Chap 20 "Six Years Later"

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Natalya's POV
Barry and I are now engaged to be married with a six year old, Hank. We've been engaged for a year and a half. We started dating after talking and getting to know each other for two years. "Hank, are you ready for lunch?" I asked.
"Mommy," Hank walked into the room. "When is Daddy coming home?"
"I don't know," I replied. "He'll be here soon. Go clean your room and we'll have lunch."
"Okay," Hank stated.
"Thank you," I sighed as Hank went to his room. Barry showed up. "Hey. Be careful when you do that. Hank doesn't know you're The Flash."
"Yeah, I know," Barry nodded. "When are we going to tell him? Or your parents?"
"I spent the past six years hiding," I replied. "I don't need them knowing where I live just yet."
"What if you tell them you're dating The Flash?" Barry stated as he sat down.
"Then, they'll want to meet you," I sat next to him. "I just need Hank to have his dad be his favorite superhero just a little bit longer."
"I think he'll be happy his dad is his favorite hero," Barry replied. "Let's tell him now. It'll be okay."
"Alright," I sighed. "Hank Aaron Allen, could you come here, please?"
"Am I in trouble?" Hank asked as he walked into the living room.
"Not at all, sweetheart," I smiled. "Come here." I picked him up and sat him in my lap. "Daddy has something to tell you."
"Okay. Hank, buddy, Daddy is The Flash" Barry smiled.
"No, you're not," Hank smiled. "You have to prove it, Daddy."
"Well, you really do get your smarts from your mother," Barry sighed. "Okay." Barry showed up with a toy car that Hank has always wanted. It's like Barry never even moved. "How's that for proof?"
"That's so cool, Daddy," Hank cheered with joy. "Could you show me how to fight bad guys?"
"I'll leave that to your mom," Barry nodded. "By the way, Nat, Iris is coming over with Caitlyn to talk about wedding plans."
"Great," I smiled. "We have to choose a date soon."
"Yeah," Barry smiled. "Till things get worse."
"Of course," I sighed. Barry's phone beeped and he looked at it. "Who is it?"
"Jow wants to have a video call," Barry sighed. He accepted the call. "Hey Joe. What's going on?"
"Why are your in-laws at the precinct?" Joe asked.
"What are you talking about?" I asked. Joe put the camera on them. "Could my dad be on a case?"
"I didn't get a call," Joe sighed. "Just get down here soon." He put the camera back on him. "They're asking for the two of you. They said to tell you Penelope Garcia found something in the local paper on the two of you that happened eighteen months ago."
"Crap," I sighed as I got up. "We're on our way, Joe." Joe hung up. I grabbed my laptop and started typing. "This isn't the way I wanted them to find out?"
"What?" Barry asked. I showed him our engagement article that was in the local paper. "Who announced it?"
"I'm going to kill Cisco," I sighed as I closed my laptop. There was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it. "Iris, Caitlyn. Come in." I closed the door. "Could you watch Hank for a little bit? My parents are in town and i gotta go take care of it. His lunch is on the stove."
"Yeah, of course," Iris smiled. "We could wait for you."
"Thanks," I smiled. "Hank, Aunt Iris and AUnt Caitlyn are here if you need anything. Mommy and Daddy will be back soon." Barry walked up to me. "Let's go." Barry held onto me and we appeared in Joe's office. "Hey Joe."
"You're late," Joe sighed. "They're waiting in the conference room."
"Thanks," I nodded. "Come on." Barry and I walked to the conference room. "Mom, Dad."
"Natalya Scott, why didn't you tell us you were getting married?" Mom asked.
"Because I knew you'd say I was too young," I replied. "You married Dad with no prior engagement."
"She's not wrong," Dad crossed his arms. "We just got married without thinking about it."
"Who's side are you on?" Mom asked. "Anyways, why didn't you tell us?"
"Well, I wasn't pregnant and I'm not having another kid soon," I replied. "Mom, I've been busy working at ---" Mine and Barry's phone beeped. We looked at it and then each other. Joe barged in and we looked at him. "Go, Barry. I'll get to STAR Labs as soon as I can. Go! It's Iris' distress call. Book it when you get out the building." Barry quickly walked out. "That's not what I meant."
"He's trying," Joe stated.
"I gotta get going," I nodded. "Barry's going to need help."
"I'll drive you to the lab," Joe replied.
"Thank you," I sighed. I handed my mom the card. "That's where I'm living." Joe and I got into his car and he drove us to STAR Labs. We walked inside. "How's it going, Cisco?"
"It's going," Cisco replied as he handed me a mic. I put it on. "Barry, your wife is here."
"I'm not his wife yet," I sighed.
"Natalya," Barry stated.
"Hey, Barry, how is it going?" I asked.
"Signs of a struggle at the apartment," Barry sighed. "I have Kara moving everything to our secondary location."
"How's Hank?" I asked. "Was he there? Is he okay?"
"He was in the closet that Caitlyn was guarding," Barry replied. "I think Caitlyn scared the perp away but after he grabbed Iris."
"Thank God for Killer Frost," I replied.
"Caitlyn and Hank are headed there now," Barry nodded. I looked at the screen and Barry's dot had stopped. "Okay."
"Why did you stop, Barry?" I asked.
"I'm going to need Cisco," Barry replied. Caitlyn walked in. "And Caitlyn." Iris walked in. "And you."
"Iris, you're okay," I replied.
"Yeah, the guy let me go," Iris replied. "Go help Barry. I can take care of Hank."
"Thanks," I sighed. I took of the microphone and picked up an earpiece. I put it on. "Cisco, we need a breach."
"Let's go," Cisco sighed as he put on his uniform. Caitlyn, Cisco, and I went through the breach. "Here we are."
"Why are you dressed like that, Caitlyn?" I asked.
"When Frost comes out, it's different," Caitlyn sighed.
Barry showed up in front of us. "Hey," I sighed.
"Get ready," Barry nodded. I got out my gun. "Okay, here we go."
"Can Frost come out now?" I asked.
"Yeah," Caitlyn nodded. Her hair turned platinum blonde and her eyes changed colors. "What have Caitlyn dragged you guys into now?"
"Now," Barry replied as a guy turned around the corner. I shot the guy but he grabbed the bullet but his hand turned to steel before he grabbed it. "This is why needed you." I emptied my whole magazine. "Let's go, guys."
"Barry, I'm out," I replied.
"Just my luck," the guy smiled.
"Cisco, get a breach for Natalya," Barry replied. "Back to the lab."
"Barry, I'm not leaving you," I nodded.
"Yeah, you are," Barry replied. He walked up to me. "I'll come back to you. Promise."
"Okay," I sighed. He gave me a kiss. I walked through the breach. "Hank." Hank ran up to me and I picked him up. "Iris, you got this?"
"Yeah, I got this, Nat," Iris nodded. "I'll come by later tonight and talk plans with you and Caitlyn."
"I was wondering if my mom can be a part?" I asked. "I already cut her out of six years of my life. I don't want her cut out of my wedding."
"I'll write her in," Iris smiled. "We'll talk more tonight. Go home and get a little rest."
"Thank you," I smiled. I took Hank to the secondary location. "Sorry we had to move."
"Mommy, are we going home?" Hank asked.
"We are home," I nodded. After forty five minutes, Barry walked through the door with Iris and Caitlyn. "Barry." I hugged him. "I'm glad your okay." There was a knock on the door. I opened it. "Mom, Dad. Come in." They walked in and I closed the door. "Sorry I gave you a different address. I was staying there until someone broke in. So, Barry had a friend of ours move our stuff to this second location."
"How many places do you own?" Mom asked.
"None, because this place is in my name," Barry replied. "I pay for everything. Natalya and Hank gets to have their time to themselves. Her paycheck goes to whatever her heart desires as well as our son."
"Is he ready for the responsibility?" Dad asked.
"Dad, it's been six years and Barry's been really helpful with Hank," I looked at Dad. "Come on, it's my fiance for God sake."
"Okay, here's a situation," Dad pointed. "Your family is on the other side of the city being attacked by some criminal and the CCPD is helping out on a different case on the opposite side." Barry nodded. "What do you do?"
"Well, Natalya is experienced and can take care of herself and Hank," Barry replied. "Get done with this case and help out my family."
"Drop everything you're doing to help your family," Mom replied. "Your family comes before anything. Even your job."
"Since Barry is marrying me, there's something you should know," I sighed. "Barry is The Flash. He could be in two places at once but he's right. I can hold my own."
"I like that he can be in two places at once," Dad smiled. "Welcome to the family, Barry Allen." Barry smiled as he shook Dad's hand. "Is that your full name?"
"My full name is Bartholomew Henry Allen but everyone calls me Barry," Barry replied. "And that's Hank Aaron Allen, my son."
"How's the wedding plans coming along?" Mom asked.
"Caitlyn is my maid of honor," I nodded. "She has my scrapbook. I have yet to go and buy a dress but I can get that soon."
"Cisco is the best man," Barry replied.
"Can we go to Quantico?" Mom asked. "I want you guys to spend some time there with the family for awhile. Bryant misses his big sister."
"How is Bryant?" I asked.
"He's fourteen years old, plays football for the high school freshman team," Mom replied. "He's the starting quarterback. Definitely takes after his dad."
"Barry, can you get us to Quantico?" I asked. "Parents place?"
"I thought we were going to talk wedding plans," Iris replied.
"Talk with Caitlyn," I smiled. "You guys can work from here. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call or text."
"I got this, Natalya," Caitlyn smiled. "We got this. Go. You're not leaving Central City unprotected."
"I know," I replied. "We got you and Cisco here. Arrow's in the next town over."
"Oliver's here?" Mom asked.
"She knows about Oliver Queen?" Caitlyn asked.
"Yeah, Oliver Queen is my uncle," I sighed. "That's why we act weirdly around each other because Barry and Oliver are friends and Oliver's my uncle and now Barry's my fiance. Anyways, Hank is going to stay here. He's got school." I nodded. "Let's just get to Quantico." Barry got us to Quantico and we walked into my parents house. "Mom, where's Barry going to sleep?"
"What do you mean?" Dad asked.
"Natalya and I don't sleep in the same bed, let alone the same room," Barry nodded. "We made that promise that we won't sleep in the same bed or room until we're married."
"I guess you can take the couch," Mom nodded.
"That works for me," Barry smiled.
"I'm going to go to the store," Dad replied.
"Okay," I sighed. "Mom, Barry and I are going to go for a walk. We'll be back." Barry and I left the house and started walking. "Sorry about all this."
"Your parents are something else," Barry nodded. He held my hand. "I can understand though."
"You can?" I asked.
"Yeah, I mean, it's your parents," Barry replied. "They only want what's best for you and I think they still see you as their little girl. Although, they have to realize that little girl is now twenty two." My phone started ringing and I looked at it. "Dad's gotta be a protector."
"A little too much," I nodded. "But that's just who he is." I picked up the phone and put it on speaker. "Hey there."
"Natalya, listen ---"
"Don't tell me you have a case, Dad," I sighed. "I just got back."
"No. No, no, no, no, no," Dad replied. "I'm on my way home. I swear, I'm coming home."
"Good," I replied. "Me, too." Barry and I walked a bit far from the house. We just kept walking. "I'll see you soon."
"Look, Natalya, you remember how you texted me a couple days ago saying we needed to talk?" Dad asked.
"Uh-huh," I nodded.
"Come on, now," Dad stated. "Natalya, you gotta tell me what this is about. At least give me a hint."
"No, Dad," I stated. "It's something we gotta talk face to face about."
"Look, if I'm coming home to a firing line, I think I deserve to know that," Dad sighed. "Nat, are you unhappy with your decision to only have me in your life as your father?"
"No," I nodded. "I'm happy with my decision."
"Sweetheart, you are driving me crazy, you know that?" Dad asked.
"It's what daughters do," I smiled.
"Ah," Dad sighed.
"Gotta what where you're goin', man," said a male voice.
"What?" Dad asked.
"You heard me," said the guy.
"You got a problem?" Dad asked.
"Yeah," said the guy. "Maybe you should watch where you're going."
"Dad, who are you talking to?" I asked.
"It's nothing, baby," Dad stated. "It's...It's nobody."
"Dad, what's going on?" I asked.
"I don't know," Dad replied. "I don't know."
"Dad?" I asked.
"Natalya, I was just --- I was just walking," Dad stated. Something was seriously wrong. I could just tell by his speech pattern. "Uhm..."
"Dad, talk to me," I stated. I looked at Barry and Barry knew something was happening. "Dad?!"
"Natalya, call Mom," Dad stated. "Call Mom! Call Mom!"
"Are you there?!" I exclaimed. "What's wrong? Dad! Dad!" There was no answer. "Dad! Are you there? What's wrong?" The line went dead. "Barry go!" Barry disappeared. I ran to the Bureau and called Mom. "Pick up."
"Hello," Mom picked up.
"Mom, can you come to the Bureau?" I asked. "I think something has happened to Dad."
"I'm on my way," Mom hung up.
"Thank you," I nodded. Barry showed up. "Barry, did you find anything?"
"No," Barry nodded. I hugged him. "It's going to be okay, babe. It's going to be alright. Your dad is a strong man." I nodded. "He's going to fight it, whatever it is that's happening. He's in the FBI. You've done nothing but speak so highly of your dad." I sighed. "Come on. You have to be strong for your dad."
"Natalya," Mom walked up to me. "Conference room, now." We followed Mom to the conference room. "Debrief us." I did and I sighed. "JJ and Reid are on their way back. Natalya, we need you and Barry on this."
"Of course," I nodded. JJ and Reid walked in. "What did you find?"
"No sign of him," Reid sighed. "But they left this in his car at the parking lot." I nodded as Mom grabbed the bag. "Could you tell us anything?"
"She said she thought she heard three attackers," Mom sighed. "And that Morgan sounded drugged before they cut off the call."
"Then it's a coordinated, planned, attack, most likely professional," JJ replied.
"We did just take down a network of online hitmen," Reid nodded. "But if this is blowback, why Morgan?"
"We have to assume that we're all targeted," Mom added. "I've put protective details on each of our families, but I want Natalya and Barry to stay here."
"What?" I asked.
"You and Barry are staying in your dad's office until this is resolved," Mom pointed at me. "Do not argue with me."
"I'm better to help when I'm in the field," I replied.
"You're not qualified," Mom looked at me.
"Then re-qualify me," I stopped Mom. "You can't keep me in the shadows forever. There are evils out there that you can't keep from me, Mom." I looked at her. "Mom, you need me."
"I have the team," Mom replied. "You and Barry will stay in your dad's office. Now, go."
"Fine," I sighed. Barry and I walked to my dad's office and I closed the door. "Barry, I can't."
"You're going to have to," Barry sighed. I sat down and he sat next to me. He hugged me. "It's going to be okay, Natalya. It'll be okay."
"He's going to be okay," I nodded. "He's going to be okay. He's going to be okay."
"He is," Barry replied as he kept his hold on me. "He's going to keep fighting for his family." There was a knock on the door and Mom walked in. "Have you found him?"
"No," Mom sighed. "But I want to tell you this and  you're going to be the first to know." I looked at her. "When we get your dad back, we're retiring from the FBI."
"You're only thirty seven years old," I replied.
"Natalya, your dad is probably hanging on for dear life right now," Mom let a tear slip. "If I lose your dad like this, I don't know what I'd do."
"Alee," Reid opened the door. "We got him."
"Get the helos in the air," Mom nodded. Mom got up. "Are you coming?"
"Yes," I nodded. I got up and Mom handed me a vest and a gun. "I'll be back, Barry."
"Be careful," Barry replied as he gave me a hug.
"Let's go," I replied. We went to the roof and got in one of the helicopters. I rode with JJ and Reid. We took off. We got to the house in the middle of nowhere. I went in front the back and saw a guy standing over Morgan. I shot four rounds and the guy fell to the floor. "Clear!" The rest of the team ran in. "Dad! Get a medic in here." They loaded him up and into the ambulance. I rode with him in the ambulance. "Come on, Dad." He started flatlining. "No, Dad." I held his left hand, the one that they didn't stab. "Stay with me, Dad. I can't do this alone. Mom can't do this alone." I looked at him. "Come on, damn it. I know damn well you're not going to let Bryant grow up without a father in his life. I was lucky enough that you came around to be in mine and I'm not letting you go that easily." They got him back. "Yes." We were in the hospital and I had fallen asleep. I woke up and Dad was awake. "Dad."
"Natalya," Dad stated. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" I asked.
"Not being there for you when you needed me most," Dad nodded.
"Dad, I love you," I smiled. "I love you so much."
"I love you too, sweetheart," Dad smiled.
Barry walked in with coffee. "I guess I'll come back later," Barry replied. Mom walked in. "I'll leave the family to it."
"No, I'm sure Mom and Dad has something to talk about," I smiled. "I'll be outside in the waiting room." Barry and I walked to the waiting room. He handed me the cup of coffee. "I'm happy, Barry."
"Because he's alive," Barry smiled.
"Well, yeah, because I want him to walk me down the aisle when we get married," I nodded. "Of course I'm going to have to talk to my biological dad about it because he won't be happy but it'll be okay."

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