Chap 15 "Mayday"

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Alee's POV
"I'll be back soon," I smiled. "Let's go, Morgan." Morgan and I left the hospital and I drove him to the BAU. We got out of the car and I grabbed his go-bag from the trunk. I handed it to him. "Be careful."
"You know I always am, baby girl," Morgan nodded. He gave me a kiss. "I'm gonna miss you."
"I'm only a phone call away if you need me," I looked at him. "Just be glad I'm still an agent, but I have my restrictions."
"I know," Morgan sighed. "And I can see it's killing you."
"Well, one of us gotta be here for the kids," I nodded.
"I really do miss you being on the team," Morgan hugged me. "I gotta get to work."
"You do."
"But I really don't want to."
"Hey," I pulled away from him. "I'll still be here waiting. Come home in one piece." Morgan smiled. "Don't do that."
"I love you, baby girl," Morgan sighed as his phone beeped. "I have a team to run. Don't wait up."
"Call me and I mean it," I pointed. Morgan disappeared into the building. I got into the SUV and went home to take a shower and get dressed. I made a small lunch for me to eat and my phone beeped. I looked at it. I went to the BAU and got into the same SUV with Morgan. He started driving as he debriefed me. "Well, this unsub has made headlines."
"A black Ford Taurus," Morgan nodded as he turned on his lights and sirens. That's what we're looking for.
"There," I pointed. Morgan started following it as a cop car was helping us. "This guy can drive."
"Hold on," Morgan stated. He hit the back end of the Taurus causing them to crash. We also hit another car. Causing two of us to coming to a complete stop. "You good?"
"Yeah," I nodded. I looked out the passenger side window and see a trunk coming towards us and honking it's horn. "Morgan!" Morgan quickly put the car in reverse and we got out just in time. We got out of the SUV. Morgan walked up to the car. I put on my vest and got out of the SUV. We withdraw our gun. "Get out of the car! Now!" The guy did, slowly. "Turn around." He did and Morgan handcuffed him as he stated his rights to him. He put the unsub in the cop car. "I'm glad you texted me, but a call would've been great."
"I know," Morgan smiled. His phone rang and he picked up. "Morgan." I looked at him. "Yeah?" He looked at me with worried eyes. "Okay. Thank you. We'll get back on it." He hung up. "We got the wrong guy."
"What?" I asked.
"His name is Jesse Gentry," Morgan sighed. "Wallace Hines' got a twin."
"Great," I sighed. "Look, I gotta go back to the hospital."
"We'll get this done, baby," Morgan nodded. "Come on. I'll give you a drive back." He drove us back to the Bureau. "I promise I'll be home by Christmas Eve so we can go give the orphans a good Christmas."
"Alright," I replied as we got out of the SUV. "I gotta go see Natalya."
"I love you," Morgan sighed.
"I love you too," I nodded. I got into my own SUV and drove to the hospital. I walked into Natalya's room. "Hey, sweetheart."
"Mom," Natalya smiled. "Grandpa was here with Bryan but he had to go run some errands and Grandpa promised Bryant a good day." I nodded. "So, I told them to go. I didn't want them to stay here and let Bryant be bored here. I just want him to have his childhood with Grandpa."
"You had your moments with Grandpa," I smiled as I sat at her bedside. "You had an amazing childhood, honey. I know because I was there for you. You had a childhood with Grandpa as well." I looked at her. "It's all in a scrapbook at Grandpa's house. Every memory is at Grandpa's house. He has all the scrapbooks I made." Natalya smiled. "Hey, not every memory was lost in the fire."
"I'm glad we still have some memories," Natalya smiled. Natalya's release date came and I was in her hospital room as she walked out of the bathroom. "Mom."
"I'm still here," I sighed as I looked out the window. "I won't go anywhere, Natalya."
"Mom, why don't you rejoin the BAU?" Natalya asked as she packed her bag. "I know you wanna be here for Bryant but the lack of cases here is not helping you."
"When did you become an adult?" I asked.
"Mom," Natalya sighed. I looked at her. "I changed when I had Hank."
"Sometimes I wish you were a little girl again," I smiled. "But my little girl is growing up. She's a mother now."
"Mom, it sounds like you're letting me go," Natalya walked up to me. "It sounds like you're saying goodbye."
"Because you're going out on your own," I nodded. "I'll only hear from you every now and then. Kevin's out there fighting crime." Natalya hugged me. "I just hope you're ready."
"I'm going to need your guidance," Natalya pulled away. "I'm going to keep you and Daddy by my side. Don't say goodbye."
"You're always welcomed home," I smiled. "Let's go say goodbye to Hank and then go pick up Daddy from the airport."
"One question," Natalya picked up her bag. "Why are you wearing your FBI vest?"
"I came here after a case with joint terrorist," I replied. I picked up my go-bag. Gunshots were heard. "Great." I opened my go-bag. I handed Natalya my extra vest and gun. "Put it on."
"Are you always prepared?"
"It's like you knew something was going to happen," Natalya replied as she strapped her vest on. "Mom, what's going on?"
"We received a tip," I sighed as she put on the earpiece. "We weren't sure if we were going to take it seriously or not."
"Are you going to call for backup?"
"I am going to," I nodded. "When I figure out where the unsub is and if it is our unsub." I made the bad to make it as if someone was sleeping in the bed. "I want you to go to the car."
"Wait, am I the target?" Natalya asked.
"Yes, but I don't have time to explain," I nodded. "Take the stairs." I opened the door and I heard the shots to the right of me. "Go left, now." Natalya grabbed the car keys and left the room. I closed the door and hid in the back of the room. Someone walked in and walked to the foot of the bed. They put a silencer on their gun. I closed the door as they shot the bed. "She's not there, Kevin."
"How'd you know it was me?" Kevin asked.
"You told me you love her," I replied as I pointed my gun at him. "Give me one good reason to not pull the trigger."
"You wouldn't kill an innocent," Kevin smirked.
"You are a lot of things but innocent isn't one of them," I nodded. "So, give me another reason."
"Well, I don't have one," Kevin took the silencer off his gun. "You never really gave me an answer."
"Why would you kill her? I know about the argument you guys had," I replied as I opened the door. Kevin turned to look at me. "She broke up with you but I had to play it off like I didn't know. Why would you go and cheat on her? And then go on a killing spree? They didn't suspect you because they see you as a hero." Kevin nodded. "Don't do it." I ran as Kevin held up his gun. He started shooting. I hid behind the nurse's counter. I kept my gun near me. "Just shoot him, Alee."
"Come on, Alee," Kevin called. "You can't hid forever. You know that."
My phone vibrated. I picked up. "Morgan," I whispered.
"Hey, baby girl," Morgan stated. Kevin started shooting again. "What was that?"
"I'm requesting back up," I stated and hung up. I sent Morgan my location. I started shooting back. I stood up and took one shot. I got him right in the head. "You didn't give me a reason."
"Baby girl!" Morgan called.
"In here!" I stated. Morgan ran up to me. I gave him a hug. "Hey."
"Is that ---"
"Yeah," I sighed. "It's Kevin."
"Come on," Morgan sighed. We walked out of the hospital. "You okay?"
"Mom!" Natalya ran up to us. "Daddy." We had a family hug. "I'm glad you're okay, Mom. Who was it?"
"Natalya, it was Kevin," I replied. She looked at me with a confused face. "Kevin was trying to kill you because of the breakup and because he knew who the father was. He cheated on you and killed because it was something to release his anger on. It fueled him and he went on a spree." Natalya nodded with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Natalya."
"I didn't think Kevin would go and do something like that," Natalya nodded.
"Hey, you can go on with your life and take care of Hank," Daddy nodded. "You can go out and look for a guy. Someone you would really like and please do a background check."
"You're not going to do that for me?" Natalya asked.
"No," Morgan nodded. "I promised your mom that I wouldn't."
"We want you to grow," I smiled. "I had to grow on my own and I raised you for six years. I had to and now you have to do it."
Morgan's phone rang and he picked up. "You're on speaker, JJ," Morgan sighed.
"One of our helicopters wen't down," JJ replied. "We're circling back but hope you could get there faster."
"I'm with Alee now, so we'll head over there," Morgan nodded. "Just give me the location." He hung up. "Ready?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "Natalya, take the SUV home to my house. Stay there and don't open the door for anyone unless it's Grandpa, NCIS, or the BAU."
"Come on," Morgan stated. We got into his SUV and he drove us to the location. "Come on." We got out of the SUV and started walking the field. "Where would they land?"
"There," I sighed as I pointed at some smoke I saw. "Let's go." Morgan and I ran toward the smoke. We found the helicopter. Reid and Prentiss were inside. "Alright. Spencer?" He blinked a few times. "Spence, hey."
"Alee?" Reid asked. "Am I dead?"
"No, you're very much alive," I chuckled. "Come on." I helped Reid out of the chopper. "Okay. Just sit here." I made Reid sit in the grass. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine now," Reid nodded.
"Good," I sighed. Morgan got Prentiss in the grass. "You okay, Prentiss?"
"Yeah," Prentiss nodded. "I think I hit my head."
"You did hit your head but you don't have a concussion," Morgan nodded. "Come on. I'll give you guys a lift back to your place."
"Okay," Reid replied. We all got into the SUV. Prentiss and Reid sat in the back seat. "Hey, Alee."
"Yes?" I asked.
"Are you wanting a desk job?" Reid asked.
"Why?" I asked.
"Strauss passed away," Prentiss sighed. "They're looking for another section chief."
"You guys will find one," I smiled. "I'm not the one for desk duty." We took Reid and Prentiss home. Morgan then drove us home. We walked in through the front door. Natalya was asleep on the couch. I grabbed a blanket from the closet and put it over Natalya. Morgan and I went up to our room and I closed the door. "I'm worried about her."
"Don't be," Morgan nodded. "She's a teenager. She's going to find love again."
"I know she will," I replied. "I did and I'm glad it's with you."
"I did tell you I would wait for you," Morgan smiled as he wrapped his arms around me. "We've been married for ten years and ---" I cut Morgan off with a kiss. I pulled back and looked at him. "What was that for?"
"Putting up with me for sixteen years," I smiled. "And just because I love you."

One True Father FigureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora