Chap 5 "Winning"

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Natalya's POV
"Okay," I smiled. "Come on." Leah and I went up to my mom's room. We walked inside. The first thing that caught our eye was the cabinet of her cheer shrine. We walked up to it and looked at it. "Oh my God."
"Your mom was a cheerlebrity?" Leah asked.
"Since she was seven," I replied as I looked at the certificates and trophies in the case. I looked at the pictures. "Every single competition, every routine was new."
"Yeah," Leah sighed. "But you didn't wanna change routines until you knew what happened."
"I know," I sighed. "Leah, I'm handing over the captain spot to you after the competition."
"Why?" Leah asked.
"I'm going to be in the Bureau," I replied.
"In here," Mom replied as she walked in. She walked to the closet and got out a box. She pulled out a guy's outfit and a girl's outfit. "I thought maybe you could use this."
"Why?" I asked.
"Your routine is kind of similar to mine," Mom nodded. "This uniform was the first outfit I wore to my first teen competition."
"Great," I smiled. "We'll use these."
"I know," Mom nodded. Her phone vibrated and she looked at it. She poked her head out the door. "Morgan, start up the SUV."
"I am," Daddy stated.
"I want you to have fun," Mom sighed as she put her phone away. "But I won't be there. I will be on a case."
"Yeah, I know," I sighed. "You only made the first game of every year but never the last."
"I'm sorry," Mom nodded. She gave me a hug and a kiss. "I would be there if I could, but I have a career that won't allow me to take off every single day." I looked at her. "I could quit but I love my job. I'll see you after the case. You'll win it. I know it."
"I know," I smiled. I followed my Mom downstairs with Leah carrying the box. "Alright guys."
"Good luck everyone," Mom replied as she left through the door.
"Is everyone staying here tonight?" Grandpa asked.
"Yes, Grandpa," I smiled. He saw the outfits. "You remember these outfits?"
"Yeah," Grandpa nodded. He grabbed a scrapbook from the shelf and handed it to me. "Your mom was thirteen. She was tall for her age." I looked at him. "I had an agent go to her practices and competitions."
"Grandpa, can you and Bryant go to the competition?" I asked.
"Yes," Grandpa nodded. "And your dad will be there."
"But they just left on a case," Leah replied.
"She doesn't know about Drew," I nodded. "But Leah, Drew Ryan Scott is my biological dad. He's going to be there."
"That's good," Leah nodded. "At least you have all three of your parental figures to keep you steady on a path."
"Yeah, and my grandpa," I smiled. "He was the one who urged my mom to make me take a purity pledge and have the ball and everything." I looked at the clock. "Let's all get some sleep." Grandma smiled and left the living room. I waited for the whole team to sleep. I turned on the flashlight on my phone and shined it. I looked through the scrapbook and smiled. I decided to go to sleep. I woke up the next morning and got ready. I put on sweats over the outfit. So did everyone else. We went to the warehouse. "I hope we win this."
"Natalya," Uncle Oliver walked up to me.
"Hey," I smiled as I hugged him. "You're here?"
"On behalf of your mom," Uncle Oliver nodded. "She wants me to be involved in my niece's life. And nephew's."
"Natalya," Dad stated.
"Dad," I hugged him.
"Drew," Uncle Oliver stated.
"Oliver," Dad stated.
"I take it they don't like each other," Leah whispered.
"Nope," I sighed. "Sit on two different sides of the warehouse, okay? I don't need you throwing punches and being thrown in jail with Mom bailing you out, okay?" I looked at Uncle Oliver. "I don't usually like my uncles and aunts but you seem to have the number one spot."
"Come on," Leah nodded. We watched as the teams around the world performed. We were last. Cheer Goddess was ready to announce the winner. At that time, I saw my mom and my daddy walk in. "Looks like your parents made it after all."
"Probably a few minutes before they go on a case," I sighed. "She has a case file."
"And the winner of the worldwide showdown, the Hornets," Cheer Goddess stated. We cheered. "Thanks for watching. Cheer Goddess, out."
"We did it," I smiled as the tv shut down. My family walked up to me. "You made it."
"No, just the end to hear that you won," Mom nodded. I saw Tony walk in. "DiNozzo."
"Hi, Alee," Tony stated.
"Why are you here?" Mom asked.
"To offer Natalya a job," Tony nodded.
"No, no, no, no, no," Mom replied. "You're not recruiting her to NCIS."
"Why?" Tony asked.
"It's NCIS, that's why," Mom looked at him. "Gibbs left, you became the leader, Ziva left, and now you're out recruiting."
"And I'm guessing your daughter is off limits," Tony sighed.
"Yeah," Daddy nodded. "Does you no good here to recruit her."
"Yeah, I'll stick with the FBI," I replied. "Even if I was offered a job elsewhere."
"Good," Uncle Oliver smiled.
"I'm buying you a car," Dad smiled. "At the end of the school year."
"On her sixteenth birthday," Mom pointed. "Until then, she's driving a Civic."
"My daughter in a Civic?" Dad questioned. "You can have any car you want when we go buy you a car."
"The Civic was a family car," Mom nodded. "Now that we got the SUV, we were selling the Civic after the school year."
"Why?" I asked.
"Because we need room for your car," Mom smiled. "We got an Aston Martin Vanquish and an SUV at home. We need the third garage spot for your car and the fourth will go to your brother."
"We need a bigger home," I replied.
"More than welcome to move to DC," Uncle Oliver nodded. "I bought the house for your mom but she turned it down to stay in the house she has now."
"Only because I don't want my kids growing up under the Queen wealth," Mom replied. "Besides, not that it'll make a difference once she finishes this year."
"Why?" Uncle Oliver asked.
"I'll need this file back," Mom replied as she handed me the file. "Garcia will see you there everyday after school."
"What?" I smiled. I looked at the file. "Mom, I said I wanted to be a field agent."
"You can't while in school," Daddy nodded. Mom's and Daddy's cell rang. "Are you seriously kidding me right now?"
"Go," I replied. "You gotta keep these people off the streets."
"Ollie, you got it?" Mom asked.
"Go, Alee," Uncle Oliver nodded.
"Dad, you got Bryant?" Mom asked.
"Yes," Grandpa nodded.
"Go, before you're both out of a job," I smiled. Mom and Daddy left. "I got into the FBI."
"Congratulations," Grandpa smiled.
"Yeah," Dad nodded.
"Let's go, Natalya," Uncle Oliver smiled. "You're excuse for school for the rest of the year." I looked at him. "Meaning the next seven months."
"That's the rest of the school year, till May," I nodded. "Where are we going?"
"To Metropolis," Uncle Oliver smiled. "You're getting to get some tech training with Chloe Sullivan and you're going to be let in on a covert op that I'm running."
"That's so cool," I smiled. "I know I gotta start somewhere to get somewhere and I'm glad my family is supporting me through it all." I looked at everyone. "I'm just glad my career's set."

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