Forty Six: Texts

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Charlotte 💕: Hey, I know we haven't talked since we broke up
Charlotte💕: I don't even want to talk to you now
Charlotte💕: but Darcy has convinced me that it's the right thing to do
Charlotte 💕: she's the meanest person I know and she's making me be nice to you, of all people
Charlotte💕: well first, I'm seeing someone, but you know that bc you liked my post
Charlotte💕: he's nice, he's sweet and British
Charlotte💕: hope all is well with Diana
Charlotte💕: now for the real reason I came to talk to you.
Charlotte💕: I'm pregnant and it's yours ofc
Charlotte💕: I don't expect anything from you but I did want to let you know.
Charlotte💕: I'm still upset but I wish you the best.


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