Chap 25 "Wedding Redo"

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Natalya's POV
I was in the bride's room with Uncle Oliver and Caitlyn, waiting for my wedding to start. "I'm in a second wedding dress," I sighed. "I really hope this is the last time for this."
"Even if we don't go through the ceremony, you guys are already married," Caitlyn replied. "Thanks to your uncle, here."
"Yeah, but I am one of those girls who actually thought about having a wedding. A real and big wedding," I replied as I looked at her. "My mom had a ceremony with a dress. I don't want just a ceremony. I want a reception too, but with me marrying Barry, I knew a reception would be somewhat impossible."
"Nothing is impossible," Caitlyn smiled. "Barry taught me that. He thought it'll be impossible for him to get married but he actually found someone he could have a life with and I'm glad that girl is you." I smiled as I nodded. "Even if it is just a ceremony, just enjoy the life you guys have together."
"Thank you," I nodded. Dad walked into the room. "Hi, Dad."
"It's time, baby girl," Dad smiled.
"Isn't that what you call Mom?" I asked.
"Today is our baby girl's day and that's what I'm going to be calling you today," Dad replied. Caitlyn left the room. "Come on. We're trying this again and hopefully we don't get cut off by some stupid case."
"I know," I nodded. "Barry and I are just ready to get this over with." I looked at my bouquet and picked it up. "I love Barry and I don't want anything to come between us. Just because we want to take a break and get ready for the wedding, doesn't mean the bad guys take a break." We got to the doors. Kara started singing. The doors opened and Dad started me walking down the aisle. I saw Barry at the alter, smiling. The guests stood up. Dad handed me off to Barry as I handed my bouquet to Caitlyn. Everyone stat down. "Hey."
"Hi," Barry whispered.
"Will everyone please be seated?" the pastor asked as Kara stopped singing and the music stopped. "Welcome to you all. I'm honored to be presiding over the wedding of Barry Allen and Natalya Scott. Although I don't know them well, I know that this is a good match." I looked at the pastor and back at Barry. "How do I know that? Well, because of you, because of all of you. Looking out at their friends and family and seeing the joy on all your faces, seeing how happy you are for them, tells me everything I need to know." Barry squeezed my hands a bit. "It tells me that these two people deserve to be together. They deserve to be happy and fulfilled. And they deserve a long life together. And now to the standard housekeeping. Does anyone have just cause why these two should not be married? Speak now or forever hold your peace."
The pastor was disintegrated and the guests started gasping and screaming. Barry and I let go of each other's hands. An army marched in. There was a girl floating in a black suit, wearing a mask. "Peace is overrated," she stated.
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," I stated, really annoyed.
"Nazis?" Oliver asked.
"I hate Nazis," Oliver and Felicity stated at the same time. Felicity Smoak is Oliver's girlfriend as as far as I know, they've been together forever.
The army started shooting. Barry ran and grabbed the bullets. I ducked in front of the front pew. Jax and Stein combined together to use their power: Firestorm, and they started fighting back. "Get everybody out of here!" Kara stated as she took off her glasses.
"Wally, go, get 'em out, okay?" Barry pointed at Wally, who's Iris' brother, aka Kid Flash. "Hey." Barry bent down next to me. "I love you."
"I love you," I nodded. He helped me up and I sighed. I took my long skirt, so I was wearing a short dress, easier to maneuver. "Caitlyn, I think it's time you introduced these guys to your mean roommate." She turned into Frost. "Yes."
"Where did she get this outfit?" Caitlyn, who's now Killer Frost, asked.
"Go," I nodded. I started fighting the Nazi soldiers. JJ threw me a gun and I caught it. I started shooting. I ran out of bullets. "Nine millimeters aren't helping me." I started fighting with my bare fists. I got the soldier down. I saw Cisco get knocked out. "Cisco!" I ran over to him. "Cisco." I flipped him over. The glass around us started breaking, as an ear splitting clap was heard. "Ah!"
"Fall back!" exclaimed a guy as he picked up the fallen flying girl. "Everybody fall back!"
A bright light was seen as they disappeared. "Natalya," Barry ran over to me. "Are you okay?"
"I'll be fine," I nodded. "Are my parents okay?"
"Everyone was cleared out," Barry nodded. "Cisco."
"He's just unconscious," I replied. "He'll be fine, I hope." We had a soldier, alive. "I'll meet you at STAR Labs. I left the chapel and Joe took me to the Lab. I went to the computer room and sat down. "Just one normal day, that's all I ask for."
"Natalya," Barry walked in. "I'm so sorry."
"I know, babe," I sighed as I hugged him. "I'm fine, we're fine." I pulled away from him and pointed at Hank. "The most important thing is that we're all okay. And look, who knew that Monique Lhuillier could survive a gunfight, right?"
"I am going to marry you," Barry looked at me.
"I know," I smiled. He kissed me. Colby and Sam walked in. "There you guys are. Sit, please, and no filming. Anything you got of the wedding, delete it or you will be arrested."
"It's been deleted," Sam sighed as he looked at his camera.
"So, what's the game plan?" Wally asked as he walked in with my parents and Iris' parents.
"There isn't one, yet," Barry replied. "Whoever attacked us knows who we are, so I think just get Joe, Cecile, Alee, Hank, Bryant, and Derek as far away as possible."
"Oh, no way, man," Wally nodded. "I have to help out. Come on."
"You're helping by keeping our family safe," I replied.
"He's right," Joe agreed. "Until we know what these people want, nobody's safe."
"You wiped the minds of the guests at the wedding?" Oliver asked as a guy walked in.
"Yep," he nodded. "Everyone's secret identity remains secret."
"Thanks, Mick," Felicity sighed.
"Any idea where they fled?" Barry asked.
"No," Kara nodded. "I flew over the entire city, there's no trace of them."
"Well, clearly they attacked because you all were there," I replied as Barry put the skirt to my dress back on me.
"Killers, heroes, then what?" Barry asked.
"If I know my history, ethnic cleansing, world domination," Felicity sighed as Oliver put his sports coat over her shoulders.
"Make America Aryan again," Jax nodded.
"Which it never was," Caitlyn sighed.
"Hashtag melting pot," I sighed.
"I hate Nazis," Mick replied.
"Their appearance seems quite a severe course of action in support of a cause that was defeated over seventy years ago," Stein replied.
"Apparently they didn't know about the Yalta Conference," Barry crossed his arms.
"That woman didn't seem surprise to see me," Kara reviewed.
"How'd she even know you were on this Earth?" asked Alex, Kara's sister.
"And how was she as strong as you?" Barry asked.
"That archer matched me, shot for shot," Oliver nodded. "You know, I think it's time we got some answers."
"Yeah, he ain't exactly talking," Jax stated.
"So, let's make him talk," Oliver looked at the screen.
"Let me take a stab at him," Mom replied. "I can make anyone talk."
"Mom, we're probably dealing with meta-humans here," I replied. "Not a human being in interrogation right now, but Uncle Oliver, do what you need to do." I sat down. "Hank, come here, sweetheart." Hank ran up to me. I picked him up and sat him in my lap. "You're going to go with Uncle Wally, alright. He's going to take extra care of you. You'll be with Grandpa Joe, Grandma Cecile, Grandpa, and Grandma, okay?"
"What about you and Daddy?" Hank asked.
"Mommy and Daddy has to take care of work before we can come home," I replied. "Promise me you'll be a good boy for Uncle Wally." He nodded. "I love you."
"I love you, Mommy," Hank nodded.
"Go on," I sighed. Wally picked up Hank. "Take care of him." They left. "Let's talk to our prisoner."
"Alright," Barry sighed. Oliver, Felicity, Kara, Sara, Barry, and I went down to see our prisoner. "Time to do this."
The prisoner took off his mask. "Oh, my God," Felicity stated.
"Oh, my God what?" I asked. "Who is that?"
"That's Tommy Merlyn," Sara replied.
"He died over four years ago," Felicity nodded.
"Oliver, who's Tommy Merlyn?" Barry asked.
"Thea's other brother..." Oliver replied. "...and my best friend. We're gonna need a moment alone."
"Let's go," I nodded. We went back upstairs and left Oliver to talk to Tommy. "Theories?"
"He's a crony," Mick stated.
"Anachronism," Stein corrected.
"That's what I said," Mick nodded.
"Lately we've been dealing with anachronisms," Sara sighed. "It's people and things displaced throughout time."
"Okay, but why would Nazis from 1945 want to crash my wedding?" I asked.
"Crab legs," Mick replied. "They were delicious."
"Well, Natalya has a point, though," Alex pointed at me. "If they're out of time, they would've targeted the military or law enforcement."
"I am law enforcement," I replied. "FBI to be exact."
"Tommy was plucked from five years ago and put in theo the Prometheus wardrobe," Felicity stated. "That doesn't make sense."
"It does if we're not dealing with an anachronism," Caitlyn nodded.
"Visitors from another Earth?" Barry asked.
"Whoa, there are more than one?" Jax asked.
"There are fifty two, actually," Kara answered.
"Though I'm hard pressed to think of one where Nazis are ascendant," Stein replied.
"I can," Wells replied as he crossed his arms. "There's a fifty third Earth, and it's called Earth X." He pulled up some videos on the war where Hitler reigned. "It doesn't have a designation because it's a place so awful, so horrific. No sane person would ever travel there." I looked at him. "It's basically our Earth --- same history, same timeline --- with one crucial and critical difference."
"So let me hypothesize," Stein sighed. "The Nazis developed the atomic bomb before the United States did, and they were more than happy to use it."
"Yes, the Nazis won the war, and New York, London, Paris, Moscow --- all obliterated," Wells nodded. "The SS set up outposts not only all throughout Europe but also all throughout the Americas, and Hitler continued his brutal reign aided by prime minsters and presidents sympathetic to him until his death in 1994."
"Now they're not happy ruling just one Earth," Felicity crossed her arms. "This is making me physically ill."
"Yeah, line starts behind me," Jax nodded as Felicity left the room.
"We have to find them," Kara added. "I mean, do you think they're using the breach to hop between worlds?"
"That or they're operating from a staging area somewhere in Central City or close by," Alex nodded.
"Well, good thing we have a metric ton of smart people in this building...and Mick," Barry nodded. "Let's get to work on finding our new friends from Earth X."

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