockpiling on me aka rehearsals and theatre shop hours to make the set for the play we're putting on in a week. Well, happy reading! Xoxo ~Alexis

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