Twenty: Texts

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Sebastard🤧: how did the date go???

Darcy🤢: I'd like to think it went pretty well but you'd have to ask her

Sebastard🤧: I already did
Sebastard🤧: I'm like your wingman
Sebastard🤧: I'm Barney and you're ted

Darcy🤢: I'm not Char
Darcy🤢: I've seen like 4 episodes of HIMYM

Sebastard🤧: wow you're a disgrace
Sebastard🤧: how are you Charlotte's best friend?
Sebastard🤧: I am confusion

Darcy🤢: wanna know something?

Sebastard🤧: what??

Darcy🤢: I kissed her
Darcy🤢: she hasn't texted me
Darcy🤢: what if I fucked up by kissing her?

Sebastard🤧: she just told me about the kiss
Sebastard🤧:She said she didn't know that a kiss could make you feel like you've seen the universe
Sebastard🤧: so I'm gonna go on a limb and say it went well

Darcy🤢: she said that?
Darcy🤢: tell her to text me and that I'm worrying about her

Sebastard🤧: okay
Sebastard🤧: you know
Sebastard🤧: Lottie told me that you haven't dated anyone since you came out as bisexual
Sebastard🤧: Liz will treat you right, she's going through the same thing as you, she came out only two years ago
Sebastard🤧: you'll be good for each other

Darcy🤢: thanks Seb
Darcy🤢: it was really hard for me
Darcy🤢: my parents are very religious and were already mad about me wanting to go into acting and when I told them i was into guys and girls they lost it
Darcy🤢: I'm so grateful for Charlotte, she let me into her home and let me be myself
Darcy🤢: it felt so good to be around her bc I wasn't allowed to do anything at home with my parents
Darcy🤢: and when everything with Paul happened she was a wreck and I had to be there for her and to be perfectly honest I didn't think she'd ever let anyone in again
Darcy🤢: but you, you broke the walls she built around herself when she came home and told me she told you she loved you
Darcy🤢: I knew everything was right in the world again
Darcy🤢: so thanks for loving and being there for my baby and thanks for introducing me to Liz

Sebastard🤧: it's no problem at all Darcy
Sebastard🤧: I'm always here if you wanna ever talk
Sebastard🤧: me and Char are also co-captains to the ship we call #darcibeth

Darcy🤢: and you're back to being a Sebastard

Mercy // Sebastian Stan //Where stories live. Discover now