Forty: Real Life

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"Care to explain yourself?" Darcy asked her best friend.

"Yeah, what the hell Charlotte?" Sebastian asked with an annoyed look.

Chris just sat playing with his hands. They were all in the kitchen. Charlotte was upset but also scared and embarrassed. She met with Paul earlier that week but only Chris knew about it. For exactly this reason, to avoid confrontation. Now she sat doing exactly that, confronting the situation.

"We met for a coffee, I'm tired of being so awkward around them. We're all adults, I should get over it." She shrugged.

"He cheated on you!" Darcy yelled.

"I know that! But it was three years ago! I'm with Sebastian and I'm happy! It's not worth holding a grudge and being negative about! Yes, I'm still a little hurt but I can see past it!" Charlotte yelled back.

"Why didn't you tell us about it?" Sebastian asked.

"To avoid this! I knew you guys would be upset." She sighed.

"Oh, but you told Chris?" Sebastian asked and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I did, but he told me not to either." She looked down.

"So confided in him and not your boyfriend or best friend?" Sebastian asked with hurt laced in his voice.

"Sebastian, how would that sound? Hey, babe, by the way, I'm gonna go have lunch with my ex-boyfriend; be back in an hour! I didn't want you to look at me how you're looking at me right now!" She had tears prickling in her eyes.

"Did something happen?" He asked.

Charlotte let out a loud gasp. "How fucking dare you? You're accusing me of cheating? Are you fucking serious? With the man that cheated on me?" Tears were streaming down her face now.

Darcy and Chris had no idea what to do in the situation they were in. Too scared that they'd say the wrong thing.

"It was a simple question Charlotte." He looked her in the eyes.

"Get out! Get out of my house! I don't want to even look at you right now!" She screamed at him and ran up to her room.

Darcy wanted to follow her but knew it was best to let her have some time. Chris looked at his best friend with annoyance. He honestly couldn't believe that he would accuse her of such a thing. Sebastian was looking at his shoes, realizing what he just did. He knew he just jeopardized his relationship. Chris stood up and walked out the door.

"Nice fucking move." Darcy scoffed. "You know your way out."

She walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Sebastian just stood at the island, looking down. He wanted to yell, but there was no one to yell at but himself. Why would he even say that? He knew she wouldn't dare ever do something like that.

He finally collected himself and walked out the front door. Once he was almost to his house he realized he didn't grab any of his things. He also realized that his house wasn't home because home was where she was. Home was Charlotte and he felt so alone in that house. After what just happened, God only knows how long until Sebastian could come home.

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