Chap 7 "Twist of Rules"

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Natalya's POV
Zod landed us on a balcony after we left Watch Tower. "Uhm, wherever we are, we're not in Metropolis anymore," I sighed as I looked at the view. "Where are we?"
"In a neighboring town called Smallville," Zod replied.
"I'm guessing it's the countryside," I nodded.
"Yeah," Zod nodded. "Do you want anything to eat?"
"Why me?" I asked. "Out of everyone in the room, why did you pick me?"
"Those three people tried to kill me," Zod stated.
"How do you know I wouldn't?" I asked as I looked at him. "I am Oliver Queen's niece."
"Because you won't hurt someone without knowing what they've done wrong."
"You sure know a lot about someone you've just met."
"Daughter of FBI Agent Alee Hotchner and singer/songwriter Drew Ryan Scott. She was only fifteen. The man who you look up to as your father is FBI Agent Derek Morgan."
"So, you've done your homework. Zod, I still don't understand why you decided to take the teenage girl. I can't do anything."
"I can keep you till you're eighteen," Zod smiled. "But it's not like anyone can stop me."
"Why do you need me?"
"I need someone by my side to rule my people with me."
"Like a dictator?"
"Exactly, and you're my queen."
"Okay," I sighed. "Hey Zod, I really could use something to drink."
"Come with me," Zod held out his hand. I grabbed his hand. He clasped his hand with mine as we left the balcony and out of the bedroom. "What are you thinking about?"
"What place is this?" I asked.
"The Luthor Mansion," Zod replied. "I thought maybe it's more of your taste."
"It's a little big," I nodded. "The house I stay in is smaller."
"You're Oliver Queen's niece. You're supposed to live in a mansion."
"My uncle lives in the mansion. My mom doesn't want us to be spoiled. I don't even have a car and probably won't get one till I"m sixteen."
"Would you like a car?"
"Now, why would I want a car when the guy I'm with is made of steel and is faster than speeding bullets?"
"That's a good answer," Zod smiled as he put his arm around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Do you have any fears or weaknesses I need to know about?"
"No fears, just two weaknesses."
"Those would be?"
"Losing you and kryptonite."
"That's good to know. I just don't understand why they hate you. You're actually a really good guy."
"At least you think so."
"Zod," a guy walked up to us.
"Excuse me?" Zod asked.
"General Zod," he sighed. "You have a meeting."
"I'll be right back," Zod looked at me. "Will you be okay?"
"I'll be fine," I smiled. Zod left. I went to the bedroom and Uncle Oliver was there. "Are you trying to get killed?"
"I'm here to save you," Uncle Oliver replied.
"I don't need saving," I replied.
"Zod is an evil man," Uncle Oliver pointed.
"I have reason to believe he's not the same guy be was before," I replied. "That's a promise. If I am ever in trouble, I'll activate my panic button."
"Are you sure" Uncle Oliver asked.
"Yes," I responded. "Now, go before he does kill you."
"Okay," Uncle Oliver sighed and left.
"I've been meaning to ask you something," Zod walked in. "Why do you wear a ring?"
"It's my purity ring," I replied as I looked at him. "I promised my parents I won't have sex till marriage."
"Really?" Zod asked.
"Yeah," I nodded.
"Are you lying?"
"Zod, I haven't lied to you and why would I even start?"
"I can't answer that for you."
"Zod, I came with you willingly. If I wanted to lie to you, I would've done so already."
"You better be happy that I trust you this much."
"You're afraid of losing me," I sighed as I walked up to him. "I am not leaving you, Zod." I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I left the person who was in charge of me to be with you."
"I know," Zod sighed. He grabbed my hand and we were in a different room of the house. "This is my office."
"It's beautiful," I smiled as I looked around. Zod and I just sat down and told each other about our life story. "Well, looks like I found my savior." Glass from above was broken and started falling around us. "Zod!" Arrows were shooting everywhere. "No." Zod had one in his leg. I ran over to him. "No, no, no."
"It's kryptonite," Zod grunted. I pulled the arrow out and he grunted in pain. "I can't save you right now."
"Natalya," stated a guy as he walked up to me. He was wearing all red. "Let's go." He grabbed me and we were in Watch Tower. "You're safe."
"You have to take me back," I pointed.
"Chloe, she's all yours," he stated.
"Thanks, Bart," Chlor replied. He disappeared. "Natalya, we just saved you from the lion's den and now you wanna go back."
"You don't understand," I replied. "He will turn this world upside down looking for me."
"I know," Chloe sighed. "I heard everything. Which is why when everyone gets back, I'm shutting down Watch Tower."
"I have to go back," I stated.
"No, you're not," Uncle Oliver replied walking in. "I'm taking you somewhere. A place where Zod can't find you."
"He's going to come for you," I replied. "You shouldn't have hurt him like that."
"Natalya, he's a phantom," Clark replied. "He's from the Phantom Zone. A place for the dangers of monsters."
"You have to kill him with this," Uncle Oliver held out a knife. "I can do it if you can't."
"I won't kill him," I nodded. "That's not justice. I am the only one who's able to get close to him but I won't kill him."
"Then I will," Uncle Oliver replied.
"That's murder," I stopped him. "You kill him, I'll have you arrested."
"Natalya," Uncle Oliver looked at me. "You wouldn't do that."
"I would and I will," I showed my phone. "I have it all saved. I have my proof."
"How do you do know he's changed?" Chloe asked.
"He's offered to buy me a car," I replied. "He's giving me some freedom." Uncle Oliver handed me the knife. "No."
"Let me go," a girl said as she walked in. "Sorry, my shirt got caught on the handle."
"Lois," Clark stated. "Can you tell her she has to kill Zod?"
"I am not taking a life," I nodded.
"He's not human," Lois stated.
"Uhm, yeah. He bleeds," I replied. "I have blood on my hands and it's Zod's." I put the knife in my pocket. "I can't do this."
"Is there anyway to change her mind?" Lois looked at Uncle Oliver. He nodded. "Why can't you change your mind?"
"Because I'm just as stubborn as my mother," I crossed my arms. "I'm going back to Zod."
"Natalya," Lois put her hand on Natalya's shoulder. Natalya grabbed Lois' hand and flipped her over her shoulder. "Ow!"
"Don't touch her when she's angry," Uncle Oliver sighed. "I learned that the hard way."
"Thanks for the heads up," Lois stated as she got up.
"Next time, I won't be so nice," I replied. I walked out of Watch Tower and started walking around. The next thing I knew, I was in an alley. I looked at who it was. "Zod."
"I'm here now," Zod nodded. We hugged. "I'm fine. I'm healed."
"I'm sorry," I replied.
"For what?" Zod asked.
"This," I sighed as I let a tear slip. I pulled the knife out of my pocket and stabbed him. I twisted the knife. "I'm so sorry, Zod."
"How could you do this to me?" Zod asked.
"I'm so sorry but I can't stay here," I nodded.
"Natalya, we could go anywhere," Zod replied as he fell to his knees. "I didn't want you to be here all the time."
"I'm sorry, Zod," I let another tear go. "I had to."
"Natalya," Uncle Oliver ran over to me and pulled me away from Zod. I still have the knife in my hands. I dropped it. "Let's go." He took me to Watch Tower and let me wash my hands. "She killed him."
"Really?" Chloe asked.
"I found her with the knife in him," Uncle Oliver replied.
"I never thought I'd hear that, ever," Chloe replied. "Congrats, Natalya."
"Don't congratulate me," I nodded. "I killed an innocent guy who has never done anything to me."
"No one is going to tie you to his murder," Uncle Oliver sighed. "We are taking care of it as we speak."
"Natalya, if you can't do this, how are you going to do this in the FBI?" Chloe asked.
"We don't go out and kill innocent people," I replied. "If they have a weapon, we're alert to shoot them before they have a chance to hit us."
"It's justice," Chloe replied.
"No, you're taking the law into your own hands," I pointed. "I will not be a part of something that kills innocent lives. There are things Clark takes care of because he's Superman, but from stories I heard, he never takes a life. It goes against everything he stands for." I looked at my uncle. "I can't do this."
"Would you do it if I told you your mom funded most of this?" Uncle Oliver asked.
"You're lying," I crossed my arms. They looked at me. "You've got to be lying to me." I got my phone and called my mom. "She knows how I am."
"Hey, Nat," Mom picked up. "How's it going in Metropolis?"
"Why are you funding the organization?" I asked.
"Because it's a good cause," Mom replied. "Thanks, Morgan."
"A good cause?" I asked. "Mom, I just killed an innocent man."
"Do you have a name?" Mom asked.
"Zod," I replied.
"Are you sure?" Mom asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. "I'm a hundred percent sure."
"That's weird," Mom sighed.
"Why?" I asked. Mom hung up on me. "Something's going on."
"Because I killed him a couple years ago," Mom walked in with Daddy.
"What?" I asked.
"He's not an innocent man," Mom nodded as she put her bag down. "What are you asking here?"
"Mom, I went with Zod so he wouldn't hurt anyone here and he treated me respectfully," I replied. "I don't understand why I had to kill him. MOm, you told me not to kill unless they're the one who's hurting me."
"Well, he'll end up turning violent," Mom sighed. "I was in the same position. I let him take me so no one would get hurt. I lived with him for seven months. He treated me sweetly, even though I didn't want to be there." Mom walked up to a computer. "I refused to give him a child and this happened." Mom typed something and pulled it on the big screen. "We'll start with the beginning." She hit play. "We had this conversation in an alley."
"Okay," I sighed.
The video started playing. "Zod, why are we having this conversation in the middle of Suicide Slums?" Mom asked.
"It's private," Zod nodded. "What I want to ask you can't be heard until it does happen."
"What are you talking about?" Mom asked.
"I want you to give me a child," Zod replied.
"Zod, I can't do that," Mom nodded. Mom was then held to a chain-linked fence, with Zod holding her by the neck. She was dangling off the floor. "Zod, don't do this."
"No one disobeys Zod," Zod replied. "You are here to stand by me and you will carry my child." Zod then dropped Mom and he stepped away like he was in pain. "Ah!"
"Not so brave now, are you?" Mom asked as she stood up. She was holding a silver casing that held a green rock. "You should've never told me your weakness."
"Why's that?" Zod asked.
"Because now I can kill you," Mom replied. "You killed all those innocent people because you were trying to make Earth as the planet Krypton." Zod looked at her. "Only to find we won't accept you just as easily as your people did." Mom showed a small green blade and stabbed him right in the heart. "Someone as cruel as you isn't capable of love." Uncle Oliver showed up on the screen. "It's been done."
The video cut off. "You baited him?" I asked.
"No, we had no idea it was going to happen," Uncle Oliver replied. "With it happening in Suicide Slums, people wouldn't question it. It's a bad part of the city."
"He thought I wouldn't kill him," Mom sighed. "He put a lot of trust in me."
"You broke protocol," I nodded. "Rules are here for a reason."
"Rules can be bent, not broken," Daddy replied. "Strauss approved that for us a couple years back."
"When did all of this happen?" I asked.
"When I lost a child," Mom sighed. "Morgan and I went our separate ways for awhile."
"I knew about this," Daddy pointed at the screen. "Oliver kept me in the loop."
"I thought the family was a happy family," I replied.
"Natalya, Morgan and I had our ups and downs. We've been together for nine years. I didn't know I was pregnant when I lost the baby," Mom replied. "We grieve in different ways. I came to Metropolis to help out Ollie with headquarters and even put myself to work. We're not all sunshines and rainbows and we're definitely not perfect but we try to be. For you and your brother, Morgan and I fought through some difficult times." She looked at Daddy. "There will come a time when your father and I will eventually have to say that enough is enough and I'm not talking about you guys. I'm talking about our jobs."
"Your mom and I talked about it," Daddy nodded. "When we do this, you have to know that we'll be tight on money."
"I got that covered for you guys," Uncle Oliver nodded.
"We don't want your money, Ollie," Mom sighed. "It's just something that will come in a long run. But whatever we do, we do it for you kids, okay?"
"I know," I sighed.
"She's coming back to Quantico with me," Mom replied as she picked up her bag. "You can't force her to do something she doesn't want to do."
"And with the right training and protocols, she'll be an agent in no time," Daddy replied. "Let's go."
"Bye, everyone," I smiled. We got onto the plane and headed back to Quantico. The next couple of months went by quickly. It was the first of June and I had finished my first case with the FBI. I went to the FBI conference room and sat down in a chair. "Breathe, Natalya."
"Looks like the FBI is working you hard," said a voice. I looked up at the guy. "Long time no see."
"Callen," I smiled as I got up and hugged him. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm looking for the unit chief," Callen replied. "An Agent Hotchner."
"You're talking about my mom," I nodded. Mom walked in. "Special Agent Callen, meet SSA Alee Hotchner, aka my mom."
"Why did DiNozzo send you?" Mom asked. Callen handed her a piece of paper and she read the contents. "Really?"
"He's requesting Agent Scott's aid on the case," Callen nodded. "Is he here?"
"He is her," Mom pointed at me.
"Seriously?" Callen asked.
"Natalya Marie Scott and the only agent with the last name in the BAU," I replied. "What does Tony want?"
"Come and find out," Callen replied.
"And he just happened to send her boyfriend?" Mom asked. "He's using you as leverage, but, Natalya, it's your call. If you wanna help, you could go help them." I looked at the clock. "Yeah, it's about dinner time."
"It can wait," I replied. "Let's go, Callen." We went to Gibbs' house and walked inside. "Why are we at Gibbs' house?"
"Leyla, I'm here," Callen replied as she walked down the stairs. "This is FBI Agent Natalya Scott. We'll be here protecting you for the night."
"Okay," Leyla nodded.
"It's nice to meet you," I nodded. Callen looked at his phone. He put it in his pocket. "Trouble brewing?" Tony walked in. "Why is he here?" My phone beeped and I looked at it. "Where's Amira?"
"She's upstairs, sleeping," Leyla replied.
"Alright," I sighed. I got my extra gun from the holster on my ankle. I handed it to Leyla. "Take her downstairs."
"Whoa, whoa, wait," Callen looked at us. "You know how to shoot?"
"Yes, she does," I nodded as Leyla went upstairs to get Amira. "It's surprising what a great-grandparent will tell a grandchild." The lights went out and I saw a grenade come through the window. "Callen!"
"Look out!" Callen exclaimed. We all hit the floor. My ears started ringing and I could barely here or see a thing. I lost my gun. "Ugh!"
There were guys telling me to stay down. "Natalya?" asked a guy as he looked at me "Is that you?"
"Huh?" I asked as I looked up. I could see anything with a bright light in my face. I was squinting. "Kevin?"
"Wait a second, you know this guy?" Tony asked.
"Corporal Kevin Werth," he took off his mask. "USMC. Dishonorably discharged."
"Oh, yeah," Tony sighed.
"What are you doing here?" Kevin asked.
"This is GIbbs' living room," I replied.
"What are you doing here?" Tony asked.
"Rescuing a kidnapped little girl and her mother," Kevin replied as he got up.
"I'm sorry to tell you, but you're actually abducting them," I looked at Kevin. He sighed and knocked out the rest of his team. "Okay."
"I think we should hear them out. Don't you?" Kevin smiled. I sighed as I laid my head back down. "Come on. Let's get you off the floor." Kevin helped me up and cut Tony out of the ziptie. "You guys good?"
"I'm fine," I sighed.
"Good," Kevin replied.
"Where's Callen?" Tony asked.
"Callen?" I called out. "Callen?" I saw legs near the stairs. "Callen." I ran over to him and felt for a pulse. "You're still alive." I smiled as I turned him over. "Callen."
"He looks dead," Tony replied.
"Say something else and I'll knock you out myself," I nodded. "Hey, Callen." I shook him a but. "You need to wake up." Called groaned and he sat up. "Careful."
"I'm fine," Callen sighed as he leaned against the stairs. "I need time to recover."
"DiNozzo," Gibbs stood at the front door. "I said you could use my house, not destroy it."
"Sorry, boss," Tony replied. "But Bell can clean this up."
"We have to go meet Bell," Kevin replied.
"Let's go," Gibbs replied. "Callen stays here."
"Kevin, you're driving us," I sighed. We sat in the car on a dirt road. "Is he coming?"
"Yeah," Kevin nodded. "Just wait a bit." He looked at us. "When I tap on the hood, that's when you get out of the car."
"Got it," I smiled. Kevin got out of the car. A car parked a few feet away. "Dirt road, middle of the night. Reminds me of a horror movie." Kevin tapped on the hood. "Let's go."
We got out of the car. "What have you done, son?" asked Bell.
"I quit," Kevin replied as he crossed his arms. We walked up behind him. "I quit."
"And that's a shame, because he's a pretty loyal guy, too," Tony replied.
"Made a mess out of my house," Gibbs replied. "Somebody's gonna have to clean that up."
"You want to go punch for punch with me, Gibbs?" Bell asked. "Keep in mind, I got a big arsenal behind me."
"I wouldn't worry, your suit covers it up very nicely," Tony replied. I looked at him. "Sorry, I'm a little wacky, 'cause of the flash-bang your boys threw at us."
"Perhaps my men were over exuberant in the pursuit of their task," Bell nodded. "Personally, however, I have not broken any laws."
"US laws," Gibbs replied. "But the Federales want to talk to you."
"Yeah, it turns out bounty hunting is illegal south of the border," Tony added.
"God bless Mexico," I replied.
"I tell my men, you take a swing, make sure you connect hard enough to put the other guy down," Bell looked at us.
"Good advice," I looked at him. "Put your hands behind your back." Gibbs cuffed him. "You'll be sent to the Federales in Mexico, personally by me."
"NCIS can't handle this case," Bell replied as I looked at him. "Aren't you a little young?"
"I am not," I smiled. I moved my shirt to show the right side hem of my pants. "Federal agent of the FBI." We went back to the NCIS base. I walked up to the office. "Is it weird having Tony manage you guys?"
"Yeah," McGee replied. "What's your name?"
"Natalya Scott," I stated. "Should've heard of me. Tony tried to hire me through my mom but I said no."
"Wait, you're Alee's daughter?" McGee asked.
"For all of my life," I nodded.
"I've known you since you were little," McGee smiled. "Of course I haven't seen you since you were six."
"Nine years," I looked at him. "Must have been a lifetime for you."
"It feels like it," McGee nodded.
y phone rang and I looked at it. "It's my mom," I sighed. I picked up and put her on speaker. "Hey mom."
"When are you coming home?" Mom asked. "You have a curfew."
"It's ten thirty," Tony replied.
"She's a minor, Tony," Mom stated. "Do I need to pick you up?"
"No, I'll have someone drop me off," I sighed.
"Tell her to be home soon," Daddy stated in the background. "We could catch a case in the middle of the night."
"Alright, bye," I stated and hung up. "There goes my sleep."
"I thought you worked with NCIS," Kevin looked at me.
"No, Tony just needed my help," I sighed. "I work for the FBI's BAU. Only so my parents could keep an eye on me."
"Just in case your dad shows up," Gibbs sighed.
"What?" Kevin asked.
"My biological father is Drew Ryan Scott," I replied. "Derek Morgan is the one who raised me."
"Natalya," Dad walked in.
"That's my biological father," I pointed.
"What are you doing here?" Gibbs asked.
"Her mom asked me to pick you up," Dad replied.
"Well, she just talked to me and I told her I'll have someone drop me off and it's not you," I replied. "I don't even think she knows you're in town." My phone rang and I looked at it. I didn't recognize the number. "Natalya Scott, FBI," I picked up. I didn't hear anyone talking. "Hello?"
"McGee," Tony pointed.
"Tracing," McGee started typing.
"Hello?" I asked again. I put it on speaker. "Is anyone there?"
"Get out of our house," I heard Daddy's voice.
"Daddy?" I asked. "Hello?"
"Bryant," Mom stated. "Bryant, baby, I want you to put the phone down and work this case with Mommy and Daddy, okay?"
"Okay, Mommy," Bryant stated.
"Hello?" I stated again. I heard a thud, knowing the phone was put down. "Anybody there?"
"My team will find out who did this," Mom replied. "I'm not afraid of you. I promise you that your life will be a living hell."
"Why don't I kill your boy first?" the male voice asked.
"McGee," Gibbs sternly stated.
"It's at her house," McGee replied.
Gibbs ran out. I got into the same car with him. "I don't know who I got the call," I nodded and hung up. I called Garcia. "Please pick up."
"Hello, buttercup," Garcia picked up.
"Dispatch the team and a small SWAT squad," I replied. "Mom and Daddy are in trouble and Bryant is hiding."
"On it," Garcia replied.
"Thanks," I replied. We met the team outside of the house. I got out of the car. "Rossi, what's the situation?"
"Your parents are in there," Rossi nodded. "One gunman. Take him out with a single shot."
"Hold your first," I replied. Rossi stopped the SWAT squad. "Bryant is inside. I don't want anything to happen to him."
"What do you suggest we do?" JJ asked.
"Wait," I looked at her. "Wait it out until a shot is heard. If SWAT has a shot tell them to take it." Rossi nodded. "Until then, I'm not ---" A gunshot went off. "Move in!" I grabbed my gun and slowly made my way to the front door. "FBI!" I walked inside and see Mom holding a gun in her right hand. Her left hand was tied behind her. She was back to back with Daddy. He was unconscious with his hands tied behind him. Rossi got the unsub up and cuffed him. They went outside. "Are you okay?"
"Go find your brother," Mom nodded. "Be careful. He's got a partner."
"The unsub or my brother?" I asked.
"The unsub," Mom looked at me as if I was crazy.
"Just making sure," I smiled. I made my way upstairs to the walk-in closet we had made for extra room. I opened the door. A female unsub was in the middle of the room holding Bryant with a gun to his head. "Let him go."
"Bryant, she's going to try and save you," the female smirked. "She's going to fail since your parents are already dead."
"They're fine," I responded, keeping my gun steady on her. "Let him go." She nodded. "Bryant, cover your ears." I looked at him. "Everything will be alright."
"She's lying," the female threatened.
"Sissy," Bryant whimpered.
"So you're the sister who's trying to be a hero," the female looked at me.
"Cover your ears, Bryant," I stated. He did. The female pointed her gun at me and I shot her. She went down and Bryant ran over to me. I put my gun in my holster and hugged him. "I would never let anything happen to you."
"I love you," Bryant hugged me.
"I love you too," I smiled. I picked him up as JJ ran in. "Everything's okay." JJ nodded. "Could you clean this up?"
"Yeah," JJ sighed.
"Thanks," I sighed. I walked downstairs with Bryant. "Mom. Daddy."
"Oh, my babies," Mom stated. She hugged us both. Daddy joined. "I'm glad you two are okay."
"I did learn from the best," I smiled as we let go. I put Bryant down. "My parents are the best teachers anyone could have." It got quiet and I heard a faint beeping. "I don't think it's over just yet, Mom."
"What are you talking about?" Daddy asked.
"Just listen," I stated. We got quiet and I still heard the beeping. "Do you hear that?"
"Yeah," Mom nodded. She started walking around the living room. At that moment, people that didn't live with us left the house to wait outside. "I hear it louder in this area." She opened the closet and there was C4 lining the inside of the door. "Morgan."
"It's cell phone activated," Daddy looked at the door. I saw the timer. "I don't think I can disable it."
"Not in forty five seconds," I pointed.
"Take cover," Daddy stated as he picked up Bryant. "Outside now."
"Yeah," I stated. We ran outside. "Take cover." The house blew up as soon as I got cover behind JJ's SUV. I covered my head as I felt bits and pieces fall around on me. I got out and stepped forward to look at the house with my family. "Now what?"
"All of our memories," Bryant looked at the fire.
"Yeah," Mom sighed. "Our pictures and family memories."
"Alee," Uncle Oliver ran up to Mom and hugged her. "I'm glad you're okay."
"Okay?" Mom asked. "Someone just blew up my home." Daddy cleared his throat. "Our home."
"Where are we going to stay?" I asked.
"At Grandpa's," Mom sighed.
"Grandpa's house is small," I replied. "I cannot share a room with Bryant."
"You're going to have to," Mom looked at me. "We don't really have any other place to go."
"Yeah," I sighed. "Mom, why do you keep saying my instead of our?"
"Natalya, I raised you for six years on my own living in that house until Morgan married me," Mom explained. "That was nine years ago."
"And she still can't say our," Daddy replied. "One thing about Mom, she's stubborn."
"You can stop," Mom smiled.
"You know I love you," Daddy smiled.
"Shut up," Mom smiled. "JJ, I'm putting you in charge. My family and I are taking a couple of months to figure out something."
"You're staying in the area, right?" JJ asked.
"We will still live in Quantico," Mom nodded. "I'm thinking about going to Chicago."
"Why?" Daddy asked.
"Out of all nine years we've been together, we never met your family," Mom smiled. "I think it's time for the kids to meet your mom and sisters, as well as me."
"I'll give my mom a call," Daddy sighed.
"We get to meet Grandma," I smiled.
"Yeah," Mom nodded. "And your aunts."
"I don't know, Mom," I stated. "I don't have any clothes or a place to sleep."

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