Chap 26 "Earth X Situations"

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Barry's POV
"Yeah," I smiled.
"Look, guys, I'm sorry," Oliver sighed. "This is not how this week was supposed to go."
"We can't think about that right now," Natalya nodded.
"You should," Oliver looked at her. "We fight to protect the people that we love, so you guys recognize what you have." She looked at him. "Recognize it and cherish it and let it make you stronger, because if you do that, you will always find your way back to one another."
"It's the same for you and Felicity, man," I replied.
"I don't know, Barry," Oliver nodded. "She told me she doesn't believe in marriage. I'm not feeling sorry for myself. I just --- I think that if she loved me the way I loved her, she would want to marry me." Natalya sighed. "Really?"
"Oliver, I've known Felicity for five years, and I'm here to tell you, as sure as I'm standing here, she loves you," I nodded.
"Felicity," Natalya stated as she walked in.
"And I appreciate that," Oliver replied.
"Is standing behind you," Natalya sighed.
"She's right there," I pointed behind him.
"We got 'em," Felicity stated as Oliver turned around. "They're at a shipping depot outside Danville."
"Alright, we'll get the band back together," I looked at Natalya.
"Yeah," Natalya nodded. "Let's go." Natalya and I left the room. We got to the room with everyone in it. "It's time for you guys to go."
"Natalya," Iris walked in with a box. "This was left at the door for you."
"Who's it from?" Natalya asked.
"Tony Stark," Iris looked at the box.
"Let me see that," Natalya sighed. She put the box on the desk and opened it. She picked up a piece of paper from the box. "Regards for not showing up in person but I thought maybe you could use this for saving the world. Go out there and save the world. It's all kinds of proof. Your friendly flyer, TS aka IM." She got out a suit from the box. "Looks like I'm going out into the field with you guys."

"Let's do this guys," I sighed

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"Let's do this guys," I sighed. We got to the roof. "Kara, let's go."
"Alright," Kara nodded. "I'll take Firestorm instead."
"Go," I sighed. They took off. "I'm going with."
"Go," Natalya nodded. I did. I met up with Oliver, Alex, Sara, and Natalya after I took a peek. "Supergirl and Firestorm are sweeping the perimeter."
"It's done," I sighed. "It's wall-to-wall Nazis in there."
"Alex and I will take up break positions on the northwest corner, if that's okay with you," Sara stated.
"STAR Labs thinks they've converted the sub-light generator --- the prism that they stole --- into some kind of superweapon," Alex sighed.
"Speaking of super, theirs is our biggest threat," I replied.
"Agreed, let's take her out first," Oliver added. "Natalya, what can you do?"
"Since you asked," Natalya sighed. She turned on her foot boosters and she was flying. She turned on her hand boosters as well. "I'm the female version of Iron Man."
"Perfect," I smiled as she landed back down on her feet.
"As long as the suit doesn't malfunction," she added.
"Let's hope not," I nodded. We made our way to the warehouse. We got inside but didn't split up. Oliver and Natalya walked in first. I took down the guards that they came across. "Done."
"Couldn't have left one for me?" Oliver asked.
"I'm saving Nazi you for you," I replied.
"There's no sign of the prism," Alex joined us with Sara.
"Well, it's gotta be here somewhere," I added.
"We got incoming," Natalya stated. Guards started surrounding us. "Go."
We started fighting. I went after Thawne, chasing him around the room. "Stop!" I shouted.

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