Twenty Seven: Real Life

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She met Sebastian at his house so they could go to the premiere together. She walked up to the door and as she was about to ring the bell the door opened to Sebastian in a suit. She had to refrain from her mouth dropping open at how dashing he looked. She gave him a smile before giving him a hug.

"Hey, beautiful." He said hugging her back and kissing her temple.

"Hello handsome, you look good enough to eat." She teased as they walked to his car.

"I know, I've had this outfit planned for months," Sebastian told her. "You look stunning darling."

"Sebastian, such a charmer." She smirked as he opened the car door for her.

"I shall not tell lies." He kissed her hand before helping her inside.

They arrived at the premiere together and saw Chris Evans arrived at the same time they did. They walked over and had a little chat. Someone approached them, it was Scar. They all had a small chat before walking the red carpet. The couple tried to look as much as a couple as possible. He kept whispering in her ear which would make her laugh and make a great photo.

Next came the interviews. The first woman came up to them.

"You two look lovely tonight." The interviewer said.

"Thanks, Darcy helped pick this out," Charlotte told her.

"I always look this good." Sebastian smiled.

"The internet has been going crazy over you two, what's going on here?" She questioned.

"He's like my best friend, can't get enough of him." She said and put her head on his shoulder.

"Can't say the same, she's a bad hog and is terrible at sharing." He chuckled.

Someone called their names which meant it was time for them to head inside. They said their thank you's and goodbye's and headed into the theater. He looked down at her with a look of adoration and kissed her softly. She smiled into the kiss and held his hand as they walked in.

Mercy // Sebastian Stan //Where stories live. Discover now