Sixty Two: Real Life

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Sebastian and Charlotte were sitting on the couch watching The Magicians and eating popcorn. Charlotte had placed the bowl on her belly as they watched. It was a pretty interesting show and they were both captivated.

"Ow." Charlotte winced.

"You okay?" Sebastian asked turning to her.

"Yeah, they're kicking is all." She smiled and winced when she felt another pain.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked her again.

"Yes, press play, Quentin was about to do something." She took the remote.

Another twenty minutes later she felt a pain again.

"Fuck." She moaned.

"Okay, are you sure you're fine?" Sebastian stood up.

"Yes, bring me some cookies." She breathed through her nose.

He came back with four chocolate chip cookies. They managed to get through a whole episode without any more pain. At the start of the next episode, she winced in pain.

"Okay, that's it. I'm getting the hospital bag and we are going." Sebastian got up and walked towards the stairs.

"No, sit, please. I'm fine. Let me just watch the fucking show, ow." She looked at him. "Fine, but bring the tablet, now I want to know what happens."

"God, you got more stubborn during this pregnancy," Sebastian mumbled as he went upstairs.

"Shut up." She said as she went into the kitchen.

She rubbed her belly and smiled. This meant she'd see her babies soon. She felt another pain and grimaced.

"You little shits."

"What have I said about talking to them like that?" Sebastian groaned when he heard her.

"Hey, they are hurting me. You should be protecting me. Also, you try having two humans push on your uterus." She waddled over to Sebastian.

"I love you." He kissed her.

"I love you too." She smiled and groaned again.

"Okay, let's hurry up, I don't want your baby grossness in my car." Sebastian helped her out to the car.

"Wow, my boyfriend everyone."


They got to the hospital and they got set up in their very nice room. Charlotte got into her hospital clothes she had packed and they hooked her up to the machines. Her contractions were about an hour apart. The nurse told her that hopefully, they would be seeing their little bundles of joy soon.

Sebastian somehow managed to squeeze himself into the bed and they watched their show. About two hours later a pregnant Darcy and Chris walked in.

"God, I don't want to do this anymore, it looks terrible," Darcy said with a hand on her stomach.

"Little too late for that babe." Chris chuckled and kissed her cheek. "How are the little guys?"  He asked after hugging Sebastian and kissing Charlotte's forehead.

Mercy // Sebastian Stan //Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang