Five: Groupchat

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SeBBY💕: okay
SeBBY💕: I am sorry in advance

Lottie💕: what are you talking about??

Lottie💕 was added to world's THICKEST heroes group chat

SeBBY💕: I'm sorry they made me

Unknown: yeah, we "made" You
Unknown: can you believe this guy

Lottie💕: we can talk about that after I
have everyone's number saved

Unknown: I'm Evans

Lottie💕 saved unknown as Merica 🇺🇸

Unknown: This is Robert

Lottie💕 saved unknown as Tony Stark 💥

Unknown: Scar Jo and omg have I told you that I am obsessed with your brows???

Lottie💕 saved unknown as Nat Widow 🕷

Lottie💕: no but I now that I know this
I'm not crying you are

Unknown: Hemsworth

Lottie💕 saved unknown as God of thunda ⚡️

Lottie💕: i feel more blessed every time someone texts in this chat


Lottie💕 saved unknown as on your left

Unknown: Mark Ruffalo

Lottie💕 saved unknown as Dr.Hulk👨🏻‍🔬

Unknown: Jeremy Renee here and I am living for these contact names

Lottie💕 saved unknown as arrow guy 🏹

SeBBY💕: I think that's everyone

Merica🇺🇸: can I just say
Merica🇺🇸: I'm in love with Riley

on your left: Riley????

Lottie💕: wow
Lottie💕: I feel all the love here
Lottie💕: Riley is the name of my character on Supernatural
Lottie💕: since Evans is the only one who knew that, You wanna come and binge watch How I Met Your Mother and eat hot wings???

Merica🇺🇸: as much as I would love to take you up on that offer
Merica🇺🇸: I can't do that to my boy

SeBBY💕: Char!
SeBBY💕: I told you I was on season three

Nat Widow🕷: i knew who Riley was
Nat Widow🕷: she's like a mini Nat

God of thunda⚡️: that's a perfect description of Riley

SeBBY 💕: wow
SeBBY💕: thanks guys
SeBBY 💕: for making me look good

Dr.Banner👨🏻‍🔬: no problem sweaty :)

Lottie💕: I love this chat
Lottie💕: Sebastian remove yourself

SeBBY💕 has left the chat

Lottie💕 added SeBBY💕 to the chat

Lottie💕: baby I was kidding

on your left: BABY????
on your left: I'm crying

SeBBY💕: idk idk man
SeBBY💕: i think I might need another date might be in order for me to get over this

Lottie💕: You don't have to blackmail me
Lottie💕: I'd have done it willingly :)

Tony Stark💥: *whispers* ship

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